auxesis / cucumber-nagios

Systems testing plugin for Nagios with Cucumber + Webrat + Mechanize + Net::SSH
MIT License
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Aruba file #61

Closed hedgehog closed 13 years ago

hedgehog commented 13 years ago

Closes GH #59 Closes GH #60

Addresses GH #39 Addresses GH #51 which should really be re-opened ;)

# For complete Aruba step listing see:
# lib/aruba/cucumber.rb
# or
Feature: Examining files
  In order to test a running system
  As an administrator
  I want to use Aruba steps to examine files

  Scenario: File exists                           # /usr/src/cucumber-nagios/features/files.feature:10
    Given an empty file named "tmp/foo.file"      # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:70
    Then a file named "tmp/foo.file" should exist # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:247

  Scenario: File does not exist                            # /usr/src/cucumber-nagios/features/files.feature:15
    Then a file named "tmp/foo.filepants" should not exist # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:251

  Scenario: Atime                                         # /usr/src/cucumber-nagios/features/files.feature:19
    Given an empty file named "/tmp/foo.file"             # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:70
    And we have the atime/mtime of '/tmp/foo.file'        # lib/cuken/cucumber/file.rb:3
    And I run "sleep 1"                                   # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:94
    And I run "touch -a /tmp/foo.file"                    # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:94
    Then the atime of '/tmp/foo.file' should be different # lib/cuken/cucumber/file.rb:7

  Scenario: Mtime                                         # /usr/src/cucumber-nagios/features/files.feature:27
    Given an empty file named "/tmp/foo.file"             # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:70
    And we have the atime/mtime of '/tmp/foo.file'        # lib/cuken/cucumber/file.rb:3
    And I run "sleep 1"                                   # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:94
    And I run "touch -m /tmp/foo.file"                    # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:94
    Then the mtime of '/tmp/foo.file' should be different # lib/cuken/cucumber/file.rb:7

  Scenario: File contents                                       # /usr/src/cucumber-nagios/features/files.feature:35
    When I write to "tmp/monkeytest.file" with:                 # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:74
    Then the file "tmp/monkeytest.file" should contain exactly: # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:279

  Scenario: File contents multiple times                        # /usr/src/cucumber-nagios/features/files.feature:48
    When I write to "tmp/monkeytest.file" with:                 # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:74

    And I append to "tmp/monkeytest.file" with:                 # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:82
    Then the file "tmp/monkeytest.file" should contain exactly: # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:279

  Scenario: File modes                                              # /usr/src/cucumber-nagios/features/files.feature:69
    When I run "touch /tmp/filemode.file"                           # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:94
    And I run "chmod 644 /tmp/filemode.file"                        # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:94
    Then the file named '/tmp/filemode.file' should have mode '644' # lib/cuken/cucumber/file.rb:11
    And the file named '/tmp/filemode.file' should have mode '0644' # lib/cuken/cucumber/file.rb:11

  Scenario: Directory exists                          # /usr/src/cucumber-nagios/features/files.feature:76
    Given a directory named "tmp/dirtest"             # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:62
    Then a directory named "tmp/dirtest" should exist # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:263

  Scenario: Directory does not exist                           # /usr/src/cucumber-nagios/features/files.feature:81
    Then a directory named "tmp/dirtest-m000" should not exist # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:267

  Scenario: Directory mode                                         # /usr/src/cucumber-nagios/features/files.feature:85
    When I run "mkdir -p /tmp/dirtest"                             # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:94
    And I run "chmod 755 /tmp/dirtest"                             # aruba-0.3.2/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:94
    Then the directory named '/tmp/dirtest' should have mode '755' # lib/cuken/cucumber/file.rb:15
    And the directory named '/tmp/dirtest' should have mode '0755' # lib/cuken/cucumber/file.rb:15