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Source to language attributed issues #3

Open d97hah opened 7 years ago

d97hah commented 7 years ago

I had a quick look over Autotyp references and the Autotyp languages (in register.csv they are attributed to). The register.csv languages have associated iso-639-3 and Glottocodes. Below is a list of sources I don't think are compatible with the corresponding iso-639-3 or Glottocode. The format is simply

Autotyp_language_id: Autotyp_language_name [iso-639-3] [glottocode]

HH: My comment/explanation as to why the attribution should be otherwise

Sources attributed to that autotyp language affected by the comment

299: Nandi [niq] [nand1266]:

HH: Nandi [niq] refers to a Nilotic language in Kenya, described in this book:

Creider, C. A. & J. T. Creider. (1989) A grammar of Nandi (Nilo-Saharan v. 4.) Hamburg: H. Buske. [Nandi language Grammar -- 299 -- Nandi [niq] -- 172]

HH: These references deal with a Bantu language in NE DRC Kinande [nnb]

No Author Stated. (2001) Tone in the infinitive in Kinande: an OT analysis. In Ngessimo M. Mutaka, Sammy B. Chumbow & Larry N. (in honor of) Hyman (eds.), Research mate in African linguistics: Focus on Cameroon. A fieldworker's tool for deciphering the stories Cameroonian languages have to tell. In honor of Professor Larry N. Hyman. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 299 -- Nandi (autotyp: 299 niq nand1266) = Nandi [niq]]

Black, Cheryl A. (1995) Boundary tones on word-initial domains in Kinande. Phonology 12(1). 1-38. [ -- 299 -- Nande [nnb] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

Downing, Laura. (2000) Morphological and prosodic constraints on Kinande verbal reduplication. Phonology 17(1). 1-38. [ -- 299 -- Nande [nnb] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

Mutaka, Ngessimo M. (1995) Vowel harmony in Kinande. Journal of West African Languages 25(2). 42-55. [ -- 299 -- Nande [nnb] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

Mutaka, Ngessimo M. (2000) Interaction of Imbrication and Reduplication in Kinande. Journal of West African Languages 28(1). 33-47. [ -- 299 -- Nande [nnb] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

Mutaka, Ngessimo & Larry M. Hyman. (1990) Syllables and morpheme integrity in Kinande. Phonology 7(1). 73-119. [ -- 299 -- Nande [nnb] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

342: Sahaptin [tqn] [teni1238]:

HH: These two items deal with Yakima or N Sahaptin whereas [tqn] is for Tenino (Southern Sahaptin)

Jacobs, M. (1931) A sketch of northern Sahaptin grammar (University of Washington Publications in Anthropology 4:2). Seattle: University of Washington. [ -- 342 -- Kliketat = NW Sahaptin = Yakima = Yakama [yak] -- 85-292]

Jansen, Joana. (1966) The grammatical coding of the inverse category in Sahaptin / Ichishkíin. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 342 -- Sahaptin (autotyp: 342 tqn teni1238) = Tenino [tqn]]

2697: Sahaptin (Northern) [waa] [wall1238]:

HH: As above, Jansen describes NW Sahaptin which is Northwest Sahaptin [yak] rather than Northeast Sahaptin [waa]

Jansen, Joana. (1966) Plurality and inverse marking in 3>3 scenarios in Northwest Sahaptin. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2697 -- Sahaptin (Northern) (autotyp: 2697 waa wall1238) = Northeast Sahaptin [waa]]

130: Kewa [kew] [west2599]:

HH: This paper deal with Kewa in Muli a hamlet near the Iaro river halfway between the Ialibu and Kagua patrol posts = East Kewa [kjs]

Franklin, K. J. (1967) Kewa Sentence Structure (Papers in New Guinea Linguistics No. 7, Pacific Linguistics, Series A, No. 13). Canberra: Australian National University. [ -- 130 -- East Kewa [kjs] -- 27-59]

HH: This deals exclusively with West Kewa (from Usa village) = West Kewa [kew]

Franklin, K. J. (1971) A grammar of Kewa, New Guinea. Canberra: Pacific linguistics [C - 16]. [Kewa language Grammar word domains -- 130 -- Kewa-West [kew] -- ix+138]

2796: Yugh [yuu] [yugh1239]:

HH: Iso-639-3 had two different codes [yuu] and [yug] and it seems [yug] survived.

Werner, H. (1997) Das Jugische (Sym-Ketische). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. [ -- 2796 -- Yugh [yug] -- x+310]

1830: Katu [ktv] [east1236]:

HH: These deal with Ketu in LAO PDR so Western Katu [kuf]:

Costello, Nancy A. & Khamluan Sulavan. (1996) Preliminary statement of Katu orthography in Lao script. Mon-Khmer Studies 26. 233-244. [ -- 1830 -- Eastern Katu [ktv]]

Costello, Nancy A. (1998) Affixes in Katu of the Lao P. D. R.. Mon-Khmer Studies 28. 31-42. [ -- 1830 -- Western Katu [kuf]]

1110: Carolinian [cal] [caro1242]:

HH: This should be Cahuilla [chl] not Carolinian

Bright, William. (1979) Hispanisms in Cahuilla. Journal of California & Great Basin Anthropology Papers in Linguistics 1. . [ -- 1110 -- Carolinian (autotyp: 1110 cal caro1242) = Carolinian [cal]]

55: Chontal (Highland) [chd] [high1242]:

HH: These indeed deal with Highland Chontal [chd]

Turner, Paul. (1971) Chontal to Spanish - English, Spanish to Chontal. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 55,1163 -- Chontal (Highland) (autotyp: 55 chd high1242) = Highland Oaxaca Chontal [chd], Chontal (Huamelultec Oaxaca) (autotyp: 1163 clo lowl1260) = Lowland Oaxaca Chontal [clo]]

Turner,, P. & Shirley Turner. (1971) Chontal to Spanish-English dictionary. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. [ -- 55,1163 -- Chontal (Highland) (autotyp: 55 chd high1242) = Highland Oaxaca Chontal [chd], Chontal (Huamelultec Oaxaca) (autotyp: 1163 clo lowl1260) = Lowland Oaxaca Chontal [clo]]

HH: But this deals with Lowland Chontal [clo]

Waterhouse, V. (1962) The Grammatical Structure of Oaxaca Chontal (IJAL 28:2.II. Indiana Research Center in Anthropology, Folklore, and Linguistics, Publication 19). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. [ -- 55,1163 -- Lowland Oaxaca Chontal [clo] -- 128]

409: Wintu [wnw] [wint1259]:

HH: Wintu [wnw] was split making Wintu proper [wit]

1739: Kusunda [kgg] [kusu1250]:

HH: Something's wrong here Watters Kusunda was published in 2006 not 1966 ALH.

Watters, David. (1966) Notes on Kusunda Grammar. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia (ALH) X(1). . [word domains -- 1739 -- Kusunda (autotyp: 1739 kgg kusu1250) = Kusunda [kgg]]

24: Arapesh [aon] [bumb1241]:

HH: The variety described in Fortune 1942 is the Rohwim dialect of Bukiyip/Mountain Arapesh [ape] rather than Bumbita [aon]

Fortune, R. F. (1942) Arapesh (Publications of the American Ethnological Society, 19). New York: J. J. Augustin. [ -- 24 -- Rohwim dialect of Bukiyip/Mountain Arapesh [ape] -- 237]

2449: Ma'ya [slz] [maya1282]:

HH: The paper deals with Qanjobal Maya [kjb] not Misool-Salawati Ma'ya [slz] (an Austronesian language)

Mateo Pedro, Pedro. (1966) Acquisition of the ergative constraint in Q'anjob'al Maya. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2449 -- Ma'ya (autotyp: 2449 slz maya1282) = Misool-Salawati Ma'ya [slz]]

1625: Huave (San Mateo del Mar) [huv] [sanm1287]:

No Author Stated. (1996) Loan Phonology in Huave: Nativization and the Ranking of Faithfulness Constraints. In The Proceedings of the 15th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 15). [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1625 -- Huave (San Mateo del Mar) (autotyp: 1625 huv sanm1287) = San Mateo del Mar Huave [huv]]

K. Stairs, A. Glenn & E. F. Scharfe de Stairs. (1981) Diccionario Huave de San Mateo del Mar (Serie de Vocabularios y diccionarios Indígenas "Mariano Silva y Aceves", 24). México: SIL. [ -- 106,1625 -- Huave (autotyp: 106 hve sand1278) = San Dionisio del Mar Huave [hve], Huave (San Mateo del Mar) (autotyp: 1625 huv sanm1287) = San Mateo del Mar Huave [huv]]

2680: Uzbek (Northern) [uzb] [uzbe1247]:

HH: The code for N Uzbek is Northern Uzbek [uzn]

No Author Stated. (1999) Typological notes on aspect and actionality in Kipchak Turkic. In W. et al. Abraham (ed.), Tense-Aspect, Transitivity and Causativity. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2680 -- Uzbek (Northern) (autotyp: 2680 uzb uzbe1247) = UNKNOWN [uzb]]

Beckwith, Christopher I. (1998) Noun Specification and Classification in Uzbek. Anthropological Linguistics (AL) 40(1). . [ -- 2680 -- Uzbek (Northern) (autotyp: 2680 uzb uzbe1247) = UNKNOWN [uzb]]

Krippes, Karl A. (1998) The resurgence of Arabo-Persian Vocabulary in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan. General Linguistics 36(3). . [ -- 2680 -- Uzbek (Northern) (autotyp: 2680 uzb uzbe1247) = UNKNOWN [uzb]]

805: Uzbek [uzb] [uzbe1247]:

HH: Not clear why you need two languages 805 and 2680 linking to [uzb]

Klein, Udo & Klaus von Heusinger. (1966) Two indefinite articles in Uzbek. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 805 -- Uzbek (autotyp: 805 uzb uzbe1247) = UNKNOWN [uzb]]

681: Khanty [kca] [khan1273]:

HH: Glottolog khan1273 maps specifically to Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty (which is not intelligible either to Vasyugan-Alexandrovo-Vakh-Yugan Khanty or Obdorsk Khanty)

Filchenko, Andrey Yuri. (2007) A grammar of Eastern Khanty. [No publisher stated] doctoral dissertation. [ -- 681 -- Dialects of Vasyugan-Alexandrovo-Vakh-Yugan Khanty = Eastern Khanty = Far Eastern Khanty [NOCODE_Vach-Vasjugan] -- xxvi+588]

Nikolaeva, Irina A. (1999) Ostyak (Languages of the world. Materials, 305). München; Newcastle: LINCOM Europa. [Chanty Language Description Uralic -- 681 -- Sob subdialect of Obdorsk Ostyak = Obdorsk Khanty [NOCODE_Obdorsk-Khanty] -- 106]

689: Rarámuri [tac] [lowl1265]:

HH: Cohen describes Samachique Tarahumara which is Tarahumara-Central [tar] rather than Lowland Tarahumara [tac].

