Open dimitrilw opened 1 year ago
Correction re "Money:" lacking a space:
This is not true. There is a space present in the string. However, the rendering is overlapping the digits over the space. I'm more of a back-end / data engineer; my front-end & rendering background is weak. However, I will try to look into why this is rendering without a visual spacing between the Money:
and the following digits.
Re the "Money:" lacking a space: This same rendering error appears elsewhere, too. Like in the "Rebirth Stats" section (pic).
Note that I highlighted the "Coins:626" line, and you can see that there is an overlapping selection-highlight of the space following the :
character and the first digit 6
; i.e., the space and the 6
are being rendered on top of each other. I have not yet investigated; Vue is not my thing. But I am willing to learn in order to help out.
Inspecting the element shows this section of HTML:
<span data-v-081146ed="" data-v-ad75a2aa=""><span data-v-081146ed="" class="vertical-align"><svg data-v-081146ed="" aria-hidden="true" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 512 512" focusable="false" class="fa-icon" size="lg" color="white" style="margin-right: 0.3rem;"><g><path d="M0 405.3c41.3 29.1 116.8 42.7 192 42.7s150.7-13.6 192-42.7v42.7c0 35.3-86 64-192 64s-192-28.7-192-64v-42.7zM320 128c-106 0-192-28.7-192-64s86-64 192-64 192 28.7 192 64-86 64-192 64zM0 300.4c41.3 34 116.9 51.6 192 51.6s150.7-17.6 192-51.6v51.6c0 35.3-86 64-192 64s-192-28.7-192-64v-51.6zM416 311.4v-63.6c38.7-6.9 72.8-18.1 96-34.5v42.7c0 23.7-38.7 44.3-96 55.4zM192 160c106 0 192 35.8 192 80s-86 80-192 80-192-35.8-192-80 86-80 192-80zM411.3 216.3c-8.8-23.7-30.5-42.9-60-57.2 64.2-3.2 125.2-16.7 160.7-41.8v42.7c0 24.3-40.7 45.5-100.7 56.3z"></path></g></svg>
Coins: <span data-v-ad75a2aa="" data-v-081146ed=""> 626 </span></span> <!----></span>
BLOCKED Cannot push until able to compile & test. My action on this ticket is on hold until #4 is cleared.
Doubling back to begin work on this one. It is an easy task that give me a lot of time to read more code.
Also, I wish that I figured out why VS-Code Clippy's errors seem more comprehensive than CLI Clippy. But I can still address the Clippy errors displayed by VS-Code in the files I touch. ...I'm still a bit miffed by that one. They appear to be running the same version of Clippy, but there must be an inherent change to the default warning level or something. Not sure; did not find documentation about the discrepancy. But I'll just tidy warnings as I find them, whether from CLI Clippy or VS-Code Clippy.
mostly done via PR #18 , but I'm not closing this issue yet because I need a "reminder to self" to still run spell-check across repo, not just random stuff I see when playing game. :)
"mindefullness" should be "mindfulness" -- I will fix in fork & submit a pull request.
labels: []
edit to add list of observed typos:
[x] mindefullness -> mindfulness
[x] cavalery -> cavalry
[x] appartment -> apartment
[x] bagage -> baggage ...bagage = French; baggage = English
[x] Currencies section
const KS: str = "K/s";
[x] Gallery Rower -> Galley Rower
[x] Most Work is listed in the singular (e.g., Weaver, Farmer, & Pikeman), consistent use of singular seems to fit. Therefore:
[ ] Most Activities are listed in the gerund form (i.e., a verb ending in "ing" that is used as a noun). Therefore:
[x] Items: