Closed xmfcx closed 1 year ago
Virtual traffic light is meant to be used for V2X communication. The vehicle will wait until it receives approval from the external software (infrastructure) to pass.
The reason why virtual traffic light being defined in the sample map is because the sample map is originally created by TIER IV to test all features in behavior modules. Maybe we should add tutorial for sending approval in the instruction to avoid confusion.
thank you for your report. sorry, I did not check the actual behavior but the following command may approve it and the vehicle starts to move.
sec=$(($(date +%s) + 30)); ros2 topic pub /awapi/tmp/virtual_traffic_light_states tier4_v2x_msgs/msg/VirtualTrafficLightStateArray "{stamp: {sec: $sec, nanosec: 999999999}, states: [{stamp: {sec: $sec, nanosec: 999999999}, type: 'dummy_infrastructure', id: '$1', approval: true, is_finalized: true}]}" -1
Thanks, I will add this to the tutorial steps as a note for newcomers.
@xmfcx Recently we updated the sample map to contain all kinds of map primitives including virtual_trafic_light, so this is an expected behavior. So the workaround is to
@soblin It might be difficult for beginners to understand the difference between virtual traffic light(V2I command) and normal traffic light. Unless there is a good documentation for the virtual traffic light use-cases, it might be better to just turn the flag off.
@soblin I have talked with Fatih, and it would be nice if you can work on this issue.
@mitsudome-r Okay! I think we can just disable this flag in awf autoware_launch only.
Following the the vehicle stops at a right turn and stays there forever.
Expected behavior
Vehicle to move if there is no traffic light.
Actual behavior
Vehicle stops.
Steps to reproduce
Possible causes
No response
Additional context
There is not even a traffic light nearby, I don't know why it stops.