autotest / tp-libvirt

Test Provider for Libvirt and related virtualization backends
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create_lxc test failure #16

Open jferlan opened 10 years ago

jferlan commented 10 years ago

A tp-libvirt commit without a pull request added the create_lxc test, see:

This test fails in my f19/f20 environment (with both the provided and an upstream libvirt git head build).

These need to be resolved. The failures are as follows:

Failure 1:

04:48:43 DEBUG| KVM userspace version: Unknown
04:48:43 INFO | Libvirt VM 'lxc_test_vm1', driver 'lxc', uri 'lxc:///'
04:48:43 DEBUG| device is [{'xml': <open file '/tmp/xml_utils_temp_CmEfKE.xml', mode 'wb+' at 0x464deb0>, 'virsh': <module 'virttest.virsh' from '/home/virt-test/virttest/virsh.pyc'>, 'validates': None, 'device_tag': 'emulator', 'xmltreefile': None}, {'xml': <open file '/tmp/xml_utils_temp_czDymv.xml', mode 'wb+' at 0x464d108>, 'virsh': <module 'virttest.virsh' from '/home/virt-test/virttest/virsh.pyc'>, 'validates': None, 'device_tag': 'console', 'xmltreefile': None}]
04:48:43 DEBUG| xml is <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<domain type="lxc"><name>lxc_test_vm1</name><memory>500000</memory><currentMemory>500000</currentMemory><vcpu>1</vcpu><os><type arch="x86_64">exe</type><init>/bin/sh</init></os><devices><emulator>/usr/libexec/libvirt_lxc</emulator><console type="pty" /></devices></domain>
04:48:44 INFO | Domain lxc_test_vm1 created, will check with console
04:48:46 DEBUG| Sending command: lsof|grep '^sh.*/tmp/foo'
04:48:46 DEBUG| Sending command: echo $?
04:48:46 DEBUG| Destroying VM
04:48:46 DEBUG| Trying to shutdown VM with shell command
04:48:46 DEBUG| No MAC defined for NIC #0
04:48:46 DEBUG| Releasing MAC addresses for vm lxc_test_vm1.
04:48:46 DEBUG| Checking image file /home/virt-test/shared/data/images/jeos-19-64.qcow2
04:48:46 DEBUG| Running '/bin/qemu-img info /home/virt-test/shared/data/images/jeos-19-64.qcow2'
04:48:46 DEBUG| Running '/bin/qemu-img check /home/virt-test/shared/data/images/jeos-19-64.qcow2'
04:48:46 ERROR|
04:48:46 ERROR| Traceback (most recent call last):
04:48:46 ERROR|   File "/home/virt-test/virttest/", line 213, in run_once
04:48:46 ERROR|     run_func(self, params, env)
04:48:46 ERROR|   File "/home/virt-test/test-providers.d/downloads/io-github-autotest-libvirt/libvirt/tests/src/virsh_cmd/domain/", line 83, in run
04:48:46 ERROR|     raise error.TestFail("Can not find file %s in container" % i)
04:48:46 ERROR| TestFail: Can not find file /tmp/foo in container
04:48:46 ERROR|
04:48:46 ERROR| FAIL -> TestFail: Can not find file /tmp/foo in container
04:48:46 INFO |

Failure 2:

