autowarefoundation / autoware_ai

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ndt matching parameters #691

Closed arashroomi closed 5 years ago

arashroomi commented 5 years ago

Hi All I am trying to use Autoware with lidar localization. We have a prerecorded pointcloud map of the area we want to drive. Since the pcd files where too big for autoware i have down sampled them using random downsampling algirithm. Now using a RoboSense lidar I try to localize the car in the road, but the apparently the algorithm is not able to localize correctly. It seems that the position is more or less correct but there are jumps in localization position. Also regarding to the prediction of the speed also it is not calculating correctly and while the car is stand still it estimates around 29kmph although the localized position is mostly in the same location. I would upload a video of it also for clearer picture of the situation. If you need i can also upload a bag file of it. In the other hand the NDT monitor gives this msg: error: Trying last correct localization -gnss available. And in few situations it converts to a warning. My question is that what causes this and is it because of the NDT Algorithm parameters? If so what is your suggestion to tune it? Thank you in advance! ezgif com-video-to-gif(2)

gbiggs commented 5 years ago

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