Closed AswinP7 closed 4 years ago
Was the workspace built successfully?
@kosmastsk Autoware workspace compilation was not completed, some more packages are there to complete. Is that the issue for this error ?
You should make sure that at least the lidar_localizer package has been properly built
@kosmastsk I have built almost 70 packages, lidar_localizer is not included in it The above error (calibration_publisher) occurs after building 70 packages . Any idea for removing this error?
@AswinBBT this looks like an OpenCV error, wrong linkage between your workspace and the OpenCV installation. Cannot tell more from this screenshot, however in order to run the ndt_mapping you have to make sure that the package has been built. Make sure that you have the correct versions of ROS, autoware, CUDA, OpenCV and all the other pre-requisites and try again.
Ok fine 😊👍, CUDA is optional right ? Think CUDA is not mandatory for ndt_mapping ? Any idea
No, it's not mandatory. Only if you plan to use the ndt_gpu functionalities, otherwise it runs fine without it
Ok thank you 😊
One more doubt regarding the lidar , we are using data from RpLidar A3 for this and it is a 2D Lidar , but in autoware is it possible to use this ?
From the list of Lidars in autoware there is no RpLidar A3 and Is it needed to use data of any of the lidar from this list itself ?
If you make sure that your sensor is publishing at the same topic as the sensors available in the list, you should not have any issue.
Autoware.AI was not designed or tested with 2D lidar. Additionally, you will usually get a sensor_msgs/LaserScan
from a 2D lidar driver and a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
from a 3D lidar, which is what the Autoware.AI code was designed to handle.
@JWhitleyWork Ok.. But here we convert our LaserScan data to PointCloud2 inorder to test with the autoware ? Is that possible
I am not sure but someone else in the community is likely to be able to answer. Per our support guidelines, please submit support questions to ROS Answers.
While selecting ndt_mapping from the runtime manager in the computing tap ,showing error in the terminal as "RLException: [ndt_mapping.launch] is neither a launch file in package [lidar_localizer] nor is [lidar_localizer] a launch file name The traceback for the exception was written to the log file" Steps Followed are : 1.Go to Autoware/ros directory 2.Run Autoware using “./run” command 3.Go to Simulation tab and Load a ROSBAG 4.Click Play and immediately PAUSE 5.Click Computing tab and select ndt_mapping 6.Click RViz button at the bottom 7.In Rviz click File menu and then click Open Config to select visualization template for ndt_mapping.rviz located in Autoware/src/.config/rviz7 8.ndt_mapping will read from /points_raw IF the pointcloud is being published in a different topic, use the relay tool in a new terminal window rosrun topic_tools relay /front/velodyne_points /points_raw This will forward the topic /front/velodyne_points to /points_raw