autowarefoundation / autoware.universe
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Reduce dependence on Boost.Geometry #8128

Open mitukou1109 opened 1 month ago

mitukou1109 commented 1 month ago



Currently, Autoware relies on Boost.Geometry for most geometric calculations. However, Boost's generic implementation is considered to extend the build time. The goal of this task is to reduce the build time by minimizing (or eliminating) dependency on Boost.Geometry.


This task aims to shorten the build time by reducing dependency on Boost.Geometry. This involves adding utility functions that compile independently of Boost and omitting unnecessary features for Autoware to improve function execution efficiency.

Possible approaches

The following functions are planned to be replaced:

Definition of done

mitukou1109 commented 1 month ago

Here is the current benchmark results with 500 randomly generated polygons with 9 vertices:

function Boost self-impl. task
area() 0.18ms 0.65ms calculate the area of 500 polygons
convex_hull() 1.93ms 4.59ms calculate the convex hull of vertices of 500 polygons
covered_by() 278.20ms 946.09ms check if each vertex of 500 polygons is covered by (= inside or on border of) another 500 polygons
disjoint() 195.58ms 180.81ms check if 500 polygons are disjoint (runs totally 250,000 times)
intersects() 195.41ms 145.11ms check if 500 polygons intersect (runs totally 250,000 times)
within() 842.81ms 120.63ms check if each of 500 polygons is within 500 polygons

I will need to work on speeding up (especially for convex_hull() and covered_by()) before starting migration.

mitukou1109 commented 1 month ago

Latest benchmark results with 500 randomly generated polygons with 9 vertices:

function Boost self-impl. task
area() 0.03ms 0.03ms calculate the area of 500 polygons
convex_hull() 0.38ms 0.32ms calculate the convex hull of vertices of 500 polygons
covered_by() 309.93ms 307.29ms check if each vertex of 500 polygons is covered by (= inside or on border of) another 500 polygons
disjoint() 198.91ms 77.51ms check if 500 polygons are disjoint (runs totally 250,000 times)
intersects() 199.10ms 58.56ms check if 500 polygons intersect (runs totally 250,000 times)
touches() 309.29ms 343.14ms check if each vertex of 500 polygons touches (= on border of) another 500 polygons
within() 1058.86ms 55.80ms check if each of 500 polygons is within 500 polygons

Now all functions except touches() work equally or faster than Boost's.

mitukou1109 commented 1 month ago

At this moment, the implementation assumes that polygons are convex. But considering that the purpose is to replace Boost.Geometry functions, it would be better for the alternatives to work with concave polygons. Is it OK to keep the current implementation or should I use convexity-independent algorithms?

maxime-clem commented 2 weeks ago

@mraditya01 is implementing a triangulation algorithm which allows to split any concave polygon into a set of convex polygons (triangles). This will allow using convex-only algorithms with any type of polygons. Of course the effect on performance will need to properly be investigated, and in some case it may be better to implement generic algorithms rather than use triangulation+convex algorithms.

mitukou1109 commented 1 day ago

Now that @mraditya01 's is merged, I'll begin working on supporting non-convex polygons. But first let me re-implement the triangulation algorithm without using Boost.Geometry.

mitukou1109 commented 1 day ago

I asked @mraditya01 to clean up the code of triangulation algorithm first. I'm working on adding alt::Polygon2d class that accepts non-convex polygons.