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JH: fenics configuration and elasticity example problem #15

Closed hovey closed 1 year ago

hovey commented 1 year ago

If you can please paste notes (markdown is supported) and include any images that would be helpful.

hovey commented 1 year ago

2022-09-22: Wrap up mtg with JH. Solving PDEs in minutes-the FEniCS tutorial volume 1

hovey commented 1 year ago

Notes on Installing FENICS onto a Windows machine JH 9/22/2022

All FENICS sims, including code description, implementation, theory, and results, are explained in the User's Manual.

Running FENICS: cd to FENICS_FOLDER/pub/python/vol1

Run any of these using similar to: python3

There are errors in the original FENICS codes. Errors in their code:

Error in ft02: "interactive is not defined", open the .py files and change interactive() to: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Error in ft03: replace array() with: get_local() replace interactive() with: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Error in ft04: same as ft03

Error in ft05: same as ft03

Error in ft06: same as ft03, and add to the beginning: from ufl import nabla_div

Potential fixes for plotting errors in ft06:

Location of FENICS home folder from my Windows machine: C:\Users\jhoganc\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc\LocalState\rootfs\home\fenics

hovey commented 1 year ago

Ubuntu on Windows notes