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Creating a Simulation Environment (ITRI Campus) #29

Open sglee-morai opened 2 years ago

sglee-morai commented 2 years ago


Creating Simulation Environment of ITRI Campus

Available data for baseline (provided by ITRI)

Expected Output

The map will be implemented in two different types: (map type 1) The environments around the road are typical 3d models (buildings, terrains, ...) (map type 2)- The environments around the road are 3d model converted from the point cloud map

For each map type, two different outputs are expected

sglee-morai commented 2 years ago

Update (22-05-25)

The initial version of type2 map is already created but it will be built again, since ITRI provided point cloud data with higher density

Initial version (built with low resolution PCD) morai_itri_campus_pcd_initial (low denstiy data) (1) morai_itri_campus_pcd_initial (low denstiy data) (2) morai_itri_campus_pcd_initial (low denstiy data) (3)

sglee-morai commented 2 years ago

Update (22-06-04)

Type1(Normal) r1 is expected to deliver next week


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GPS Position Validation

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sglee-morai commented 2 years ago

Question to, I have one question. After we created an initial version of the ITRI Campus map, we found that some roads have a fairly large lateral inclination.

At first, I thought that's was our fault, but when I saw your video, actual roads seem to have that inclination as well.

Here are two roads that have some serious inclination in the 3d model. And two pictures correspond to where the simulation video is made

1) 2)

Could you give me any opinions about this?

sglee-morai commented 2 years ago

Way to share map data?

1) Open to everyone, like uploading to

2) Google Drive may be an option First, Google Drive. Then consider other options when a mutual update is required.

An Issue:

3D Map

sglee-morai commented 2 years ago

Update 22-06-22

1) Ready to share. (Unity Package format) Asked Tsutake-san for his email.

2) Need feedback: is elevation important? If so, how much?

YoshinoriTsutake commented 2 years ago


Update 22-06-22

  1. Ready to share. (Unity Package format) Asked Tsutake-san for his email.
  2. Need feedback: is elevation important? If so, how much?

Would it be possible to create the 3D model on the basis of HDRP ? Also, on some objects, " material " is not attached . Could you make sure if it would be fine ? image

kielczykowski-rai commented 2 years ago

@sglee-morai The map asset is created using Built-in Render Pipeline, so when importing the unitypackage to TierIV SIM the materials attached in the file need to be converted to HDRP. As I have experienced the import and materials upgrade processes are very sensitive to Unity Editor load and cached data. Sometimes it requires restarting the Unity Editor, trying opening the map in a completely new scene, or creating an HDRP asset and reimporting it to the destination project/scene - the steps that have to be done to upgrade the materials are not very clear for now. Is it possible to share the unitypackage both in Built-In Rener Pipeline and HDRP in the future? It would make the process of adjusting the scene easier and less error-prone.

sglee-morai commented 2 years ago

@YoshinoriTsutake Oh Tsutake-san Sorry that my response is late. I missed the email notification for your comment. It should have a link to the material as shown in the picture below. (FYI, below is the result I got when I created a fresh-new HDRP template project with Unity 2020.3.6f1 version.)


Btw, while you were importing the unity package, you should have seen a window like these. Can you check whether you can see these in your Unity editor, please?


Lastly, could you share with me your Unity environment, please? (Unity version, HDRP Settings, anything else that you think is important) Then we are going to make the same environment and update our map to solve the issue, and then get it back to you :)

sglee-morai commented 2 years ago

@kielczykowski-rai Hi Michał, thanks for your feedback. Yes, our engineers will update the map for HDRP and then share HDRP version with both you and Tsutake san. For other maps MORAI would provide in the future, we will do the same for smoother exchange.

I already asked Tsutake san for the Unity version and other configurations that may affect sharing the map data, but if you think there is another important point that MORAI needs to consider, please let me know. Thanks a lot!

sglee-morai commented 2 years ago

Update 22-07-06

WJaworskiRobotec commented 2 years ago

Unity 2021.1.7f1 is used in TierIV Sim

sglee-morai commented 2 years ago

Update 22-07-14

@YoshinoriTsutake @WJaworskiRobotec

I should've shared the axis definition & the way to convert the model coordinate system into the global coordinate system. Below is a somewhat simple guideline. Please let me know if you need further explanation for using the map.

Using codes somewhat similar to the code below, you can able to convert position in the unity into a global coordinate system (UTM51N for this case)

def unity_to_tm(unity_xyz):
  # MORAI Unity 3D model Definition
  # X: West
  # Y: Up
  # Z: South

  # [STEP 1] Convert unity to local ENU (map frame)
  local_east = -1 * unity_xyz.x
  local_north = -1 * unity_xyz.z
  local_up = unity_xyz.y

  # [STEP 2] Convert local ENU (map frame) to global ENU, which is TM coordinate system
  # Map-specific values, for converting local ENU to global ENU
  # global ENU is defined in TM coordinate system
  # For ITRI campus map, these are the values to use
  local_to_tm = [302307.91079993953, 2741203.5418005455, 0.0] # ENU
  proj_string = "+proj=utm +zone=51 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" # UTM51N

  # Actual calculation process for the STEP 2
  tm_east = local_east + local_to_tm[0]
  tm_north = local_north + local_to_tm[1]
  tm_up = local_up + local_to_tm[2]

  # [SIDE NOTE] proj_string value can be used to convert TM coordinate system into Lat, Lon, Alt
  # The process isn't demonstrated for this example (please let me know if any one of you needs that)

  return tm

To make it clear, map-specific values for ITRI campus map are these two.

local_to_tm = [302307.91079993953, 2741203.5418005455, 0.0] # defined in ENU order
proj_string = "+proj=utm +zone=51 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"

To better illustrate axis definition of ITRI campus model, which is [Unity_x = West, Unity_z = South, Unity_y = Up] , refer to these pictures.

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sglee-morai commented 2 years ago

@YoshinoriTsutake (cc: @WJaworskiRobotec) Hi Tsutake-san, did you have a chance to integrate the ITRI campus map into TierIV Sim?

stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

This pull request has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity.

WJaworskiRobotec commented 7 months ago

Task is now reopened due to the observed mismatch of LL2 and 3D enviornment :

WJaworskiRobotec commented 7 months ago

After analysis of existing scene, we have decided to recreate the road (perfectly matching LL2) once again, and later transform all other objects to fit the new road.

image (5) image (4)

PiotrRzRobotec commented 7 months ago

The road, terrain, and other objects were adjusted to match LL2. Orange lines are visualization of the lanelet.

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