autowarefoundation / autoware_ai

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[Discussion] Planning Architecture #419

Closed aohsato closed 4 years ago

aohsato commented 5 years ago


In relation to autowarefoundation/autoware_ai#396, we need to create the design overview of planning. According to @dejanpan , we can start this by defining inputs/outputs and logics in these 4 layers.

  1. Global planning
  2. Behaviour planning
  3. Local planning
  4. Control

Thanks for his suggestion, for example,

Global planning => on demand service, interface to apriori map and traffic information, Behaviour planning => open problem, Darpa urban challenge: rule-based, other companies: search-based method, our favorite: robust POMDP Local planning => some deterministic sampling-based methods (GMT) or form of MPC, pre-recorded path, RRT Control

Inputs to this module: track predictions map pose

aohsato commented 5 years ago

I think the Motion Layer in present Autoware architecture ( includes 3. Local planning and 4. Control . I created the draft design about these and commented at . component_diagram_motion

dejanpan commented 5 years ago

@aohsato: @makokal volunteered to lead the redesign for this package. I will chime in after his initial draft.

cho3 commented 5 years ago

Responding to @dejanpan 's request for comment:

I think the main quality of a good stack or architecture is that it should be easy to extend.

I think this is especially important as Autoware is a very ambitious open source project.

Generally, to achieve a stack that is easy to extend, the following is very helpful:

  1. Separation of concerns: each logical entity (class, node etc.) does one thing:
    • Easier to understand
  2. Well defined interfaces

With respect to this, I think from a conceptual, robotics algorithms level, the standard planning stack of:

  1. Global planning
  2. Behavior planning
  3. Motion planning
  4. Control
  5. Vehicle interface

Is a good one, as it logically separates planning into distinct algorithm domains, making it easy to reason about planning from an algorithm perspective.

How, within each of the five components, each one is structured is a matter of debate, whether it be more class-based, or node based. I personally favor a more monumental, class-based means of separating concerns.

With respect to this, I would advocate that we define standard interfaces (e.g. topic names and types) to each component of the stack.

If we can achieve this, then we would be able to interchange algorithms at each level from various contributors.

The thinking then is that we could have a hierarchy of launch files, e.g.

global_planner = ''
behavior_planner = ''
# .. etc..

Where then each particular launch file can e.g. dispatch to many nodes, as in @aohsato 's design, or a single node, if it is from another contributor who designs it that way.

That said, here is a first proposal for interface messages. Here, I am favoring standard messages where possible:

  1. Global planning
  2. Behavior planning
  3. Motion planning
  4. Control
  5. Vehicle interface
    • Input: AccelStamped
    • Output: Direct commands to the drive-by-wire interface (e.g. voltage signal)


Just some suggestions and discussion points. I think on the motion/local planning and control level, those proposals are fairly concrete, as the interfaces here a pretty well understood. At the higher behavior and global planning levels, it might be challenging to design a good interface, since the solutions and problem settings become a lot more broad.

makokal commented 5 years ago

Hi @cho3 @dejanpan @aohsato , I am late to this conversation so I thought I start with aligning the task.

In my opinion, let's separate the design first into functionality before going into details on the interface types. This means hashing out the role of these modules first and also deciding which ones are processes vs libraries. A process communication with a library does not have to go through ROS which is sometimes very useful. Afterwards the interface details become more apparent.

Here is a first shot at this.


For these process commands from flow the top (mission -> behavior -> motion -> control) with simultaneous increase in information update. Controller runs fastest (100hz, 50hz). Status information is reported upwards. This ensures a single source of 'truth' to allow for consistent decisions.


With this separation, ROS communication is only needed between the processes.

Additional note: parameter handling is crucial across the full hierarchy here, so I highly recommend using namespaces like /motion_planner/ego_lane/param_x

makokal commented 5 years ago

@aohsato @cho3 @dejanpan comments on ^^?

cho3 commented 5 years ago

@makokal :turkey: :turkey: :turkey: Your comment fell a little awkwardly before the short holidays :turkey: :turkey: :turkey:.

Regarding what is written, I broadly agree. I was under the false impression that some of these were a given, but it's best to be as clear as possible.