Cohen, Diana. (1998) A grammatical description of Tarahumara. [No publisher stated] doctoral dissertation. [ -- 689 -- Samachique Tarahumara = Tarahumara-Central [tar] -- 459]

361: Swahili [swa] [swah1253]:

HH: There's no iso-code [swa]. Except one about Chimwiini:

Kisseberth, Charles W./Mohammad Imam Abasheik. (1975) The perfect stem in Chi-Mwi:ni and global rules. Studies in African Linguistics 6(3). . [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

All your refs seem to deal with "normal" Swahili [swh]:

No Author Stated. (1995) Aren‘t you going to greet me? Impoliteness in Swahili greetings. In Yankah Kwesi (ed.), Discursive Strategies in Africa. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

No Author Stated. (1998) Some Remarks about Locative Classes in Modern Swahili. In Petr Zima & Vladimír Tax (eds.), Language and Location in Space and Time. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

No Author Stated. (2000) Noun Class as Number in Swahili. In Contini-Morava et al. (ed.), Between Grammar and Lexicon. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Ashton, E. (1947) Swahili Grammar. Second Edition. London: Longmans Green & Co. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Barrett-Keach, Camillia N. (1987) Phonological allomorphy in Swahili: on the form of inanimate pronominal clitics. Studies in African Linguistics 18(3). 263-298. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Combettes, Bernard. (1992) Formes verbales et subordination en swahili. Verbum 4. . [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Contini Morava, Ellen. (1976) Statistical demonstration of a meaning: the Swahili locatives in existencial assertions. Studies in African Linguistics 7(2). . [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Drolc, Ursula. (2000) Zur Typologie des Perfekts (am Beispiel des Swahili). In Walter Breu (ed.), Probleme der Interaktion von Lexik und Aspekt (ILA). Tübingen: Niemeyer. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Drolc, Uschi. (2001) Textlinguistische Funktionen der Swahili-Morpheme ka und ki. Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere (AAP) 68. (?). [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Hawkinson, Annie K. (1979) Homonymy versus unity of form: the particle -a in Swahili. Studies in African Linguistics 10(1). 81-109. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Johansen, Aimee. (2003) Why Kiswahili adopted the words for six, seven and nine. Studies in African Linguistics 32(2). (?). [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Keach, Camillia N. (1995) On the syntax of possessor raising in Swahili. Studies in African Linguistics 23(1). . [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Leonard, Robert A. (1980) Swahili e , ka , and nge as signals of meanings. Studies in African Linguistics 11(2). 209-226. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Leonard, Robert A. (1985) Swahili demonstratives: evaluating the validity of competing semantic hypotheses. Studies in African Linguistics 16(3). 281-293. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Leonard, Robert. (1987) Response to Wilt, “Discourse distances and the Swahili demonstratives”. Studies in African Linguistics 18(1). . [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Miner, Edward A. (1997) Kiswahili ‘Illiteracy’ and the AK-47 in the Ugandan Political Imaginary. Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 33:2. . [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Ngonyani, Deo. (2001) Evidence for head rising in Kiswahili relative clauses. Studies in African Linguistics 30(1). . [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Perrott, D. V. (1950) Teach yourself Swahili. London: Hodder & Stoughton. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Port, Robert F. & Kenneth N. Shepardson. (1982) Morphophonemics of Swahili verb suffixes. Studies in African Linguistics 13(3). 249-271. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Port, Robert F. (1981) The applied suffix in Swahili. Studies in African Linguistics 12(1). 71-82. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Reynolds, Karl H. & Carol M. Eastman. (1989) Morphologically based agreement in Swahili. Studies in African Linguistics 20(1). 63-78. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Seidl, Amanda & Alexis Dimitriadis. (1997) The Discourse Function of Object Marking in Swahili. Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 33:1. (?). [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Shepardson, Kenneth N. (1982) An integrated analysis of Swahili augmentative-diminutives. Studies in African Linguistics 13(1). 53-76. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Vitale, Anthony J. (1982) Problems of stress placement in Swahili. Studies in African Linguistics 13(3). 325-330. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Whiteley, W. H. (1972) Case complexes in Swahili. Studies in African Linguistics 3(1). 1-46. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

Wilt, Timothy. (1987) Discourse distances and the Swahili demonstratives. Studies in African Linguistics 18(1). 81-95. [ -- 361 -- Swahili (autotyp: 361 swa swah1253) = UNKNOWN [swa]]

384: Tukang Besi [bhq] [tuka1249]:

HH: Afaik Donohue describes Wanci = Tukang Besi North [khc] rather than TB South [bhq]

Donohue, M. (1999) A grammar of Tukang Besi (Mouton grammar library; 20.) Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [Tukangbesi language Grammar -- 384 -- Wanci = Tukang Besi North [khc] -- xxvi+576]

Donohue, Mark. (2001) Voice in Tukang Besi and the Austronesian focus system. [No publisher stated]. [CopyIn1510, -- 384 -- Tukang Besi (autotyp: 384 bhq tuka1249) = Tukang Besi South [bhq]]

385: Tümpisa Shoshone [shh] [shos1248]:

HH: Tumpisa Shonone is [par] whereas [shh] is (Western) Shoshone.

Dayley, J. P. (1989) Tümpisa (Panamint) Shoshone grammar (UCPL 115). Berkeley-Los Angeles: University of California Press. [ -- 385 -- Tümpisa Shoshone (autotyp: 385 shh shos1248) = Shoshoni [shh]]

2271: Shoshoni [par] [pana1305]:

HH: Western Shoshoni is [shh] rather than [par]

Crum, Beverly & Jon P. Dayley. (1993) Western Shoshoni grammar. Boise State Univ. [ -- 2271 -- Shoshoni [shh] -- xv+295]

2197: Italian (Napolitanian) [ita] [neap1235]:

HH: Napolitanian has its own iso-639-3 Neapolitan [nap]

Ledgeway, Adam. (1966) The Neapolitan double subject construction. Subject marking in the left periphery. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2197 -- Italian (Napolitanian) (autotyp: 2197 ita neap1235) = Italian [ita]]

1159: Ron [cla] [ronn1241]:

HH: Ron of Scha has its own iso-639-3 code Sha [scw]

No Author Stated. (1970) Zur Sprache der Scha (SYA). In Hermann Jungraithmayr (ed.), Die Ron-Sprachen. Tschadohamitische Studien in Nordnigerien. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1159 -- Ron (autotyp: 1159 cla ronn1241) = Ron [cla]]

1179: Cree (Eastern) [cre] [cree1272]:

HH: There is no Eastern Cree [cre] iso-639-3 code.

No Author Stated. (2001) The Syntax of Emphatic ani in Eastern Swampy Cree and in Plains Cree. In J.D. Nichols (ed.), Actes du trente-deuxième congrès des Algonquinistes. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1179 -- Cree (Eastern) (autotyp: 1179 cre cree1272) = UNKNOWN [cre]]

Junker, Marie-Odile. (2003) East Cree Relational Verbs. International Journal of American Linguistics 69(3). . [ -- 1179 -- Cree (Eastern) (autotyp: 1179 cre cree1272) = UNKNOWN [cre]]

429: Zuni [zun] [zuni1245]:

HH: This ref refers to Zande [zne]

No Author Stated. (1998) Le Zande. In Paulette Roulon-Doko (ed.), Les manières d'"être"et les mots pour le dire dans les langues d'Afrique Centrale. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 429 -- Zuni (autotyp: 429 zun zuni1245) = Zuni [zun]]

223: Pumi [pus] [sout2729]:

HH: I have Ding's Prinmi from Niuwozi in Ninglang listed as Pumi-Northern [pmi] rather than [pus].

Ding, Picus Sizhi. (2003) Prinmi: a sketch of Niuwozi. In G. Thurgood & LaPolla R. (eds.), The Sino-Tibetan Languages, 588-601. London [u.a.]: Routledge. [ -- 223 -- Pumi-Northern [pmi]]

Ding, Picus Sizhi. (2006) A typological study of tonal systems of Japanese and Prinmi. Towards a definition of pitch-accent languages. Journal of Universal Language 7. . [ -- 118,223 -- Japanese (autotyp: 118 jpn nucl1643) = Japanese [jpn], Pumi (autotyp: 223 pus sout2729) = UNKNOWN [pus]]

Hongkai, Sun. (1997) Case Markers of Personal Pronouns in Tibeto-Burman Languages. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 19(2). . [ -- 223 -- Pumi (autotyp: 223 pus sout2729) = UNKNOWN [pus]]

154: Hakka Lai [cnh] [haka1240]:

HH: Chappell's bok is about the Sinitic Hakka Chinese not Hakka Lai [cnh]

Chappell, Hilary. (2005) A grammar and lexicon of Hakka, historical materials from the Basel Mission Library. Paris: Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. [ -- 154 -- Hakka Lai (autotyp: 154 cnh haka1240) = Haka Chin [cnh]]

2501: Comorian [swb] [maor1244]:

HH: Ndzuani has its own code Ndzwani Comorian [wni]

Ahmed-Chamanga, M. (1986) L’accentuation du verbal en shindzuani.. Afrique et langage 25. . [ -- 2501 -- Comorian (autotyp: 2501 swb maor1244) = Maore Comorian [swb]]

2859: Bulgarian (Old) [xbo] [bolg1250]:

HH: [xbo] is the code for the extinct Turkic language, not a early South Slavic ancestor of Bulgarian:

Haug, Dag. (2012) Aspect and prefixation in Old Church Slavonic and Greek. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2859,2831 -- Bulgarian (Old) (autotyp: 2859 xbo bolg1250) = Bolgarian [xbo], Greek (Ancient) (autotyp: 2831 grc anci1242) = Ancient Greek [grc]]

1129: Zhuang (Northern) [zha] [nort3189]:

HH: [zha] is not code for a specific language. I would guess Qin (1997) is on = Zhuang-Central Hongshuihe [zch].

Luo, Yongxian. (2008) The Tai-Kadai Languages. In Anthony Diller, Jerry Edmondson, Yongxian Luo (ed.), The Tai-Kadai Languages. Routledge. [ -- 1129 -- Zhuang (Northern) (autotyp: 1129 zha nort3189) = UNKNOWN [zha]]

Qin, Xiaohang. (1997) Evolution of the initial consonant clusters "pl", "kl", "ml", in the Hongshuihe vernacular of Zhuang. Mon-Khmer Studies 27. . [ -- 1129 -- Zhuang (Northern) (autotyp: 1129 zha nort3189) = UNKNOWN [zha]]

2227: Chichewa [nyj] [chew1246]:

HH: The [nyj] is for the Nyanja language in the DRC and the code for the Malawi language Chichewa aka Nyanja is [nya].

No Author Stated. (1997) The Grammatical Category of Chichewa Ideophones. In R.K. Herbert (ed.), African Linguistics at the Crossroads. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2227 -- Chichewa (autotyp: 2227 nyj chew1246) = Nyanga [nyj]]

No Author Stated. (1997) The emergence of the unmarked pronoun: Chichewa pronominals in Optimality Theory. In A.C. et al. Bailey (ed.), BLS 23, February 14-17 1997 - Special Session on Syntax and Semantics in Africa volume 23. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2227 -- Chichewa (autotyp: 2227 nyj chew1246) = Nyanga [nyj]]

No Author Stated. (1998) Chichewa (Bantu). In Andrew Spencer & Arnold M. Zwicky (eds.), The handbook of morphology (Blackwell handbooks in linguistics). Oxford: Blackwell. [ -- 2227 -- Chichewa (autotyp: 2227 nyj chew1246) = Nyanga [nyj]]

No Author Stated. (1999) Prosodic Morphology and tone: the case of Chichewa. In René Kager, Harry van der Hulst & Wim Zonneveld (eds.), The prosody-morphology interface. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2227 -- Chichewa (autotyp: 2227 nyj chew1246) = Nyanga [nyj]]

Bresnan, Joan. (1997) The emergence of the unmarked pronoun: Chichewa pronominals in Optimality Theory. Berkeley Linguistic Society 23(S). . [ -- 2227 -- Chichewa (autotyp: 2227 nyj chew1246) = Nyanga [nyj]]

Chimombo, Moira & Al Mtenje. (1989) Interaction of tone, syntax and semantics in the acquisition of Chichewa negation. Studies in African Linguistics 20(2). 103-150. [ -- 2227 -- Nyanja [nya] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

Corbett, Greville G. & Alfred D. Mtenje. (1987) Gender agreement in Chichewa. Studies in African Linguistics 18(1). 1-38. [ -- 2227 -- Nyanja [nya] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

Hyman, Larry M. & Sam Mchombo. (1992) Morphotactic constraints in the Chichewa verb stem. Berkeley Linguistic Society 18. 350-364. [ -- 2227 -- Nyanja [nya] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

Kim, Sung-A. (1998) Positional effect on tonal alternation in Chichewa: phonological rule vs. phonetic timing. Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 34:1. . [ -- 2227 -- Chichewa (autotyp: 2227 nyj chew1246) = Nyanga [nyj]]

Mchombo, Sam A. & Francis Moto. (1981) Tone and the theory of syntax. Studies in African Linguistics Suppl,(8). 92-95. [ -- 2227 -- Chichewa (autotyp: 2227 nyj chew1246) = Nyanga [nyj]]

Myers, Scott & Carleton Troi. (1996) Tonal transfer in Chichewa. Phonology 13(1). . [ -- 2227 -- Chichewa (autotyp: 2227 nyj chew1246) = Nyanga [nyj]]

Myers, Scott. (1996) Boundary tones and the phonetic implementation of tone in Chichewa. Studies in African Linguistics 25(2). 29-60. [ -- 2227 -- Nyanja [nya] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

Myers, Scott. (1998) Surface underspecification of tone in Chichewa. Phonology 15(3). 367-391. [ -- 2227 -- Nyanja [nya] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

Myers, Scott. (1999) Tone association and f0 timing in Chichewa. Studies in African Linguistics 28(2). 215-239. [ -- 2227 -- Nyanja [nya] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

144: Koroboro Senni [ses] [koyr1242]:

HH: The lects in Nicolai 1978's paper are all Koyra Chiini Songhay [khq].

