auxesis / cucumber-nagios

Systems testing plugin for Nagios with Cucumber + Webrat + Mechanize + Net::SSH
MIT License
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Make cucumber-nagios features parameterised #17

Open auxesis opened 14 years ago

auxesis commented 14 years ago

If you want to run the same scenario across multiple hosts, you can write a scenario outline. But what if you don't know the host you want to run it against? What if you want to specify the host on the command line like this:

cucumber-nagios features/backups.feature
cucumber-nagios features/backups.feature

This would be awesome.

dillytaint commented 13 years ago

Yes please!

bjoernalbers commented 13 years ago

This would be awesome.

Yes, and it would also align the usage with nagios plugin guidelines, which define the reserved "-H" option, i.e.:

$USER7$/bin/cucumber-nagios -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $USER7$/features/dns.feature

However, most macros are also provided as environment variables by nagios with a "NAGIOS_"-prefix ( I've used this feature where I wanted to check my dns-feature for each nameserver (primary and secondary):

Given /^a valid nameserver by nagios$/ do
  nameserver = ENV[var]
  nameserver.should_not be_blank, "ERROR: environment variable #{var} not set"
  @resolver =[ => nameserver)])

HTH, Björn

mkrakowitzer commented 13 years ago

this would be a nice feature.

mjutras commented 12 years ago

+1 ...

josephholsten commented 12 years ago

This could be provided exposing the HOSTADDRESS as an environment variable.

We'll need replacements for at least these steps:

Given /I have a AMQP server on (.+)$/
When /I fetch headers from "(.*)"/
When /^I go to "(.*)"$/

How do these steps sound?

Given /^I have a AMQP server on the host$/
When /^I go to the host$/

We might implement it in place with a transform, but those can get magical and not in a good way.

Then there's the deep task of cuken integration.