As far as general development practice goes:

RE Mission/global planner:

RE Behavior planner:

RE Controller:

RE libraries:

I guess my main comments in short are:

makokal commented 5 years ago

@cho3 I concur very much.

RE- global/mission planner - Yes, lane sequence is no the right abstraction, I think waypoints (with some possible semantic meaning) is a good start.


RE- controllers

I also agree about keeping things as ROS agnostic as possible and only adding wrappers to tie the modules to ROS at the end. For scene modeling , it is the piece hard to find examples of, yet is can vastly affect the interfaces in motion planning (e.g. representation of obstacles)

I haven't looked deeply in OMPL, but AFAIK it is mostly geared towards manipulation planning, so I am not sure how much of that interface fits AD.

Example MP interface I had in mind:

class MotionPlanner {
// ...
  virtual ReturnType plan(
     const WorkspaceType& ws, 
     const MPTask& task, 
     const MPConstraints& constraints, 
     ...) const = 0; 

The have a factory for registering and initializing motion planners.

  MPType create(const MPParams& params, ...);
cho3 commented 5 years ago

RE global planner:




makokal commented 5 years ago

RE global planner:

* I think how we handle this might depend on what paradigm is chosen for handling maps

* Mainly I see 2-3 ways of interacting with maps:

  1. Shared database (e.g. each relevant node can access/query the same map database)
  2. Decoupled (e.g. only top level node, such as global planner, has access to map, and only relevant info is passed via messages down)
  3. Server (similar to 1, but map is a ROS server, rather than some indeterminate object in shared memory)

* 1 probably wouldn't work out too well in a multi-machine context (of course you could have one instance per machine)

* The upshot of 1/3 is that it simplifies the messages passed around in the planning stack, though you're pushing the coupling away to the map abstraction

* If we pursue a 1/3 style approach (where each relevant node has direct access to the map DB), then I would suggest something like [Uint64MultiArray]( for a first pass. The main reason is that the assumption that each map entity should be uniquely identifiable by 64 bits seems fairly reasonable, and plus this is a built-in type which makes life a little bit easier as a first pass

* If we shoot for something like 2, then I have no idea. I think for that we would have to come up with a couple variations of map-based prediction, localization, and behavior planning to get a sense for what would be needed there

I agree with the options. Just want to add one more thing that the full map or a large portion of it is not needed by most of these components. Only routing and lane level reasoning need access to large portions of the map and they mostly use topological information and some geometric info. I think these can be represented in some object build from a map (which could be living in a server/database etc) and the object is updated rarely. More intermediate components like motion planners, behavior planner and controllers do not really need access to a map but rather just a definition of workspace. These could again be objects build from either the map portion used in routing or a combination. These workspace objects will need to be constructed every time a planning 'call' is to be made so it is important the process if efficient. For optimization based planners for instance, these workspace object could then represent continuous spaces. This decouples how localization interacts with maps. The routing and planning modules here then only consume output of a localization module (as some 'State' object, again an interface).


* Do you have any concrete, high level behaviors you're envisioning here? Or even in the case of recovery behavior for each component of the planning stack? I ask this because I think it's impossible to design a reasonable interface without some concrete use-cases, even if we push the problem of implementation to others

Mainly state of the controller process, as in health and online tracking errors. The idea is to provide a channel for a user to propagate such diagnostics upwards and do something with them if need be or just log for debug purposes.


* [OMPL]( has a very reasonable API and separation of concerns for motion planning that at least bears some studying

Took a look, I like their models for spaces, objective functions and all. I think we can borrow a lot from these. What I didn't see (maybe didnt look hard enough) was arc length parameterization type spaces, i.e. Frenet coordinate which are prevalent in AV.

* [MoveIt!]( IMO is more ROS-y in terms of it's paradigms, and less useful for general motion planning

* Some other things we would need to be aware of and think about in designing an interface are different kinds of planners and planning paradigms, e.g.

  * Trajectory planning (combined lateral and longitudinal) vs path + velocity planning decomposition (e.g. what Autoware currently does)
  * Optimization-based methods vs sampling-based methods vs hybrid (n-stage) methods
  * etc...

* I personally take more of an optimization-based view of motion planning (and everything else for that matter), so from this view, just some random things to consider for an interface/problem definition:

I like the optimization approach very much too. I think we can have some basic interfaces for all of these and have a reference implementation of an optimization based planner from which other users can derive and add more.

  * objective function (e.g. progress, smoothness, weights etc..)
  * state space/motion model (e.g. dubins bicycle, first order wheels etc.., what level of derivative to control..)
  * time horizon
  * discretization level (in time or space domain)
  * initial conditions
  * state space constraints (e.g. 0 <= x <= 10)
  * obstacle constraints
  * waypoint constraints


* If I'm understanding your interface correctly, why would we need workspace to be a parameter rather than keeping the workspace as a set of class variables? Or do you mean workspace to mean something like the broad solution domain of the problem (e.g. 0 <= x <= 10)?

Finally, I think the discussion so far has been very fruitful, how should we go forward now? UML style design?

cho3 commented 5 years ago

@makokal Glad this discussion was helpful.

I guess for next steps we need to consider what the purpose of this discussion to hash out an architecture was. IMO the point of hashing out an architecture is so that we can establish standards to:

  1. Make the code quality better
  2. Make it easier for developers to develop algorithms that can interact with other developer's algorithms

In light of that I guess some kind of document would be best. IMO it should probably have:

  1. General development guidelines (e.g. ROS code should only be boilerplate, turn on all warnings, not doing XYZ will get your MR rejected, etc. most open source projects have developer guidelines IIRC)
  2. High level description of architecture (e.g. simple block diagrams) + high level descriptions of what each component does (high level UML here?)
  3. More detailed descriptions of the architecture and components (class-level UML here?):
    • the more concrete expected behavior of each component
    • the API's for commonly defined libraries (i.e. motion planning)
    • the interface (i.e. message definitions)
    • some sample use cases and expected behavior in each case
makokal commented 5 years ago

@makokal Glad this discussion was helpful.

I guess for next steps we need to consider what the purpose of this discussion to hash out an architecture was. IMO the point of hashing out an architecture is so that we can establish standards to:

1. Make the code quality better

2. Make it easier for developers to develop algorithms that can interact with other developer's algorithms

Very well articulated.

In light of that I guess some kind of document would be best. IMO it should probably have:

1. General development guidelines (e.g. ROS code should only be boilerplate, turn on all warnings, not doing XYZ will get your MR rejected, etc. most open source projects have developer guidelines IIRC)

Should we do this on this repo, maybe via a series of Markdown docs or elsewhere?

2. High level description of architecture (e.g. simple block diagrams) + high level descriptions of what each component does (high level UML here?)

3. More detailed descriptions of the architecture and components (class-level UML here?):

   * the more concrete expected behavior of each component
   * the API's for commonly defined libraries (i.e. motion planning)
   * the interface (i.e. message definitions)
   * some sample use cases and expected behavior in each case

I think we should get this tarted right away so that any lingering issues/decisions can be surfaced sooner.

cho3 commented 5 years ago


Should we do [development guidelines] on this repo, maybe via a series of Markdown docs or elsewhere?

I think standard practice is that we have a (series?) of markdown documents in the repository wiki (e.g. Developer/Contributor Guidelines etc.). We could also have a section of the readme in the planning section of the repo, e.g.:

# Example file structure
| src/
| | planning/
| | | # <-- here
| | perception/
| | # ...

If the larger project also takes up some of these guidelines, we could also have the highlights be in some kind of message when a user is trying to open a MR (I don't know if this is possible).

I think we should get this tarted right away so that any lingering issues/decisions can be surfaced sooner.

Sounds like a plan. Did you want to take a first stab at it? If not, I should hopefully have some time to sit down and string some words together within a few days.

makokal commented 5 years ago

Let me get at it.

hatem-darweesh commented 5 years ago

Dear @makokal , @cho3 this is very great discussion. I am looking forward to see your design document.

Let me share with you some thoughts:

- Kindly check OpenPlanner, it is part of Autoware:

  1. Design and scientific bases, check paper architecture

  2. check the tutorial and illustration videos on YouTube.

There is one library which contains the Planning functions and Logic op_planner. the nodes only concerned with message passing, parameters, synchronization, visualization. (same as suggested) with the addition that I like to separate the visualization in the future.

The only enforcement for others to implement their own sub modules is the nodes interface definition: OpenPlanner.Nodes.pdf