Nicolaï, Robert. (1978) Les parlers songhay occidentaux (Tombouctou - Jenné - Ngorku). Studies in African Linguistics 9(1). 1-34. [ -- 144 -- (Tombouctou = Koyra Chiini Songhay [khq], Jenné = Koyra Chiini Songhay [khq], Ngorku non loin de Niafounké = Koyra Chiini Songhay [khq]]

2536: Tamil [tam] [tami1289]:

HH: Old Tamil [oty] has its own code.

No Author Stated. (1998) Old Tamil. In Sanford B. Steever (ed.), The Dravidian languages. London: Routledge. [ -- 2536 -- Tamil (autotyp: 2536 tam tami1289) = Tamil [tam]]

No Author Stated. (2004) Old Tamil. In Roger D. Woodard (ed.), The Cambridge encyclopedia of the world's ancient languages. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2536 -- Tamil (autotyp: 2536 tam tami1289) = Tamil [tam]]

1480: Estonian [est] [esto1258]:

HH: Estonian was split and Estonian proper now has its own code Estonian [ekk].

791: Khamnigan [mon] [mong1331]:

HH: Khamnigan Mongol has a separate glottocode [kham1281]

Janhunen, Juha. (2005) Khamnigan Mongol (Languages of the World/Materials 173). München: Lincom Europe. [ -- 791 -- Khamnigan Mongol [NOCODE_Khamnigan-Mongol] -- 62]

2414: Serrano [ser] [serr1255]:

HH: Gabrielino has a separate glottocode (Tongva [tong1329])

No Author Stated. (2000) The Gabrielino Enclitic system. In Casad, E.& Willet, Th.L. (ed.), Uto-Aztecan - Structural, temporal, and geographic perspectives (Papers in memory of Wick. R. Miller by the friends of Uto-Aztecan). [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2414 -- Serrano (autotyp: 2414 ser serr1255) = Serrano [ser]]

1005: Remo [rem] [bond1245]:

HH: Remo [rem] refers to a Pano language in the Amazon, this should be Remo = Bonda = Bondo [bfw].

No Author Stated. (2002) Bonda. In Banthia et al. (ed.), Linguistic Survey of India: Special Studies Orissa. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1005 -- Remo (autotyp: 1005 rem bond1245) = Remo of the Moa river [rem]]

120: Kabyle [kab] [kaby1243]:

2882: Berber (Kabyle) [kab] [kaby1243]:

HH: These two languages seem to duplicate each other.

2: Onge [oon] [onge1236]:

HH: The below two references seem to duplicate each other (with 2009 being the correct year):

Abbi, Anvita. (1966) Is Great Andamanese language geneologically and typologically distinct from Onge and Jarawa?. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1,2,899 -- Great Andamanese (autotyp: 1 gac grea1241) = Great Andamanese, Mixed [gac], Onge (autotyp: 2 oon onge1236) = Önge [oon], Jarawa (Andamans) (autotyp: 899 anq jara1245) = Jarawa (India) [anq]]

Abbi, Anvita. (2009) Is Great Andamanese genealogically and typologically distinct from Onge and Jarawa?. Language Sciences 31(6). 791-812. [ -- 1,2,899 -- Great Andamanese (autotyp: 1 gac grea1241) = Great Andamanese, Mixed [gac], Onge (autotyp: 2 oon onge1236) = Önge [oon], Jarawa (Andamans) (autotyp: 899 anq jara1245) = Jarawa (India) [anq]]

HH: Year is wrong on these:

Blevins, Juliette. (1966) Pan-Negrito lexemes? A comparison of Aslian, Philippine, and Andaman forms. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1,2 -- Great Andamanese (autotyp: 1 gac grea1241) = Great Andamanese, Mixed [gac], Onge (autotyp: 2 oon onge1236) = Önge [oon]]

Blevins, Juliette. (1966) A long lost sister of Proto-Austronesian? Proto-Ongan, mother of Jarawa and Onge of the Andaman Islands. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2,899 -- Onge (autotyp: 2 oon onge1236) = Önge [oon], Jarawa (Andamans) (autotyp: 899 anq jara1245) = Jarawa (India) [anq]]

205: Nenets (Tundra) [yrk] [nene1249]:

HH: These two deal with Forest Nenets which has its own glottocode [fore1274]

No Author Stated. (2000) Fighting for the future of Forest Nenets. In Osamu Sakiyama (ed.), Lectures on Endangered Languages: 2 - From Kyoto Conference 2000. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 205 -- Nenets (Tundra) (autotyp: 205 yrk nene1249) = Tundra Nenets [yrk]]

No Author Stated. (2001) Television news bulletins in Forest Nenets. In C. Moseley, N. Ostler & H. Ouzzate (eds.), Endangered Languages and the Media. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 205 -- Nenets (Tundra) (autotyp: 205 yrk nene1249) = Tundra Nenets [yrk]]

206: Nepali [nep] [nepa1254]:

HH: Nepali has the spcific iso-639-3 code [npi] nowadays

No Author Stated. (1996) L’inférentiel du népali. In Zlatka Guentchéva (ed.), L’énonciation médiatisée. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

No Author Stated. (1999) Phonesthetic elements in Nepali. In Yogendra P. Yadava & Warren W. Glover (eds.), Topics in Nepalese Linguistics. Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

No Author Stated. (1999) Nepali verb morphophonology. In Yogendra P. Yadava & Warren W. Glover (eds.), Topics in Nepalese Linguistics. Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

No Author Stated. (1999) Compound verbs in Nepali. In Yogendra P. Yadava & Warren W. Glover (eds.), Topics in Nepalese Linguistics. Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

No Author Stated. (1999) The Nepali subordinated verb. In Yogendra P. Yadava & Warren W. Glover (eds.), Topics in Nepalese Linguistics. Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

No Author Stated. (1999) Variation in agreement in the Nepali finite verb. In Yogendra P. Yadava & Warren W. Glover (eds.), Topics in Nepalese Linguistics. Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

No Author Stated. (1999) The sounds of English and Nepali. In Yogendra P. Yadava & Warren W. Glover (eds.), Topics in Nepalese Linguistics. Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

No Author Stated. (1999) A comparative componential analysis of some Nepali and English verbs. In Yogendra P. Yadava & Warren W. Glover (eds.), Topics in Nepalese Linguistics. Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

No Author Stated. (1999) A typological comparison of Nepali and Japanese. In Yogendra P. Yadava & Warren W. Glover (eds.), Topics in Nepalese Linguistics. Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

No Author Stated. (2003) Nepali - Introduction, Descriptive sketch, Morphology, Notes on syntax. In G. Cardona & D. Jain (eds.), The Indo-Aryan Languages. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Abadie, Peggy. (1974) Nepali as an ergative language. LTBA 1(1). . [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Acharya, Jayaraj. (1991) A descriptive grammar of Nepali and an analyzed corpus. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. [ -- 206 -- Nepali [npi] -- xiii+378]

Bickel, Balthasar. (1966) Sprachskizze Nepali. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Bonami, Olivier & Gilles Boyé. (2008) Paradigm shape is morphomic in Nepali. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Butt, Miriam & Tikaram Poudel. (1966) Distribution of the Ergative in Nepali. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

D., Genetti, Carol AND Crain, Laura. ([no date]) Beyond Preferred Argument Structure: sentences, pronouns and given referents in Nepali. In John W. DuBois, Lorraine E. Kumpf & William J. Ashby (eds.), Preferred argument structure: grammar as architecture for function. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Genetti, Carol & Crain Laura. ([no date]) Incorporating the Sentence into Preferred Argument Structure Research: The case of Nepali. [No publisher stated]. [CopyIn1510, -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Genetti, Carol & Daya Ratna Shakya. (1996) The Functions of the Nepali -idinu Construction. [No publisher stated]. [CopyIn1510, -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Genetti, Carol. (1993) Variation in Agreement in the Nepali Finite Verb. South Asian Language Review III(2). . [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Genetti, Carol. (1994) Variation in Agreement in the Nepali Finite Verb. [No publisher stated]. [CopyIn1510, -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Genetti, Carol. (1999) Variation in agreement in the Nepali finite verb. In Yogendra P. Yadava & Warren W. Glover (eds.), Topics in Nepalese Linguistics. Kathmandu: Royal Nepal Academy. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Li, Chao. (2007) Split ergativity and split intransitivity in Nepali. Lingua 117. . [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Paudyal, Netra Prasad. (1966) The syntax of three-argument verbs in Nepali. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Pokharel, Madhav P. (1966) Cognitive similarities in the conceptualization of objects through classifiers in Nepali and Japanese. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 206,118 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep], Japanese (autotyp: 118 jpn nucl1643) = Japanese [jpn]]

Pokharel, Madhav P. (1997) Gender system in Nepali. Nepalese Linguistics 14. . [ -- 206 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep]]

Pradhan, Jyoti. (1966) Language shift from Newar to Nepali. A case study of language shift in the Newar community. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 206,640 -- Nepali (autotyp: 206 nep nepa1254) = UNKNOWN [nep], Newar (Kathmandu) (autotyp: 640 new newa1246) = Kathmandu Valley Newari [new]]

1922: Luyia [luy] [luyi1234]:

HH: The language discussed in this paper is Tsotso [lto]

Dalgish, Gerard M. (1986) /-a-/ reduction phenomena in Luyia. Studies in African Linguistics 17(2). (?). [ -- 1922 -- Saamia [lsm] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

504: Grebo [grb] [greb1256]:

HH: Innes 1966 describes Grebo of JY Dennis = Glebo = Grebo-Southern [grj] rather than Grebo [grb]

Innes, G. (1966) An introduction to Grebo. London: University of London (School of Oriental & African Studies). [Grebo language Grammar -- 504 -- Grebo of JY Dennis = Glebo = Grebo-Southern [grj] -- 160]

1454: Dyula [dyu] [dyul1238]:

HH: Maybe it shouldn't but Dioula d'Odienne has its own iso-639-3 in Wojenaka [jod]

Braconnier, C. (1985) Effacements de pronoms en dioula d’Odienné et en shyenkokan.. Afrique et langage 23. . [ -- 1454 -- Dyula (autotyp: 1454 dyu dyul1238) = Dyula [dyu]]

Braconnier, Cassian. (1989) Un cas d’influences des consonnes sur l’assignation tonale à l’intérieur du monème en dioula d’Odienné. Linguistique Africaine 2. . [ -- 1454 -- Dyula (autotyp: 1454 dyu dyul1238) = Dyula [dyu]]

2553: Tewa (Arizona) [tew] [tewa1260]:

HH: Arizona Tewa now has its own separate glottocode [ariz1237]

No Author Stated. (1991) Inverse voice systems: Arizona Tewa. In Miriam H. Klaiman (ed.), Grammatical voice. Cambridge University Press. [ -- 2553 -- Tewa (Arizona) (autotyp: 2553 tew tewa1260) = Rio Grande Tewa [tew]]

Kroskrity, P.V. (1993) Aspects of Syntactic and Semantic Variation within the Arizona Tewa Speech Community. Anthropological Linguistics (AL) 35(2). . [ -- 2553 -- Tewa (Arizona) (autotyp: 2553 tew tewa1260) = Rio Grande Tewa [tew]]

Kroskrity, Paul V. (1978) On the Lexical Integrity of Arizona Tewa /-dí/: A Principled Choice between Homophony and Polysemy. International Journal of American Linguistics 44(1). . [ -- 2553 -- Tewa (Arizona) (autotyp: 2553 tew tewa1260) = Rio Grande Tewa [tew]]

