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The vehicle never starts in simulating the local planning by using OpenPlanner #180

Closed wsung1 closed 6 years ago

wsung1 commented 6 years ago

Hi, Autoware! In order to run OpenPlanner, I've been following (I'd appreciate @hatem-darweesh!). As I understand, this footage introduces two different ways of the local planning simulation using 1) ff_waypoint_follower [05:01~09:03] 2) pure_pursuit [09:04~10:45]

Am I right? I had no problem in performing the simulation with 1); however, not with 2). As shown below, the vehicle (model) never hit the road even after launching pure_pursuit. do not go At the moment 2) starts (followed by 1)),

With the above conditions, I've just followed what @hatem-darweesh did in order of 1) wf_simulator 2) twist_filter 3) self-localize using 2D Pose Estimate in RViz 4) dp_planner 5) (finally,) pure_pursuit

But the vehicle (model) doesn't go. What can be the culprit of this problem? Thanks for reading, @hatem-darweesh :)

hatem-darweesh commented 6 years ago

1- Setup -> TF , Vehicle Model 2- Map -> Point Cloud map , Vector Map, TF 3- Computing: a) vel_pose_connect -> check "Simulation Mode" b) twist_filter and tf_simulator, then select start pose from RVIZ using "2D Pose Estimate" c) way_planner (after set map path), select goal pose from RVIZ using "2D Nav Goal" d) dp_planner (after set map path) e) pure_pursuit -> select Waypoint

Car should move.


wsung1 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your reply, @hatem-darweesh! By following the sequence you gave, the vehicle model is now moving!

hatem-darweesh commented 6 years ago

Great, Can you share with us what was wrong with your steps, so I can consider in the tutorial.


wsung1 commented 6 years ago

I think I was wrong in setting start and goal positions on RViz with way_planner. As demonstrated, this step should be done after wf_simulator and before dp_planner. I'd appreciate your support, @hatem-darweesh!

hatem-darweesh commented 6 years ago

A lot of these issues is solved with the new OpenPlanner 1.5 if you have spare time give it a try feature/OpenPlanner and tutorial video is on the OpenPlanner youtube channel.

DmitryRedin commented 5 years ago

@hatem-darweesh, In which coordinate system(map, world, ...) is the goal point(2D Nav Goal) set?

hatem-darweesh commented 5 years ago

@DmitryRedin OpenPlanner uses map coordinates , and to use 2D Nav Goal it should be in world coordinates because the global planner convert it to map coordinate