ava-labs / avalanche-cli

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Support local files for Teleporter deployment, not just official releases #1921

Open feuGeneA opened 1 month ago

feuGeneA commented 1 month ago

Currently, the Teleporter repo's test scripts use avalanche-cli to set up the testing environment.

However, at this time, those scripts are "manually" doing things that avalanche-cli could be doing for us instead. Most glaringly, the scripts are deploying the working copy's Teleporter Messenger and Registry contracts via foundry/forge commands in a bash script.

Since avalanche-cli already has the functionality for deploying these contracts, we would prefer to defer to it rather than re-code things with bash and forge. However, at this time, avalanche-cli is only capable of deploying officially-released Teleporter versions, via downloading the deployment files via the "releases" path to the GitHub repo.

Can you please change avalanche-cli to support flags for specifying the paths to local files for the Teleporter deployment? Specifically, the deployment transaction file, the deployment address file, and the deployer address file?

Edit: I think the scope here needs to also include the Registry deployment as well.