Kroskrity, Paul V. (1984) Negation and Subordination in Arizona Tewa: Discourse Pragmatics Influencing Syntax. International Journal of American Linguistics 50(1). . [ -- 2553 -- Tewa (Arizona) (autotyp: 2553 tew tewa1260) = Rio Grande Tewa [tew]]

2395: Ngambay [sba] [ngam1268]:

HH: Gor har its own code Gor [gqr]

No Author Stated. (2000) The Analysis of Central Vowels in Gor (Central Sudanic). In K. K. Lébikaza (ed.), Actes du 3e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Africaine Lomé 2000. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2395 -- Ngambay (autotyp: 2395 sba ngam1268) = Ngambay [sba]]

2399: Tod [sbu] [stod1241]:

HH: There must be a typ somewhere because Botne is about a completely different lg

Botne, Robert. (2004) Specificity in Lusaamia infinitives. Studies in Language 28(1). 137-164. [ -- 2399 -- Saamia [lsm] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

914: Apache (Western) [apw] [west2615]:

HH: White mountain Apache has its own code Lipan Apache [apl]

Greenfeld, Philip J. (1999) Some Special Morphological Characteristics of the White Mountain Dialect of Apachean. Anthropological Linguistics (AL) 41(3). . [ -- 914 -- Apache (Western) (autotyp: 914 apw west2615) = Western Apache [apw]]

663: Dulong [kac] [drun1238]:

HH: Dulong has its own code Drung [duu]

LaPolla, Randy J. (1987) Dulong and Proto-Tibeto-Burman.. LTBA 10(1). 1-43. [ -- 663 -- Drung [duu]]

LaPolla, Randy J. (2001) dulung texts: seven fully analyzed narrative and procedural texts. LTBA 24(2). . [ -- 663 -- Dulong (autotyp: 663 kac drun1238) = Jinghpaw [kac]]

LaPolla, Randy J. (2003) Dulong - Introduction, Phonology, Morphosyntax. In G. Thurgood & LaPolla R. (eds.), The Sino-Tibetan Languages. London [u.a.]: Routledge. [ -- 663 -- Dulong (autotyp: 663 kac drun1238) = Jinghpaw [kac]]

2958: Keresan (Laguna) [kee] [east1472]:

HH: Laguna Keres is Western Keres [kjq]

Lachler, Jordan. (2006) A grammar of Laguna Keres. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2958 -- Western Keres [kjq] -- 329]

1029: Baka (Cameroon) [bkc] [baka1272]:

HH: The paper describes Baka in Sudan [bdh] not Cameroonian Baka [bkc]

No Author Stated. (1997) Update on Baka phonology and orthography, as of 1996. In Wise, Mary R.& Watson, Richard (ed.), Occasional Papers in the study of Sudanese Languages, No. 7. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1029 -- Baka (Cameroon) (autotyp: 1029 bkc baka1272) = Baka (Cameroon) [bkc]]

634: Malto [kmb] [saur1249]:

HH: Das (1973) is the Sawriya dialect i.e. Sauria Paharia [mjt]

Das, S. K. (1973) Structure of Malto (Annamalai University Dept. of Linguistics Publication 32). Annamalaingar: Annamalai University. [ -- 634 -- Sawriya dialect = Sawriya Malto = Sauria Paharia [mjt] -- 108]

HH: Mahapatra (1979) is the Dravidian Malpaharia which should count as Kumarbhag Paharia [kmj]

Mahapatra, B.P. (1979) Malto: an ethnosemantic study. Mysore: Central Institute of Indian Languages. [ -- 634 -- Malto = Malpaharia the Dravidian one very to close Kumarbhag Paharia [kmj] -- 246]

HH: This is a summary of Mahapatra, so also Kumarbhag Paharia [kmj]

Steever, S. B. (1998) Malto. In Sanford B. Steever (ed.), The Dravidian languages, 359-387. London: Routledge. [ -- 634 -- Summary of Mahapatras Kumarbhag [kmj]]

197: Nahali [nlx] [naha1261]:

HH: Presumably the data extracted from these pertain to the isolate Nihali [nll] rather than the IA Nahali [nlx]

No Author Stated. (1966) The Sources of the Nahali Vocabulary. In Norman Zide (ed.), Studies in comparative Austroasiatic linguistics. The Hague: Mouton. [ -- 197 -- Nahali (autotyp: 197 nlx naha1261) = Nahali-Baglani [nlx]]

Kuiper, F. B. J. (1962) Nahali: a comparative study (Mededelingen der Konklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afd. Letterkunde. Nieuwe reeks, Deel 25, no. 5). Amsterdam: N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij. [ -- 197 -- Nihali [nll] -- 239-352]

2160: Ngizim [ngi] [ngiz1242]:

HH: I don't see how this could possibly refer to Ngizim in Nigeria

M-A., Bonne, D./Boling, M./Silue, L./Augustin,. (1999) Enquête sur les dialectes mandé nord de Côte d’Ivoire. Mandenkan 35. . [ -- 2160 -- Ngizim (autotyp: 2160 ngi ngiz1242) = Ngizim [ngi]]

1696: Chaga [chag] [chag1250]:

HH: [chag] isn't an iso-639-3 code. Some of the refs clearly pertain to Vunjo [vun].

No Author Stated. (2000) Reciprocals in Kivunjo-Chaga. In K. Kahigi, Y. Kihore & M. Mous (eds.), Lugha za Tanzania. Languages of Tanzania.. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1696 -- Chaga (autotyp: 1696 chag chag1250) = UNKNOWN [chag]]

Dalgish, Gerard M. (1979) The syntax and semantics of the morpheme ni in Kivunjo (Chaga). Studies in African Linguistics 10(1). 47-63. [ -- 1696 -- Vunjo [vun] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

Moshi, Lioba. (1994) Time reference markers in KiVunjo-Chaga. JALL 15(2). 127-159. [ -- 1696 -- Vunjo [vun] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

Emanatian, Michele. (1992) Chagga ‘come’ and ‘go’: Metaphor and the development of tense-aspect. Studies in Language 16(1). 1-33. [ -- 1696 -- Chaga (autotyp: 1696 chag chag1250) = UNKNOWN [chag]]

Nurse, Derek. (2003) Tense and aspect in Chaga. Annual Publication in African Linguistics (APAL) 1. 69-90. [ -- 1696 -- Chaga (autotyp: 1696 chag chag1250) = UNKNOWN [chag]]

Philippson, G. (1980) Note de zoo-linguistique: les noms de grands carnivores dans les dialectes chaga du Kilimanjaro (Tanzanie).. Afrique et langage 14. 59-71. [ -- 1696 -- Chaga (autotyp: 1696 chag chag1250) = UNKNOWN [chag]]

1694: Jiarong [jya] [core1262]:

HH: Cogtse Gyarong is Situ [tzi]

No Author Stated. (2003) Cogtse Gyarong - Introduction, Outline of phonology, Morphology and morphosyntax. In G. Thurgood & LaPolla R. (eds.), The Sino-Tibetan Languages. London [u.a.]: Routledge. [ -- 1694 -- Jiarong (autotyp: 1694 jya core1262) = Jiarong [jya]]

HH: Caodeng rGyalrong is Zbu [zbua1234]

No Author Stated. (2003) Caodeng rGyalrong - Background, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax. In G. Thurgood & LaPolla R. (eds.), The Sino-Tibetan Languages. London [u.a.]: Routledge. [ -- 1694 -- Jiarong (autotyp: 1694 jya core1262) = Jiarong [jya]]

HH: Japhug Gyalrong is Japhug [japh1234]

Jacques, Guillaume. (2010) The inverse in Japhug Rgyalrong. Language and Linguistics 11(1). . [ -- 1694 -- Jiarong (autotyp: 1694 jya core1262) = Jiarong [jya]]

613: Malay [zsm] [stan1306]:

HH: Old Malay has its own separate glottocode [oldm1243]

No Author Stated. (2005) Old Malay. In Alexander Adelaar & Nickolaus P. Himmelmann (eds.), The Austronesian Languages of Asia and Madagascar. Routledge London/New York. [ -- 613 -- Malay (autotyp: 613 zsm stan1306) = Standard Malay [zsm]]

1277: Inuktitut (Quebec-Labrador) [iku] [east2534]:

HH: Quebec-Labrador Inuktitut is Inuktitut-Eastern Canadian [ike]

Beach, Matthew. (2003) Asymmetries between passivization and antipassivization in the Tarramiutut' subdialect of Inuktitut.. Proceedings of the LFG03 Conference . . [ -- 1277 -- Inuktitut (Quebec-Labrador) (autotyp: 1277 iku east2534) = UNKNOWN [iku]]

491: Malagasy [mlg] [mala1537]:

HH: Most of the refs pertain to specific Malagasy varieties usually Plateau Malagasy [plt] but e..g Rajemisa-Raolison is Bara Malagasy [bhr].

No Author Stated. (1996) Causatifs et voix dans les langues des Philippines et de Formose et en malgache. In Jacques François (ed.), La sémantique des relations actancielles à travers les langues. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

No Author Stated. (1997) De la structure à la référence: les pronoms du malgache. In Anne Zribi-Hertz (ed.), Les pronoms - Morphologie, syntaxe et typologie. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

No Author Stated. (1997) Malagasy Phrase Structure and the LCA. In Chelliah & de Reuse (eds.), Papers from the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS V: 1995 volume 5. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

No Author Stated. (1997) Evidence for Null Subjects in Malagasy. In Chelliah & de Reuse (eds.), Papers from the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS V: 1995 volume 5. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

No Author Stated. (1998) Malagasy (Austronesian). In Andrew Spencer & Arnold M. Zwicky (eds.), The handbook of morphology (Blackwell handbooks in linguistics). Oxford: Blackwell. [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

No Author Stated. (1998) Le système “verbal” de la variété merina de malgache. In F. Bentolila (ed.), Systèmes verbaux. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

No Author Stated. (2000) Malagasy Clause Structure. In M. Macken (ed.), Papers from the 10th annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistic Society. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

No Author Stated. (2005) Malagasy. In Alexander Adelaar & Nickolaus P. Himmelmann (eds.), The Austronesian Languages of Asia and Madagascar. Routledge London/New York. [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

Adelaar, K. A. (1989) Malay Influence on Malagasy: Linguistic and Culture-Historical Implications. Oceanic Linguistics 28(1). 1-46. [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

Builles, J.M. (1986) L’alternance libre des phonèmes en malgache. Bulletin des études africaines de l’INALCO 6(11). . [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

Dahl, Otto Chr. (1996) Predicate, Subject, and Topic in Malagasy. Oceanic Linguistics 35(2). . [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

Erwin, Sean. (1996) Weightless epenthesis in Malagasy. Berkeley Linguistic Society 22. . [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

Gueunier, N.J. (1978) Notes sur les idéophones dans le dialecte malgache de l’île de Mayotte (Comores).. Afrique et langage 10. . [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

Keenan, E.L. & J.-P. Razafimamonjy. (2004) Reciprocals in Malagasy. Oceanic Linguistics 43(1). . [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

Keenan, Edward L. & Cècile Manorohanta. (2001) A Quantitative Study of Voice in Malagasy. Oceanic Linguistics 40(1). 172-195. [ -- 491 -- Plateau Malagasy [plt] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

Manaster-Ramer, Alexis. (1992) Malagasy and the Topic/Subject Issue. Oceanic Linguistics 31(2). . [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

Paul, Ileana. (2001) Concealed pseudo-clefts. Lingua 111(10). . [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

Paul, Ileana. (2004) NP Versus DP Reflexives: Evidence from Malagasy. Oceanic Linguistics 43(1). . [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

Pearson, Matthew. (2005) The Malagasy Subject/Topic as an A' Element. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 23(2). . [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

Rajemisa-Raolison, R. (1969) Grammaire malgache. Fianarantsoa: Librairie Ambozontany. [Malagasy -- 491 -- Bara Malagasy [bhr] -- 174]

Rakotofiringa, Hippolyte. (1992) Aspects phonétiques des alternances phoniques en malgache-mérina. Verbum 4. . [ -- 491 -- Malagasy (autotyp: 491 mlg mala1537) = UNKNOWN [mlg]]

26: Asmat [asc] [casu1237]:

HH: Drabbe (1959) is Ajam dialect of Agats or Asmat-Central [cns] not [asc]

