autowarefoundation / autoware

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Build only RViz plugin packages and split them into a separate container #5076

Open youtalk opened 3 months ago

youtalk commented 3 months ago

autoware.universe/common contains a lot of source code related to RViz plugins. Additionally, when launching the main Autoware launch file, RViz is automatically started as well. This results in the installation of many RViz dependency packages, increasing the container image size. It also causes inconvenience when you want to run RViz as a separate process.

To address this, add a build stage that extracts and builds only these RViz plugins, and create a separate container image to run RViz using those plugins.

esteve commented 5 days ago

For this, I'd move the plug-ins to a separate folder so I can pass the --base-paths option to colcon and simplify the process (thanks @xmfcx for the idea

esteve commented 5 days ago

I've submitted as a draft to move the rviz plugins. It's still a draft because I'm waiting for and to be merged. I will rebase after that.