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`map` to `base_link` frame is not publishing #801

Open GPrathap opened 2 years ago

GPrathap commented 2 years ago

Bug report

Required information:

Description of the bug

I was trying to run the example provided here However, all the time map to base_link frame is not defined. When I check the codebase I notice this, I guess that is the issue.


if (map_loaded == 1 && init_pos_set == 1) only this map to base_link is published. Yet, map_loaded is never be true.

When I set the initial position init_pos_set becomes 1. I guess by looking into bit deeper I noticed these

I have no idea how to solve this issue, let me know what should I do

Steps to reproduce the bug

Try to follow the instructions up to the localization node

Expected behaviour

map to base_link frame should be published yet it is not

Actual behavior

, all the time map to base_link frame is not defined.

siyouluo commented 2 years ago

你好, 我也遇到了这个问题. 结果发现是因为点云地图没有成功导入. 在 autoware-1.14.0 中无法通过 launch 文件的形式导入点云地图, 包括在 Runtime Manager -> Quick Start -> Map 中启动 my_map.launch 也无法导入点云地图. 你可以查看点云地图话题下的消息, 大概率会得到如下输出

$ rostopic echo /points_map
WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active.
Is /clock being published?


  1. 在 Runtime Manager -> Map -> Point Cloud 中载入 pcd 点云文件来加载点云地图, 并确认进度条加载到 100%, 且右边显示 OK 字样. 如果进度条没加载完成就失败, 你可以继续重试, 一般重试几次即可;
  2. 换其他版本的 autoware, 比如 autoware-1.13.0 就没有这个问题;

以上办法并没有彻底解决该问题, 因为我还不知道这个 bug 出现的真正原因是什么, 如果有人知道, 欢迎交流讨论.

siyouluo commented 2 years ago

感谢 @reflector-li 同学发现了真正的问题所在, 出现这个bug的真正原因在于autoware-1.14.0 更换了点云地图的加载方式,却没有相应地修改 my_map.launch.
如果你按照如下方式修改, 应该能够成功加载点云地图, 从而实现 ndt_matching 定位.

<!-- Point Cloud -->
-  <node pkg="map_file" type="points_map_loader" name="points_map_loader" args="noupdate $(env HOME)/.autoware/data/map/pointcloud_map/bin_Laser-00167_-00864.pcd $(env HOME)/.autoware/data/map/pointcloud_map/bin_Laser-00153_-00852.pcd"/>

+  <include file="$(find map_file)/launch/points_map_loader.launch">
+     <arg name="path_pcd" value='$(env HOME)/.autoware/data/map/pointcloud_map/bin_Laser-00167_-00864.pcd, $(env HOME)/.autoware/data/map/pointcloud_map/bin_Laser-00153_-00852.pcd'/>
+  </include>