Drabbe, P. (1959) Grammar of the Asmat Language. Syracuse, Indiana: Our Lady of the Lake Press. [ -- 26 -- Asmat (autotyp: 26 asc casu1237) = Casuarina Coast Asmat [asc]]

Drabbe, P. (1959) Dictionary of the Asmat language. Syracuse, Indiana: Our Lady of the Lake Press. [ -- 26 -- Asmat (autotyp: 26 asc casu1237) = Casuarina Coast Asmat [asc]]

HH: Drabbe 1963 contains Asmat-Ayam = Kawenak dialect = Asmat-Central [cns], Namen = Keenakap dialect = Asmat-Yaosakor [asy], Komor = Keenok dialect = Asmat-Central [cns] none of which are [asc]

Drabbe, P. (1963) Drie Asmat-dialecten. 's Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff. [ -- 26 -- Asmat-Ayam = Kawenak dialect = Asmat-Central [cns], Namen = Keenakap dialect = Asmat-Yaosakor [asy], Komor = Keenok dialect = Asmat-Central [cns] -- viii+236]

HH: Voorhoeve 1965 is Bisman Asmat of Suru village = Asmat-Central [cns]

Voorhoeve, C. L. (1965) The Flamingo Bay dialect of the Asmat language (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 46). 's-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff. [ -- 26 -- Bisman Asmat of Suru village = Asmat-Central [cns] -- 367]

23: Arabic [arb] [stan1318]:

HH: These two refs deal with Cairene Egyptian Arabic rather than MSA [arb]

Brustad, Kristen E. (2000) The syntax of spoken Arabic. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 642,23 -- Arabic (Egyptian) (autotyp: 642 arz egyp1253) = Egyptian Arabic [arz], Arabic (autotyp: 23 arb stan1318) = Standard Arabic [arb]]

Gary, J. O. & S. Gamal Eldin. (1982) Cairene Egyptian colloquial Arabic (LDS 6). Amsterdam: North Holland. [word domains -- 642,23 -- Arabic (Egyptian) (autotyp: 642 arz egyp1253) = Egyptian Arabic [arz], Arabic (autotyp: 23 arb stan1318) = Standard Arabic [arb]]

29: Axininca Campa [cni] [asha1243]:

HH: I don't think any of these are [cni]. Payne 1981 is Apurucayali = Ajy?ninka Apurucayali [cpc], Black 1991 is Ashéninka Pajonal [cjo], Crowhurst and Michael (2005) are Nanti [cox], and Sping 1992 is Ashéninka Pajonal [cjo].

Black, H. Andrew. (1991) The phonology of the velar glide in Axininca Campa. Phonology 8(2). 183-217. [ -- 29 -- Ashéninka Pajonal [cjo]]

Crowhurst, Megan J. & Lev D. Michael. (2005) Iterative footing and prominence-driven stress in Nanti (Kampa). Language 81(1). 47-95. [ -- 29 -- Nanti [cox]]

Payne, D. L. (1981) The phonology and morphology of Axininca Campa (SIL Publication 66). Arlington, TX: SIL and University of Texas-Arlington. [ -- 29 -- Apurucayali = Ajy?ninka Apurucayali [cpc] -- ix+285]

Spring, Cari. (1992) The velar glide in Axininca Campa. Phonology 9(2). 329-352. [ -- 29 -- Ashéninka Pajonal [cjo]]

180: Mataco [wlv] [wich1263]:

HH: Tovar 1981 is from the Zona Salteña del Pilcomayo ie Wichí Lhamtés Güisnay [mzh]

Tovar, A. (1981) Relatos y dialogos de los Matacos (seguidos de una gramatica de su lengua) (Ediciones Cultura Hispanica del Instituto de Cooperacion Iberoamericana). Madrid: Fareso. [ -- 180 -- Zona Salteña del Pilcomayo = Wichí Lhamtés Güisnay [mzh] -- 225]

2621: Sign Language Thai [tsq] [thai1240]:

HH: These refs seem to deal with spoken Thai not signed.

No Author Stated. (1975) The tones of Central Thai: some perceptual experiments. In Jimmy G. Harris & James R. Chamberlain (eds.), Studies in Tai linguistics. In honor of William J. Gedney.. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1975) Restricted phonology in certain Thai linker-syllables. In Jimmy G. Harris & James R. Chamberlain (eds.), Studies in Tai linguistics. In honor of William J. Gedney.. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1975) Thai modals. In Jimmy G. Harris & James R. Chamberlain (eds.), Studies in Tai linguistics. In honor of William J. Gedney.. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1975) Phonetic implications for an historical account of tonogenesis in Thai.. In Jimmy G. Harris & James R. Chamberlain (eds.), Studies in Tai linguistics. In honor of William J. Gedney.. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1975) A grammar of verb serialization.. In Jimmy G. Harris & James R. Chamberlain (eds.), Studies in Tai linguistics. In honor of William J. Gedney.. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1975) On the representation of tone in Siamese. In Jimmy G. Harris & James R. Chamberlain (eds.), Studies in Tai linguistics. In honor of William J. Gedney.. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1975) A Thai discourse pattern. In Jimmy G. Harris & James R. Chamberlain (eds.), Studies in Tai linguistics. In honor of William J. Gedney.. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1975) Some words for Thai dialectology. In Jimmy G. Harris & James R. Chamberlain (eds.), Studies in Tai linguistics. In honor of William J. Gedney.. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1975) How useful are citation forms in synchronic Thai phonology?. In Jimmy G. Harris & James R. Chamberlain (eds.), Studies in Tai linguistics. In honor of William J. Gedney.. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1975) The role of aphasia research in Thai linguistics. In Jimmy G. Harris & James R. Chamberlain (eds.), Studies in Tai linguistics. In honor of William J. Gedney.. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1975) Dependency of underlying structure and final particles in Thai. In Jimmy G. Harris & James R. Chamberlain (eds.), Studies in Tai linguistics. In honor of William J. Gedney.. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1994) A non-linear analysis of aspect in Thai narrative discourse. In K. L. Adams & T. J. Hudak (eds.), Papers fro the Second Annual Meering of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1994) Is hây ‘to give’ really a benefactive-causative in Thai?. In K. L. Adams & T. J. Hudak (eds.), Papers fro the Second Annual Meering of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1995) Class Nouns and Classifiers in Thai. In Mark Alaves (ed.), Papers from the Third Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS III: 1993 volume 3. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1995) Are There Prepositions in Thai?. In Mark Alaves (ed.), Papers from the Third Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS III: 1993 volume 3. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1997) The metrical structure of Thai in a non-linear perspective. In Warotamasikkhadit & Panakul (eds.), Papers from the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS IV: 1994 volume 4. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1997) Toward a comprehensive theory of noun categorization with special reference to Thai. In Warotamasikkhadit & Panakul (eds.), Papers from the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS IV: 1994 volume 4. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1997) The status of ‘auxiliary verbs’ in Thai. In Warotamasikkhadit & Panakul (eds.), Papers from the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS IV: 1994 volume 4. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1997) Are there any coordinate Serial Verbs constructions in Thai?. In Warotamasikkhadit & Panakul (eds.), Papers from the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS IV: 1994 volume 4. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1997) Changing o the new world: high-tech verbalization in Thai. In Warotamasikkhadit & Panakul (eds.), Papers from the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS IV: 1994 volume 4. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1997) The change in meaning of Pali and Sanskrit words used in Thai. In Warotamasikkhadit & Panakul (eds.), Papers from the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS IV: 1994 volume 4. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1997) The socio-semantic influence of religious beliefs and concepts on Thai language. In Warotamasikkhadit & Panakul (eds.), Papers from the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS IV: 1994 volume 4. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1997) A pragmatic look at sarcasm in Thai. In Warotamasikkhadit & Panakul (eds.), Papers from the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS IV: 1994 volume 4. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (1997) Causative and Benefactive Constructions in Thai. In Chelliah & de Reuse (eds.), Papers from the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society SEALS V: 1995 volume 5. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (2000) What part of speech is níi 'this' in Thai?. In Guzman, Videa P.&Bender, Byron (ed.), Grammatical analysis - morphology, syntax, and semantics Studies in honor of Stanley Starosta. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (2000) Multiple lexical entries of kO^O in Thai. In Guzman, Videa P.&Bender, Byron (ed.), Grammatical analysis - morphology, syntax, and semantics Studies in honor of Stanley Starosta. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (2000) On nonverbal predicates in Thai. In Guzman, Videa P.&Bender, Byron (ed.), Grammatical analysis - morphology, syntax, and semantics Studies in honor of Stanley Starosta. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (2000) Double object constructions in Thai revisited. In Guzman, Videa P.&Bender, Byron (ed.), Grammatical analysis - morphology, syntax, and semantics Studies in honor of Stanley Starosta. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

No Author Stated. (2001) The aspect system of Thai. In Ebert, K.H.&Zúñiga, F. (ed.), Aktionsart and Aspectotemporality in Non-European Languages – Proceedings from a workshop held at the University of Zurich, June 23-25, 2000. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

Bauer, Chr. (1993) Sukothai inscription II: Late Old Mon affinities and their implications for the history of Thai syntax. BSOAS 56(3). . [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

Bilmes, Jack. (1995) Dividing the rice II: reacing a compromise in Northern Thai. Berkeley Linguistic Society 21 S. . [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

Bilmes, L. (1995) The grammaticalization of Thai ‘come’ and ‘go’. Berkeley Linguistic Society 21 S. . [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

Carpenter, Kathie. (1992) Two dynamic views of classifier systems: diachronic change and individual development. Cognitive Linguistics (CL) 3(2). . [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

Gandour, J. & S. Potisuk et al. (1992) Tonal coarticulation in Thai disyllabic utterances: a preliminary study. LTBA 15(1). . [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

Gandour, J. (1989) A case study of abnormal phonological development in Thai. LTBA 12(1). . [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

Gandour, Jack. (1982) A Diagnostic Aphasia Examination for Thai. LTBA 6(2). . [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

Howard, Kathryn M. (2000) The notion of current relevance in the Thai perfect. Studies in African Linguistics 38(2). . [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

Iwasaki, Shoichi & Preeya Horie. (1995) Creating the middle ground register in Thai conversation. Berkeley Linguistic Society 21 S. . [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

Kölver, Ulrike. (1984) Local prepositions and serial verb constructions in Thai. AKUP 56. . [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

Potisuk, S, J Gandour & M Harper. (1994) F0 correlates of stress in Thai. LTBA 17(2). . [ -- 2621 -- Sign Language Thai (autotyp: 2621 tsq thai1240) = Thai Sign Language [tsq]]

1917: Kiluba [lub] [luba1250]:

HH: I presume van Spaandonck's paper is about West Luba ie Luba-Lulua [lua] since he calls it ciluba rather than kiluba.

Spaandonck, Marcel van. (1971) On the so-called reversing tonal system of Ciluba: a case for restructuring. Studies in African Linguistics 2(2). 131-144. [ -- 1917 -- Luba-Lulua [lua] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]

866: Aja [aja] [ajas1235]:

HH: Fiedler's done work on Ajagbe = Aja (Benin) [ajg] not Aja in Sudan.

