autowarefoundation / autoware_ai

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ndt_mapping not working properly! #754

Closed AswinP7 closed 4 years ago

AswinP7 commented 4 years ago

While selecting ndt_mapping from the runtime manager in the computing tap ,showing error in the terminal as "RLException: [ndt_mapping.launch] is neither a launch file in package [lidar_localizer] nor is [lidar_localizer] a launch file name The traceback for the exception was written to the log file" Steps Followed are : 1.Go to Autoware/ros directory 2.Run Autoware using “./run” command 3.Go to Simulation tab and Load a ROSBAG 4.Click Play and immediately PAUSE 5.Click Computing tab and select ndt_mapping 6.Click RViz button at the bottom 7.In Rviz click File menu and then click Open Config to select visualization template for ndt_mapping.rviz located in Autoware/src/.config/rviz7 8.ndt_mapping will read from /points_raw IF the pointcloud is being published in a different topic, use the relay tool in a new terminal window rosrun topic_tools relay /front/velodyne_points /points_raw This will forward the topic /front/velodyne_points to /points_raw

  1. Go back to Simulation tab and click Pause to start mapping
  2. Mapping process can be seen from Rviz Capture
kosmastsk commented 4 years ago

Was the workspace built successfully?

AswinP7 commented 4 years ago

@kosmastsk Autoware workspace compilation was not completed, some more packages are there to complete. Is that the issue for this error ?

kosmastsk commented 4 years ago

You should make sure that at least the lidar_localizer package has been properly built

AswinP7 commented 4 years ago

@kosmastsk I have built almost 70 packages, lidar_localizer is not included in it Screenshot from 2020-10-30 11-59-27 The above error (calibration_publisher) occurs after building 70 packages . Any idea for removing this error?

kosmastsk commented 4 years ago

@AswinBBT this looks like an OpenCV error, wrong linkage between your workspace and the OpenCV installation. Cannot tell more from this screenshot, however in order to run the ndt_mapping you have to make sure that the package has been built. Make sure that you have the correct versions of ROS, autoware, CUDA, OpenCV and all the other pre-requisites and try again.

AswinP7 commented 4 years ago

Ok fine 😊👍, CUDA is optional right ? Think CUDA is not mandatory for ndt_mapping ? Any idea

kosmastsk commented 4 years ago

No, it's not mandatory. Only if you plan to use the ndt_gpu functionalities, otherwise it runs fine without it

AswinP7 commented 4 years ago

Ok thank you 😊

AswinP7 commented 4 years ago

One more doubt regarding the lidar , we are using data from RpLidar A3 for this and it is a 2D Lidar , but in autoware is it possible to use this ? IMG_20201020_162606

From the list of Lidars in autoware there is no RpLidar A3 and Is it needed to use data of any of the lidar from this list itself ?

kosmastsk commented 4 years ago

If you make sure that your sensor is publishing at the same topic as the sensors available in the list, you should not have any issue.

JWhitleyWork commented 4 years ago

Autoware.AI was not designed or tested with 2D lidar. Additionally, you will usually get a sensor_msgs/LaserScan from a 2D lidar driver and a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 from a 3D lidar, which is what the Autoware.AI code was designed to handle.

AswinP7 commented 4 years ago

@JWhitleyWork Ok.. But here we convert our LaserScan data to PointCloud2 inorder to test with the autoware ? Is that possible

JWhitleyWork commented 4 years ago

I am not sure but someone else in the community is likely to be able to answer. Per our support guidelines, please submit support questions to ROS Answers.