04:48:47 DEBUG| KVM userspace version: Unknown
04:48:47 DEBUG| device is [{'xml': <open file '/tmp/xml_utils_temp_McvyOf.xml', mode 'wb+' at 0x464d780>, 'virsh': <module 'virttest.virsh' from '/home/virt-test/virttest/virsh.pyc'>, 'validates': None, 'device_tag': 'emulator', 'xmltreefile': None}, {'xml': <open file '/tmp/xml_utils_temp_T44oBj.xml', mode 'wb+' at 0x464dbd0>, 'virsh': <module 'virttest.virsh' from '/home/virt-test/virttest/virsh.pyc'>, 'validates': None, 'device_tag': 'console', 'xmltreefile': None}]
04:48:47 DEBUG| xml is <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<domain type="lxc"><name>lxc_test_vm1</name><memory>500000</memory><currentMemory>500000</currentMemory><vcpu>1</vcpu><os><type arch="x86_64">exe</type><init>/bin/sh</init></os><devices><emulator>/usr/libexec/libvirt_lxc</emulator><console type="pty" /></devices></domain>
04:48:49 DEBUG| Sending command: lsof|grep '^sh.*/tmp/foo'
04:48:49 DEBUG| Sending command: echo $?
04:48:49 DEBUG| Destroying VM
04:48:49 DEBUG| Trying to shutdown VM with shell command
04:48:49 DEBUG| No MAC defined for NIC #0
04:48:49 DEBUG| Releasing MAC addresses for vm lxc_test_vm1.
04:48:49 DEBUG| Checking image file /home/virt-test/shared/data/images/jeos-19-64.qcow2
04:48:49 DEBUG| Running '/bin/qemu-img info /home/virt-test/shared/data/images/jeos-19-64.qcow2'
04:48:49 DEBUG| Running '/bin/qemu-img check /home/virt-test/shared/data/images/jeos-19-64.qcow2'
04:48:50 ERROR|
04:48:50 ERROR| Traceback (most recent call last):
04:48:50 ERROR|   File "/home/virt-test/virttest/", line 213, in run_once
04:48:50 ERROR|     run_func(self, params, env)
04:48:50 ERROR|   File "/home/virt-test/test-providers.d/downloads/io-github-autotest-libvirt/libvirt/tests/src/virsh_cmd/domain/", line 83, in run
04:48:50 ERROR|     raise error.TestFail("Can not find file %s in container" % i)
04:48:50 ERROR| TestFail: Can not find file /tmp/foo in container
04:48:50 ERROR|
04:48:50 ERROR| FAIL -> TestFail: Can not find file /tmp/foo in container

Failure 3:

04:48:50 DEBUG| KVM version: 3.12.8-200.fc19.x86_64
04:48:50 DEBUG| KVM userspace version: Unknown
04:48:50 DEBUG| device is [{'xml': <open file '/tmp/xml_utils_temp_s511s7.xml', mode 'wb+' at 0x464dbd0>, 'virsh': <module 'virttest.virsh' from '/home/virt-test/virttest/virsh.pyc'>, 'validates': None, 'device_tag': 'emulator', 'xmltreefile': None}, {'xml': <open file '/tmp/xml_utils_temp_Hhaw9Z.xml', mode 'wb+' at 0x464d780>, 'virsh': <module 'virttest.virsh' from '/home/virt-test/virttest/virsh.pyc'>, 'validates': None, 'device_tag': 'console', 'xmltreefile': None}]
04:48:50 DEBUG| xml is <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<domain type="lxc"><name>lxc_test_vm1</name><memory>500000</memory><currentMemory>500000</currentMemory><vcpu>1</vcpu><os><type arch="x86_64">exe</type><init>/bin/sh</init></os><devices><emulator>/usr/libexec/libvirt_lxc</emulator><console type="pty" /></devices></domain>
04:48:52 DEBUG| Sending command: lsof|grep '^sh.*/tmp/foo'
04:48:52 DEBUG| Sending command: echo $?
04:48:52 DEBUG| Destroying VM
04:48:52 DEBUG| Trying to shutdown VM with shell command
04:48:52 DEBUG| No MAC defined for NIC #0
04:48:53 DEBUG| Releasing MAC addresses for vm lxc_test_vm1.
04:48:53 DEBUG| Checking image file /home/virt-test/shared/data/images/jeos-19-64.qcow2
04:48:53 DEBUG| Running '/bin/qemu-img info /home/virt-test/shared/data/images/jeos-19-64.qcow2'
04:48:53 DEBUG| Running '/bin/qemu-img check /home/virt-test/shared/data/images/jeos-19-64.qcow2'
04:48:53 ERROR|
04:48:53 ERROR| Traceback (most recent call last):
04:48:53 ERROR|   File "/home/virt-test/virttest/", line 213, in run_once
04:48:53 ERROR|     run_func(self, params, env)
04:48:53 ERROR|   File "/home/virt-test/test-providers.d/downloads/io-github-autotest-libvirt/libvirt/tests/src/virsh_cmd/domain/", line 83, in run
04:48:53 ERROR|     raise error.TestFail("Can not find file %s in container" % i)
04:48:53 ERROR| TestFail: Can not find file /tmp/foo in container
04:48:53 ERROR|
04:48:53 ERROR| FAIL -> TestFail: Can not find file /tmp/foo in container
jferlan commented 10 years ago

Hmm... this does not fail using top of libvirt git head. Must be some fix within libvirt. Not sure which one though.