Fiedler, Ines. (1966) A focus grammar of Aja. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 866 -- Aja (autotyp: 866 aja ajas1235) = Aja (Sudan) [aja]]

72: Pomo (Eastern) [peb] [east2545]:

HH: Moshinsky is on SE Pomo [pom} rather than E Pomo [peb]:

Moshinsky, J. (1974) A grammar of Southeastern Pomo (UCPL 72). Berkeley-Los Angeles: University of California Press. [ -- 568,72 -- Pomo [pom] -- 144]

1466: Kayah Li (Western) [kyu] [west2409]:

HH: This is Eastern Kayah [eky]

No Author Stated. (2003) Eastern Kayah Li - Introduction, Phonology, Word formation, Syntax. In G. Thurgood & LaPolla R. (eds.), The Sino-Tibetan Languages. London [u.a.]: Routledge. [ -- 1466 -- Kayah Li (Western) (autotyp: 1466 kyu west2409) = Western Kayah [kyu]]

1316: Dakota [dak] [dako1258]:

HH: I suppose de Reuse 1994 matches better with Lakota [lkt]

Reuse, Willem J. de. (1994) Noun Incorporation in Lakota Siouan. International Journal of American Linguistics 60(3). . [ -- 1316 -- Dakota (autotyp: 1316 dak dako1258) = Dakota [dak]]

317: Nuuchahnulth [nuk] [nuuc1236]:

HH: Ditidaht [dtd] has its own iso-639-3 code

No Author Stated. (1924) The Rival Whalers, an Nitinat Story. In V. Golla (ed.), The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, Vol. II. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 317 -- Nuuchahnulth (autotyp: 317 nuk nuuc1236) = Nuu-chah-nulth [nuk]]

No Author Stated. (1994) Reduplicaion in Nitinaht. In John T. Stonham (ed.), Combinatorial Morphology. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 317 -- Nuuchahnulth (autotyp: 317 nuk nuuc1236) = Nuu-chah-nulth [nuk]]

J., Carlson, B.F./Thomas,. (1979) The Nitinaht Inferential. Anthropological Linguistics (AL) 21(7). . [ -- 317 -- Nuuchahnulth (autotyp: 317 nuk nuuc1236) = Nuu-chah-nulth [nuk]]

1520: Oromo (West-Central) [gaz] [west2721]:

HH: Owens is on Harar Oromo ie Eastern Oromo [hae] rather than West-Central

Owens, Jonathan. (1985) A grammar of Harar Oromo (Northeastern Ethiopia) (Kuschitische Sprachstudien, 4). Hamburg: Helmut Buske. [ -- 324,1519,1520,2483 -- Eastern Oromo [hae] -- 282]

2322: Pomo (Central) [poo] [cent2138]:

HH: Matches better with E Pomo [peb]

No Author Stated. (1996) Sketch of Eastern Pomo, a Pomoan Language. In Ives Goddard (ed.), Handbook of North American Indians, Vol 17. Languages. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2322 -- Pomo (Central) (autotyp: 2322 poo cent2138) = Central Pomo [poo]]

960: Baniwa [bwi] [bani1255]:

HH: [bwi] is Baniwa do Icana whereas Baniva de Maroa is [gae]

No Author Stated. (2002) La fonologia suprasegmental y otras particularidades del baniva de Maroa, idioma tonal arawak del Rio Negro, Venezuela. In M. et al. Crevels (ed.), Current Studies on South American Languages. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 960 -- Baniwa (autotyp: 960 bwi bani1255) = Baniwa do Icana [bwi]]

2108: Miju [mxj] [miju1243]:

HH: Be careful here, in Grierson Mishmi data occurs as Chulikata Mishmi and Mishmi of Robinson/Needham which are [mhu]. Miju [mxj] occurs too but not under the name Mishmi.

No Author Stated. (1995) Mishmi. In George A. Grierson (ed.), Languages of North-Eastern India. A survey. Vol. 1. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2108 -- Miju (autotyp: 2108 mxj miju1243) = Kman [mxj]]

2637: Tucano [tuo] [tuca1252]:

HH: This deals with a different (non-Tucanoan) language called Betoi.

Zamponi, Raoul. (2002) Notes on Betoi Verb Morphology. International Journal of American Linguistics 68(2). 216-241. [ -- 2637 -- Betoi [NOCODE_Betoi]]

1671: Javanese [jav] [java1254]:

No Author Stated. (1998) Communicative salience in Old Javanese. In Mark Janse (ed.), Productivity and creativity. Studies in general and descriptive linguistics in honor of E.M. Uhlenbeck. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1671 -- Javanese (autotyp: 1671 jav java1254) = Javanese [jav]]

676: Kurmanjî [kur] [khor1267]:

HH: Kurmanji has its own code Northern Kurdish [kmr]

No Author Stated. (2002) Indirectivity in Kurmanji. In L. et al. Johanson (ed.), Evidentials (Turkic, Iranian and Neighbouring Languages). [No publisher stated]. [ -- 676 -- Kurmanjî (autotyp: 676 kur khor1267) = UNKNOWN [kur]]

Haig, Geoffrey. (2002) Noun-plus-verb complex predicates in Kurmanjî Kurdish: Argument sharing, argument incorporation or what?. Sprachtypologie & Universalienforschung 55(1). . [ -- 676 -- Kurmanjî (autotyp: 676 kur khor1267) = UNKNOWN [kur]]

Matras, Yaron. (1997) Clause combining, ergativity, and coreferent deletion in Kurmanji. Studies in Language 21(3). . [ -- 676 -- Kurmanjî (autotyp: 676 kur khor1267) = UNKNOWN [kur]]

Matras, Yaron. (2002) Kurmanjî complementation: Semantic-typological aspects in an areal perspective. Sprachtypologie & Universalienforschung 55(1). . [ -- 676 -- Kurmanjî (autotyp: 676 kur khor1267) = UNKNOWN [kur]]

Shokri, Nawzad. (2002) Syllable structure and stress in Bahdinani Kurdish. Sprachtypologie & Universalienforschung 55(1). . [ -- 676 -- Kurmanjî (autotyp: 676 kur khor1267) = UNKNOWN [kur]]

672: Jingpho [duu] [jin1260]:

HH: The code for Jingpho is Jinghpaw [kac]

Diehl, Lon G. ([no date]) The Personal Pronouns of Jinghpo: Towards a Linguistic Analysis of a simple-looking Paradigm. [No publisher stated]. [CopyIn1510, -- 672 -- Jingpho (autotyp: 672 duu jin1260) = Drung [duu]]

Matisoff, James A. (1974) Verb concatenation in Kachin. LTBA 1(1). . [ -- 672 -- Jingpho (autotyp: 672 duu jin1260) = Drung [duu]]

Qigxia, Dai & Lon Diehl. (2003) Jinghpo - Phonolgy, Grammar. In G. Thurgood & LaPolla R. (eds.), The Sino-Tibetan Languages. London [u.a.]: Routledge. [ -- 672 -- Jingpho (autotyp: 672 duu jin1260) = Drung [duu]]

HH: Anong = Nung [nun] is a different language from Kachin [kac]

Sun, Hongkai. (1988) Notes on Anong, a new language.. LTBA 11(1). 27-63. [ -- 672 -- Anong = Nung [nun]]

673: Panare [pbh] [enap1235]:

HH: This paper (not from 1966) is about Panará [kre], a Je language, not the Cariban Panara:

Dourado, Luciana & Spike Gildea. (1966) Object Relations in Panará (Jê). [No publisher stated]. [ -- 673 -- Panare (autotyp: 673 pbh enap1235) = Panare [pbh]]

2352: Quechua (Tarma) [que] [nort2980]:

HH: Tarma Quechua is Quechua-North Jun?n [qvn]

Adelaar, Willem. (1988) Categorías de aspecto en el quechua del Perú central. Amerindia 13. 14-42. [ -- 2352 -- Quechua (Tarma) (autotyp: 2352 que nort2980) = UNKNOWN [que]]

2130: Nahuatl (Huasteca) [nhw] [west2624]:

HH: [nhw] is the code for W Huasteca Nahuatl but Kimball's is Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl [nhe]

Kimball, Geoffrey. (1990) Noun Pluralization in Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl. International Journal of American Linguistics 56(2). . [ -- 2130 -- Nahuatl (Huasteca) (autotyp: 2130 nhw west2624) = Western Huasteca Nahuatl [nhw]]

1408: Lummi [str] [stra1244]:

HH: Difficult to see how this could contain information on Salish-Straits [str]

Hawkins, Emily A. (1979) Hawaiian sentence structures. Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National Univ. [ -- 1408 -- Hawaiian [haw] -- iii+111]

641: Oriya [ori] [nucl1284]:

HH: Oriya has the specific code [ory]

No Author Stated. (2000) Lexical anaphors and pronouns in Oriya. In Barbara Lust, Kashi Wali, James W. Gair & K. V. Subbarao (eds.), Lexical anaphors and pronouns in Selected South Asian languages. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

No Author Stated. (2002) Orija. In Banthia et al. (ed.), Linguistic Survey of India: Special Studies Orissa. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

No Author Stated. (2003) Oriya - Background, Script, Phonology, Grammar. In G. Cardona & D. Jain (eds.), The Indo-Aryan Languages. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

No Author Stated. (2003) Linguistic and socio-cultural implications of gendered structures in Oriya. In M. et al. Hellinger (ed.), Gender across Languages. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

No Author Stated. (2003) Gender agreement in Oriya: Dravidian of Munda?. In B. Ramakrishna Reddy (ed.), Agreement in Dravidian languages. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

Dalai, U.P. (1996) Use of Post-Positions in Oriya. IJDL 25(2). . [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

Dalai, U.P. (1998) The Dravidian Substratum Effect on the Oriya Boli-Type Construction. IJDL 27(2). . [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

M.K.C., Pandey & R. Swain. (1998) Semantico-Dynamic Transability - Hindi-Oriya Process Verbs. IJDL 27(1). . [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

Mahapatro, G.S. & R.K. Das. (1996) Nature of Honorific in Oriya. IJDL 25(1). . [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

Mohanty, P. (1997) Linguistic Economy at Work: An Example from Oriya. IJDL 26(1). . [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

Mohanty, Panchanan. (1987) An Argument for Three Cases in Oriya. IJDL 16(2). . [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

Patnaik, B.N. (1987) On the Restrictive Relative Constructions in Oriya. IJDL 16(2). . [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

Patnaik, B.N. (1993) Some Observations on the Personal Names in Oriya. IJDL 22(2). . [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

HH: Sambalpuri [spv] has a specific code

No Author Stated. (2002) Sambalpuri. In Banthia et al. (ed.), Linguistic Survey of India: Special Studies Orissa. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 641 -- Oriya (autotyp: 641 ori nucl1284) = UNKNOWN [ori]]

2349: Quechua (Ancash) [que] [huay1239]:

HH: Ancash has a specific code Quechua-Huaylas Ancash [qwh]

Hermon, Gabriella. (1985) Syntactic modularity. Dordrecht, Holland: Foris. [ -- 533,2349 -- Imbabura Highland Quichua [qvi]]

533: Quechua (Imbabura) [que] [imba1240]:

HH: Imbabura has a specific code Imbabura Highland Quichua [qvi]

No Author Stated. (2001) Non-canonically marked A/S in Imbabura Quechua. In Aikhenvald, A., R.M.W.Dixon, & M. Onishi (eds.), Non-canonical marking of subjects and objects. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [ -- 533 -- Quechua (Imbabura) (autotyp: 533 que imba1240) = UNKNOWN [que]]

Hermon, Gabriella. (1985) Syntactic modularity. Dordrecht, Holland: Foris. [ -- 533,2349 -- Imbabura Highland Quichua [qvi]]

Jake, Janice Lynn. (1966) Grammatical relations in Imbabura Quechua. [No publisher stated] doctoral dissertation. [ -- 533 -- Quechua (Imbabura) (autotyp: 533 que imba1240) = UNKNOWN [que]]

134: Kiwai [kiw] [nort2930]:

HH: [kiw] is the code for NE Kiwai but the old sources such as Ray 1933 refer to Southern Kiwai [kjd]

Ray, S. H. (1933) A grammar of the Kiwai Language, Fly Delta, Papua. (With a Kiwai vocabulary by the late Rev. E. Faxter Riley.). Port Moresby: Edward George Baker. [ -- 134 -- Kiwai (autotyp: 134 kiw nort2930) = Northeast Kiwai [kiw]]

1343: Oirat [oia] [oira1263]:

HH: [oia] is the code for the Papuan language Oirata, Oirat in these refs should be Kalmyk-Oirat [xal]

Birtalan, Ágnes. (2003) Oirat. In Juha Janhunen (ed.), The Mongolic languages, 210-228. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1343 -- Kalmyk [xal]]

Rakós, Attila. (2002) Written Oirat (Languages of the World/Materials 418). München: Lincom Europe. [ -- 1343 -- Kalmyk-Oirat [xal] -- 48]

323: Orig [ras] [tega1236]:

HH: Orig is a noun class language of the Rashad group i.e. Tagoi [tag] not Rashad [ras]

Schadeberg,, T. C. & Philip Elias. (1979) A description of the Orig language (Southern Kordofan). Based on the notes of Fr. Carlo Muratori. (Musée royale de l'Afrique centrale. Archief voor antropologie, 26). [No publisher stated]. [ -- 323 -- Tagoi [tag] -- 85]

