autowarefoundation / autoware_launch

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chore: renamed the centerpoint config files #1061

Open knzo25 opened 2 weeks ago

knzo25 commented 2 weeks ago


In the beforementioned PR, the config files for centerpoint had to be changed to comply with some schema rules (For a particular schema file, all yaml files matching the base name were compared, which caused issues since centerpoint and centerpoint_tiny share the same base. Changing them to centerpoint_base and centerpoint_tiny_base resolved the problem).

This PR should be merged with the previous one simultaneously to avoid issues

miursh commented 2 weeks ago

[Q] Do we need to change the names of the parameter files managed by TIER IV's ML packages as well?

knzo25 commented 2 weeks ago


If you refer to the *_ml_package.param.yaml files, they are unaffected by this change:

kenzolobos@SOME_PC_NAME:~/autoware_data/lidar_centerpoint$ ll
total 50456
drwxr-xr-x  2 kenzolobos kenzolobos     4096  4月 30 14:22 ./
drwxrwxr-x 18 kenzolobos kenzolobos     4096  4月 30 15:06 ../
-rw-r--r--  1 root       root            376  4月 26 20:25 centerpoint_ml_package.param.yaml
-rw-r--r--  1 root       root            374  4月 26 20:25 centerpoint_sigma_ml_package.param.yaml
-rw-r--r--  1 root       root            376  4月 26 20:25 centerpoint_tiny_ml_package.param.yaml

The files affected were the $(var model_name).param.yaml -> $(var model_name)_base.param.yaml, which as far as I understand (correct me if I am wrong), are only in this repository and universe.

In the companion PR, the only non-chema /documentation change beside file renaming is the following: image

knzo25 commented 2 weeks ago

Update: there was another instance where the previously mentioned change had to be applied. Asked the author of the related PR to reflect that.