autowarefoundation / autoware_ai

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Perception: COSTMAP Fails to generate map | Planning: module fails to accomplish evasive Maneuver #782

Closed marcusvinicius178 closed 3 years ago

marcusvinicius178 commented 3 years ago

Operating system and version:

Description of the bug

The Occupancy_grid Mapping does not update the map properly as you can check here: And as consequence the motion planner rarely draws the trajectory correctly to avoid the obstacle. I followed several different tutorials that are supposed to build a COSTMAP:

1 - Launch Costmap_Generator to enable the Occupancy_grid_map topic: Tutorial followed:

Attempts and Results: Shaliun_Map: Borregas_Ave: San_Franciso:

2 - Launch of Road Occupancy Processor enable /(occupancy_road_status e /gridmap_road_status topics)



San Francisco: San Francisco – Debug dos tópicos que falham com Terminal e RQT (Graficamente): Shalun:

3 - Alternative Options


a) /realtime_cost_map --→ Enabled by points2costmap node b) /grid_map_wayarea e /occupancy_wayarea → Enabled by package wararea2grid c) /filtered_grid_map → Enabled by grid_map_filter node

Debug Video of the attempts above:

What is strange is that these costmap generators works with rosbag data or with the first Autoware project from Nayoga university, as the videos below display:

Grid Map Filter

WayArea To Grid

Road Occupancy Processor

Costmap Generator:

A summarize of the Result, is that even when the map costmap is produced, it is not updated properly, or even if the obstacle is recognized and the motion planner gets this obstacle input to plan the path properly, the car does not follow the path drawed for the motion planner and stop infinitely behing the obstacle. I would like the car performed an evasive maneuver,but it does not. As you can check in video below, BETWEEN minute 26 and minute 27:

Another attempt here on CubeTown map. Starts from minute 38 to minute 41:

The Ego vehicle hits the NPC car.

Steps to reproduce the bug

To reproduce the errors commented above is just follow the videos I have posted on youtube links above. Or follow this tutorial: But before trigger the Localization Module on runtime_manager, check the following packages boxes on runtime_manager:

Finally keep following the tutorial above and launch the LOCALIZATION, MISSION_PLANNING, MOTION_PLANNING TABS to get the result I had.

Expected behavior

I expected that the Costmap would be created and updated very quickly with robustness. And Afterwards that the MotionPlanner, in this case A*, would get as input the obstacle, draw the trajectory that avoids the obstalce and finally send the proper command velocities to the control to follow this trajectory and perform the evasive maneuever. Actually I expected the Percepetion module and the Planning module of Autoware.AI worked as these modules works very very easily and with robustness in ApolloAuto, as I have done in this simulation:

Actual behavior

The topics occupancy_grid_map or occupancy_road does not generates the map properly. If you try with much effort 10 times it is going to create the map with the proper obstacles less than 10% of the attempts. And when it does, the Planning module will not send proper controls to allow the car avoid the collision, and the car will stay stopped forever behind the obstacle, even with the evasive manuever already created by the motion planner.


Additional Information

Pictures and additional information are described below in ROS Answers:

JWhitleyWork commented 3 years ago

@marcusvinicius178 Both of your ROS Answers questions were answered at and Since this is not a confirmed bug, ROS Answers is the correct location to have the discussion. Please continue there, as recommended in several places.

marcusvinicius178 commented 3 years ago

Yes @JWhitleyWork I have answered ,posting the advances I had. However it keeps not working. What is necessary to be considered a bug?

Because the generation of the occupancy_grid map is done rarely (5 % of the attempts). And when it is done, then the motion planners fails to follow the generated trajectory (collision avoidance path). This is the goal I would like to achieve with Autoware.AI. Nothing more than that. After achieve this I would simple modify the launch files with the other local planners Autoware.AI offers or add traditional ones. Could you guide me please to achieve that?

Thanks for the previous support!

marcusvinicius178 commented 3 years ago

Here to send the solution for some users that faced the same issue. The tutorials that I have followed and described above in my question are WRONG! If you launch the costmap_generator through the runtime manager or terminal, the occupancy grid map will not be generated or very very rarely.... To fix this there are 2 options: 1). Using Run-time Manager: on Computing Tab click over app option in costmap_generator, scroll down until you find the Lanelet2 checkbox option at the left bottom. CHECK this box ✔️ 2) Inside the docker, using a new terminal launch: roslaunch costmap_generator costmap_generator_lanelet2.launch Ok now the costmap_generator will generate the occupancy_grid_map 3) Just Pay attention that you must check the ray_ground filter or compare_map_filter on Sensing Tab

However this will not help as the A* keeps not avoiding and crashing the Obstacle, as described in my issue:

If someone fix this A* please let me know