2333: Prasuni [prn] [pras1239]:

HH: Must be a typo for [brn]

Quesada, J. Diego. (2001) En Route to Subject-Coding: The Case of Boruca. Theoretical Linguistics 27(1). . [ -- 2333 -- Prasuni (autotyp: 2333 prn pras1239) = Prasuni [prn]]

1592: Haida (Northern) [hdn] [nort2938]:

HH: SKidegate is S Haida [hax]

No Author Stated. (1994) Pitch in Skidegate Haida. In O. Miyaoka & F. Endo (eds.), Languages of the North Pacific Rim, No 7. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1592,95 -- Haida (Northern) (autotyp: 1592 hdn nort2938) = Northern Haida [hdn], Haida (autotyp: 95 hax sout2956) = Southern Haida [hax]]

No Author Stated. (1998) Instrumental Prefixes in Skidegate Haida. In O. Miyaoka & M. Oshima (eds.), Languages of the North Pacific Rim, Vol 4. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1592,95 -- Haida (Northern) (autotyp: 1592 hdn nort2938) = Northern Haida [hdn], Haida (autotyp: 95 hax sout2956) = Southern Haida [hax]]

2483: Oromo (Waata) [ssn] [waat1238]:

HH: Owens (1985) decribes E Oromo, not Waata [ssn]

Owens, Jonathan. (1985) A grammar of Harar Oromo (Northeastern Ethiopia) (Kuschitische Sprachstudien, 4). Hamburg: Helmut Buske. [ -- 324,1519,1520,2483 -- Eastern Oromo [hae] -- 282]

995: Bella Coola [blc] [bell1243]:

HH: Not sure how this pertains to Bella Coola

No Author Stated. (2000) Lexical Suffixes in Nuuchahnulth: An Overview. In O. Miyaoka (ed.), Languages of the North Pacific Rim, Vol 5. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 995 -- Bella Coola (autotyp: 995 blc bell1243) = Bella Coola [blc]]

123: Kanuri [kau] [kanu1279]:

HH: These are refs to Central Kanuri [knc] specifically

Cyffer, N. (1998) A sketch of Kanuri (Grammatische Analysen Afrikanischer Sprachen, 9). Köln: Köppe. [ -- 123 -- Kanuri-Central [knc] -- 80]

Hutchinson, John P. (1981) The Kanuri Language. Madison: University of Wisconsin. [ -- 123 -- Kanuri (autotyp: 123 kau kanu1279) = UNKNOWN [kau]]

Lukas, J. (1937) A Study of the Kanuri Languge: Grammar and Vocabulary. London: Oxford University Press. [ -- 123 -- Kanuri (autotyp: 123 kau kanu1279) = UNKNOWN [kau]]

2064: Martu Wangka [mpj] [mart1256]:

HH: Yulparija has its own separate glottocode [yulp1239]

No Author Stated. (1996) Yulparija sketch grammar. In William McGregor (ed.), Studies in Kimberley Languages in Honour of Howard Coate. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2064 -- Martu Wangka (autotyp: 2064 mpj mart1256) = Martu Wangka [mpj]]

571: Tamazight (Ayt Ndhir) [tzm] [cent2194]:

HH: This seems to deal with Kabyle rather than Central Atlas Tamazight:

No Author Stated. (1999) Le ‘t’ n’est-il qu’une marque de féminin en berbère (kabyle)?. In Danon-Boileau, L.& Morel, M.-A. (ed.), La catégorisation dans les langues. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 571 -- Tamazight (Ayt Ndhir) (autotyp: 571 tzm cent2194) = Central Moroccan Berber [tzm]]

1519: Oromo (Boraana) [gax] [bora1271]:

HH: This is on E Oromo [hae]

Owens, Jonathan. (1985) A grammar of Harar Oromo (Northeastern Ethiopia) (Kuschitische Sprachstudien, 4). Hamburg: Helmut Buske. [ -- 324,1519,1520,2483 -- Eastern Oromo [hae] -- 282]

1511: Fula (Nigerian) [fuv] [nige1253]:

HH: Wodaabe Fula has a different code Fulfulde-Central-Eastern Niger [fuq]

Labatut, Roger. (1988) Les emprunts haoussas dans le peul des woÎaa∫e dubanko’en du Niger. Bulletin des études africaines de l’INALCO 8(15). . [ -- 1511 -- Fula (Nigerian) (autotyp: 1511 fuv nige1253) = Nigerian Fulfulde [fuv]]

2325: Guinea Bissau Crioulo [pov] [uppe1455]:

HH: Maybe it shouldn't but Cade Verdean creole has a code Kabuverdianu [kea] different from GB [pov]

No Author Stated. (2000) Centre africain et périphérie portugaise dans le créole santigais du Cap Vert?. In I. Neumann-Holzschuh & E.W. Schneider (eds.), Degrees of restructuring in Creole languages. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2325 -- Guinea Bissau Crioulo (autotyp: 2325 pov uppe1455) = Upper Guinea Crioulo [pov]]

No Author Stated. (2003) Licensing Conditions on Cliticization on Cape Verdean Creole. In D. Adone (ed.), Recent Development in Creole Studies. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2325 -- Guinea Bissau Crioulo (autotyp: 2325 pov uppe1455) = Upper Guinea Crioulo [pov]]

No Author Stated. (2003) O pronome pessoal átono da primeira pessoa do singular e a nasalidade no crioulo de Santiago (Cabo Verde). In K. Zimmermann (ed.), Lenguas criollas de base lexical espanola y portuguesa. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2325 -- Guinea Bissau Crioulo (autotyp: 2325 pov uppe1455) = Upper Guinea Crioulo [pov]]

No Author Stated. (2003) On the nature of the morpheme e in Capeverdean Creole: to be or not to be?. In K. Zimmermann (ed.), Lenguas criollas de base lexical espanola y portuguesa. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2325 -- Guinea Bissau Crioulo (autotyp: 2325 pov uppe1455) = Upper Guinea Crioulo [pov]]

No Author Stated. (2003) Apontamentos sobre o léxico de origem africana dos crioulos da Guiné e de Cabo Verde (Santiago). In K. Zimmermann (ed.), Lenguas criollas de base lexical espanola y portuguesa. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2325 -- Guinea Bissau Crioulo (autotyp: 2325 pov uppe1455) = Upper Guinea Crioulo [pov]]

No Author Stated. (2003) A génese dos crioulos caboverdianos por difusão componencial e a importância dos estudos dialectológicos. In K. Zimmermann (ed.), Lenguas criollas de base lexical espanola y portuguesa. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2325 -- Guinea Bissau Crioulo (autotyp: 2325 pov uppe1455) = Upper Guinea Crioulo [pov]]

No Author Stated. (2003) A comparison of serial verb constructions in Cape Verdean and other creoles. In K. Zimmermann (ed.), Lenguas criollas de base lexical espanola y portuguesa. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2325 -- Guinea Bissau Crioulo (autotyp: 2325 pov uppe1455) = Upper Guinea Crioulo [pov]]

No Author Stated. (2003) Redupliaction in Cape Verdean Creole. In Silvia Kouwenberg (ed.), Twice as meaningful. Reduplication in Pidgins and Creoles. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2325 -- Guinea Bissau Crioulo (autotyp: 2325 pov uppe1455) = Upper Guinea Crioulo [pov]]

Quint, Nicolas. (2001) Santiago Creole Portuguese (Cape Verde). JALL 22(1). . [ -- 2325 -- Guinea Bissau Crioulo (autotyp: 2325 pov uppe1455) = Upper Guinea Crioulo [pov]]

1567: Gurindji [gue] [guri1247]:

HH: Acc to Senge 2015 Wanyjirra is closest to Djaru (not Gurinji) = Jaru [ddj]

No Author Stated. (2001) Wanyjirra texts: 76/13-2, NP (1), NP (2). In Tasaku Tsunoda (ed.), Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim. Basic Materials in Minority Languages 2001. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1567 -- Gurindji (autotyp: 1567 gue guri1247) = Gurinji [gue]]

988: Bajau [bdl] [indo1317]:

HH: [bdl] is for the Indonesian Bajau. Probably here Simunul island = Sama-Southern [ssb]

No Author Stated. (2005) Sama (Bajau). In Alexander Adelaar & Nickolaus P. Himmelmann (eds.), The Austronesian Languages of Asia and Madagascar. Routledge London/New York. [ -- 988 -- Bajau (autotyp: 988 bdl indo1317) = Indonesian Bajau [bdl]]

114: Ingush [inh] [ingu1240]:

HH: Looks like a typo

No Author Stated. (1998) Le système verbal du wallisien. In F. Bentolila (ed.), Systèmes verbaux. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 114 -- Ingush (autotyp: 114 inh ingu1240) = Ingush [inh]]

2565: Tahitian [tht] [tahi1242]:

HH: Tahitian has the code [tah], whereas [tht] is for Tahltan

No Author Stated. (2004) Complex predicates in Tahitian: A particular case of qualitative modification. In Brill & Ozanne-Rivierre (eds.), Complex Predicates in Oceanic Languages. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2565 -- Tahitian (autotyp: 2565 tht tahi1242) = Tahltan [tht]]

Bickmore, Lee S. (1995) Refining and Formalizing the Tahitian Stress Placement Algorithm. Oceanic Linguistics 34(2). . [ -- 2565 -- Tahitian (autotyp: 2565 tht tahi1242) = Tahltan [tht]]

Lazard, Gilbert & Louise Peltzer. (1991) Predicates in Tahitian. Oceanic Linguistics 30(1). . [ -- 2565 -- Tahitian (autotyp: 2565 tht tahi1242) = Tahltan [tht]]

Vernaudon, Jacques & Bernard Rigo. (2004) De la translation substantivante à la quantification: vers une caractérisation sémantique de l'article te en tahitien.. Bulletin Société Linguistique de Paris 99. . [ -- 2565 -- Tahitian (autotyp: 2565 tht tahi1242) = Tahltan [tht]]

2922: Tarom [tov] [uppe1235]:

HH: Afaik Haig 2008 does not mention Taromi

Haig, Goeffrey L. J. (2008) Alignment change in Iranian languages. Berlin: De Gruyter. [ -- 2922 -- Tarom (autotyp: 2922 tov uppe1235) = Upper Taromi [tov]]

727: Sardinian [srd] [camp1261]:

HH: Deals with specific varieties of Sardinian mostlu Campidanese (also the year is not 1966)

Cristofaro, Sonia & Anna Giacalone Ramat. (1966) Relativization in Sardinian. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 727 -- Sardinian (autotyp: 727 srd camp1261) = UNKNOWN [srd]]

722: Qiang (Northern) [cng] [nort2722]:

HH: HUang 2004 is Puxi Qiang ie Stodsde [jih] not northern Qiang

Huang, Chenglong. (2004) A reference grammar of the Puxi variety of Qiang. [No publisher stated] doctoral dissertation. [ -- 722 -- Shangzhai [jih] -- xx+341]

1163: Chontal (Huamelultec Oaxaca) [clo] [lowl1260]:

HH: Turner is on Highland Chontal [chd]

Turner, Paul. (1971) Chontal to Spanish - English, Spanish to Chontal. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 55,1163 -- Chontal (Highland) (autotyp: 55 chd high1242) = Highland Oaxaca Chontal [chd], Chontal (Huamelultec Oaxaca) (autotyp: 1163 clo lowl1260) = Lowland Oaxaca Chontal [clo]]

Turner,, P. & Shirley Turner. (1971) Chontal to Spanish-English dictionary. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. [ -- 55,1163 -- Chontal (Highland) (autotyp: 55 chd high1242) = Highland Oaxaca Chontal [chd], Chontal (Huamelultec Oaxaca) (autotyp: 1163 clo lowl1260) = Lowland Oaxaca Chontal [clo]]

The following cases look suspicious in that the cited source is mainly about another language than the one it is attributes as a source to in Autotyp. Of course, it's possible that a source provides facts on other lgs than the main language so I don't want to say it's wrong (and I haven't checked the individual sources), just that it might be worth double checking. The format is simply Autotyp language and a list of references that pertain mainly to other languages than the iso-639-3 of the Autotyp language in question

