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Autoware keeps acceleration less than 0 and the ego vehicle does not drive at all from the starting point. #8033

Open Kim-mins opened 1 month ago

Kim-mins commented 1 month ago



Hi team,

I'm currently running Autoware with Carla using bridge implementation, and I found a situation that Autoware keeps acceleration less than 0 and the ego vehicle does not drive at all from the starting point.

Here's the rviz video of the situation: [video] and corresponding launch.log file: [launch.log]

When I checked the control command by subscribing the topic /control/command/control_cmd and plotted acceleration and speed as below, it showed that the acceleration is below 0 and the speed does not increase (the values oscillates though..). image

Expected behavior

I hope the ego vehicle to drive well to the goal point.

Actual behavior

But the ego vehicle does not start to drive.

Steps to reproduce

Here's the ros2bag file for the reproduction: [ros2bag]


Possible causes

No response

Additional context

I thought this issue is not duplicated with, as no logs in launch.log says process died.

VRichardJP commented 1 month ago

Your logs basically show 3 errors:

1720950077.5001881 [component_container_mt-64] [ERROR] [1720950077.499698771] [compressed_depth_image_transport]: Compressed Depth Image Transport - Compression requires single-channel 32bit-floating point or 16bit raw depth images (input format is: rgb8).
1720950077.5126553 [component_container_mt-6] [WARN] [1720950077.511458876] [sensing.lidar.concatenate_data]: transformed_raw_points[/sensing/lidar/left/pointcloud] is nullptr, skipping pointcloud publish.
1720950077.5150239 [component_container_mt-6] [WARN] [1720950077.511521889] [sensing.lidar.concatenate_data]: transformed_raw_points[/sensing/lidar/right/pointcloud] is nullptr, skipping pointcloud publish.

Concatenated lidar data is required by the perception pipeline, so the concatenation issue could be blocking in your case.

Did you check Autoware diagnostics with RQT for other potential issues?

Kim-mins commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the response @VRichardJP!

Actually, I did not check the whole perception pipeline, but I checked that the car drives well in most of the cases even with the messages above, and it is not that frequent to stuck at the starting point.

To my knowledge, those error messages are from the bridge implementation as the bridge is not handling the topics /sensing/lidar/left/pointcloud and /sensing/lidar/right/pointcloud. I'll check if those errors are relevant to this issue soon.


Kim-mins commented 1 month ago

Hi @VRichardJP!

When running simulation on Carla with the bridge, there's the only LiDAR for the ego vehicle due to performance issue, so it seems we need not to process those topics for now. (Thank you for checking @maxime-clem!)