485: Nyulnyul [nyv] [nyul1247]:

HH: Mainly or Warrwa

No Author Stated. (1998) The verbal suffix -ngany in Warrwa. In Siewierska, Anna& Jae, Jung Song (ed.), Case, typology and grammar. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 485 -- Nyulnyul (autotyp: 485 nyv nyul1247) = Nyulnyul [nyv]]

No Author Stated. (2002) Ergative and accusative patterning in Warrwa. In Davidse, K.& Lamiroy, B. (ed.), The nominative & accusative case and their counterparts. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 485 -- Nyulnyul (autotyp: 485 nyv nyul1247) = Nyulnyul [nyv]]

613: Malay [zsm] [stan1306]:

Nordhoff, Sebastian. (1966) No valency in Sri Lanka Malay. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 613 -- Malay (autotyp: 613 zsm stan1306) = Standard Malay [zsm]]

2480: Sama (Balangingi) [sse] [bala1311]:

No Author Stated. (2002) The position of Chamorro and Palauan in the Austronesian family tree: evidence from verb morphosyntax. In Wouk, Fay& Ross, Malcolm (ed.), The history and typology of Western Austronesian voice systems. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2480,48 -- Sama (Balangingi) (autotyp: 2480 sse bala1311) = Balangingi [sse], Chamorro (autotyp: 48 cha cham1312) = Chamorro [cha]]

2159: Ngemba [nge] [ngem1255]:

Warnier, Jacqueline/Jan Voorhoeve. (1975) Vowel contraction and vowel reduction in Mankon. Studies in African Linguistics 6(2). . [ -- 2159 -- Ngemba (autotyp: 2159 nge ngem1255) = Ngemba [nge]]

2812: Maringarr [zmt] [mari1419]:

No Author Stated. (1997) Nominal Classification in Marrithiyel. In Mark Harvey & Nicholas Reid (eds.), Nominal Classification in Aboriginal Australia. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2812 -- Maringarr (autotyp: 2812 zmt mari1419) = Maringarr [zmt]]

575: Wambaya [wmb] [wamb1258]:

Borowsky, Toni & Mark Harvey. (1997) Vowel-length in Warray and weight identity. Phonology 14(2). . [ -- 575 -- Wambaya (autotyp: 575 wmb wamb1258) = Wambaya [wmb]]

652: Khoe [xuu] [kxoe1243]:

No Author Stated. (2003) Location and motion in !Xun (Namibia). In Shay, E.& Seibert, U. (ed.), Motion, Direction and Location in Languages. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 652 -- Khoe (autotyp: 652 xuu kxoe1243) = Kxoe [xuu]]

Bassene, Alain-Christian. (1966) Coding and syntactic properties of ditransitive constructions in Jóola Banjal. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 652 -- Khoe (autotyp: 652 xuu kxoe1243) = Kxoe [xuu]]

1660: Itzaj [itz] [itza1241]:

Ola Orie, Olanike & Victoria Bricker. (2000) Placeless and historical laryngeals in Yucatec Maya. International Journal of American Linguistics 66(3). . [ -- 1660 -- Itzaj (autotyp: 1660 itz itza1241) = Itzá [itz]]

1904: Occitan [oci] [occi1239]:

Detges, Ulrich. (2009) How useful is case morphology? The loss of the Old French two-case system within a theory of Preferred argument structure.. In Johanna Barodal & Shobhana L. et al. (Eds.) Celliah (eds.), The Role of Semantic, Pragmatic, and Discourse Factors in the Development of Case (Studies in Language Companion Series 108). [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1904 -- Occitan (autotyp: 1904 oci occi1239) = Occitan [oci]]

1021: Bira [brf] [bera1259]:

No Author Stated. (2003) Bila (D32). In Derek Nurse & Gérard Philippson (eds.), The Bantu Languages. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1021 -- Bira (autotyp: 1021 brf bera1259) = Bera [brf]]

11: Aikaná [tba] [aika1237]:

Everett, Daniel L. (2005) Periphrastic Pronouns in Wari'. International Journal of American Linguistics 71(3). . [ -- 11 -- Aikaná (autotyp: 11 tba aika1237) = Aikanã [tba]]

59: Cree (Plains) [crk] [plai1258]:

No Author Stated. (1995) Discontinuous constituents in Swampy Cree. In David Pentland (ed.), Papers of the 26th Algonquian Conference. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba. [ -- 59 -- Cree (Plains) (autotyp: 59 crk plai1258) = Plains Cree [crk]]

Reinholtz, Charlotte. (1999) On the Characterization of Discontinuous Constituents: Evidence from Swampy Cree. International Journal of American Linguistics 65(2). 201-227. [ -- 59 -- Cree-Swampy [csw]]

365: Tarascan [tsz] [pure1242]:

No Author Stated. (1996) Association, comparaison, attribution: Continuum conceptuel du “connectif” bantu et détermination nominale en kinyarwanda. In L. Danon-Boileau & M.-A. Morel (eds.), La relation d'appartenance. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 365 -- Tarascan (autotyp: 365 tsz pure1242) = Purepecha [tsz]]

540: Khasi [kha] [khas1269]:

Nagaraja, K. S. (1996) The status of Lyngngam. Mon-Khmer Studies 26. 37-50. [ -- 540 -- Lyngngam [lyg]]

1379: Lesser Antillean French Creole [acf] [sain1246]:

No Author Stated. (1996) L'adjectif en créole guadeloupéen: une approche prototypique. In Daniel Véronique (ed.), Matériaux pour l'étude des classes grammaticales dans les langues créoles. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1379 -- Lesser Antillean French Creole (autotyp: 1379 acf sain1246) = Saint Lucian Creole French [acf]]

2682: Vagla [vag] [vagl1239]:

Kleinewillinghöfer, Ulrich. (1999) The classification of Siti (Kyitu) reconsidered. Cahiers Voltaïques - Gur Papers 4. 37-47. [ -- 2682 -- Siti = Siti [NOCODE_Siti]]

2041: Mangap-Mbula [mna] [mbul1263]:

No Author Stated. (2001) Linguistic evidence for a Lao perspective on facial expression of emotion. In Harkins, Jean& Wierzbicka, Anna (ed.), Emotions in crosslinguistic perspective. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 2041 -- Mangap-Mbula (autotyp: 2041 mna mbul1263) = Mbula [mna]]

106: Huave [hve] [sand1278]:

K. Stairs, A. Glenn & E. F. Scharfe de Stairs. (1981) Diccionario Huave de San Mateo del Mar (Serie de Vocabularios y diccionarios Indígenas "Mariano Silva y Aceves", 24). México: SIL. [ -- 106,1625 -- Huave (autotyp: 106 hve sand1278) = San Dionisio del Mar Huave [hve], Huave (San Mateo del Mar) (autotyp: 1625 huv sanm1287) = San Mateo del Mar Huave [huv]]

Kim, Yuni. (2005) Topics in the Phonology and Morphology of San Francisco del Mar Huave. [No publisher stated] doctoral dissertation. [ -- 106,2994 -- Huave (autotyp: 106 hve sand1278) = San Dionisio del Mar Huave [hve], Huave (San Francisco del Mar) (autotyp: 2994 hue sanf1258) = San Francisco del Mar Huave [hue]]

Matthews, P. H. (1972) Huave verb morphology: Some comments from a non-tagmemic standpoint. IJAL 38. . [ -- 106 -- Huave (autotyp: 106 hve sand1278) = San Dionisio del Mar Huave [hve]]

Stairs,, E. F. & B. F. Hollenbach. (1969) Huave verb morphology. IJAL 35. . [ -- 106 -- Huave (autotyp: 106 hve sand1278) = San Dionisio del Mar Huave [hve]]

962: Barasano (Northern) [bao] [waim1255]:

Jones, W. & P. Jones. (1991) Barasano syntax (Studies in the languages of Colombia 2). Arlington, TX: SIL. [ -- 493,962 -- Barasana [bsn] -- xv+193]

372: Tepehua (Huehuetla) [tee] [hueh1236]:

Willett, Thomas. (1991) A reference grammar of Southeastern Tepehuan. Dallas / Arlington: SIL / University of Texas. [ -- 372,2544 -- Southeastern Tepehuan [stp] -- xii+282]

2440: Sko [skv] [nucl1634]:

François, Alexandre. (2003) Restructuring the Geocentric System of Proto-Oceanic. Oceanic Linguistics 42(2). . [ -- 2440 -- Sko (autotyp: 2440 skv nucl1634) = Skou [skv]]

1574: Gurma [gux] [gour1243]:

Takassi, Issa. (2003) Les constructions verbales sérielles en ncam. Cahiers Voltaïques - Gur Papers 6. (?). [ -- 1574 -- Ntcham [bud]]

738: Even [eve] [even1260]:

No Author Stated. (1983) O sootnos&enii kosvenno-perehodnoj i ergativnoj konstrukcii v eskimosskom jazyke (Ueber die Beziehung der oblik-transitiven und der ergativen Konstruktion im Eskimo). In Ju. A. Sem (ed.), Voprosy leksiki i grammatiki jazykov narodov krajnego severa SSSR (Fragen der Lexik und Grammatik der Sprachen der Völker des hohen Nordens der UdSSR). [No publisher stated]. [ -- 738 -- Even (autotyp: 738 eve even1260) = Even [eve]]

1107: Chuj [cac] [chuj1250]:

No Author Stated. (2000) The Applied Linguist in Indian Country: Preservation and Revival of the Catawba language. In Ostler, Nicholas&Rudes, Blair (ed.), Endangered Languages and Literacy. Proceedings of the 4th FEL Conference. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1107 -- Chuj (autotyp: 1107 cac chuj1250) = Chuj [cac]]

These two references reference language_id:s which are not found in the register.csv file:

5002107494374614 NOT FOUND 27 book {u'publisher': u'Narr', u'author': u'Bisang, Walter', u'title': u'Das Verb im Chinesischen, Hmong, Vietnamesischen, Thai und Khmer: Vergleichende Grammatik im Rahmen der Verbserialisierung, der Grammatikalisierung und der Attraktorpositionen', u'address': u'T\xfcbingen', u'languageid': u'171,5002107494374614', u'year': u'1992', u'keywords': u'Mandarin'} mismatch autotyp thinks ['oia'] HH thinks [u'xal'] Birtalan, Ágnes. (2003) Oirat. In Juha Janhunen (ed.), The Mongolic languages, 210-228. [No publisher stated]. [ -- 1343 -- Kalmyk [xal]]

874 NOT FOUND 6161 article {u'lgcode': u'Alacalufe Central [NOCODE_Alacalufe-Central], Alacalufe Austral [NOCODE_Alacalufe-Austral], Alacalufe Septentrional = Qawasqar [alc]', u'title': u'Dialectolog\xeda qawasqar', u'journal': u'Amerindia', u'author': u'Viegas Barros, Jos\xe9 Pedro', u'volume': u'15', u'languageid': u'874', u'year': u'1990', u'keywords': u'', u'pages': u'43-73'}

balthasarbickel commented 7 years ago

Many, many thanks for this! We will follow up on each case as soon as we have time.

d97hah commented 7 years ago

Correction to myself re this one: Puxi Qiang is southern Southern Qiang [qxs] not Shangzhai [jih] (also spoken in Puxi but a diff Qiangic lg).

722: Qiang (Northern) [cng] [nort2722]:

HH: HUang 2004 is Puxi Qiang ie Stodsde [jih] not northern Qiang

Huang, Chenglong. (2004) A reference grammar of the Puxi variety of Qiang. [No publisher stated] doctoral dissertation. [ -- 722 -- Shangzhai [jih] -- xx+341]

sinnemaki commented 6 years ago

When working with some Autotyp data I came across with three small issues in the file Register.csv that may need to be corrected:

  1. The language name "Mayali" is an alternative name for "Gunwinggu" but it also appears as a separate entry. Maybe these entries should be conflated?
  2. The ISO639.3 code for Djapu used to be "duj" (as in the Register.csv) but in the 19th and 20th editions of the Ethnologue it is now "dwu".
  3. The ISO639.3 code for Pashto (Northern) should be "pbu" instead of "pst", which is the code for Pashto (Central).

Hope these are helpful.