avadhesh18 / rdx

RDX for Reddit - An Apollo Inspired web viewer for Reddit
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The javaScript does not work to download subscriptions #3

Open dtantono opened 5 months ago

dtantono commented 5 months ago

Hi I tried to copy paste this command javascript:(function(){const subnames=document.querySelector('.subscription-box a').href.split('/r/')[1].split('+');const jsonData=JSON.stringify(subnames,null,2);const blob=new Blob([jsonData],{type:'application/json'});const downloadLink=Object.assign(document.createElement('a'),{href:URL.createObjectURL(blob),download:'rdx_subs.json'});document.body.appendChild(downloadLink).click()&&document.body.removeChild(downloadLink);})();

to download json file. But, it is working when I logged out and when I try to logged in. it shows nothing. What do you think?

avadhesh18 commented 5 months ago
  1. Are you sure you are using old reddit? this url - https://old.reddit.com/subreddits
  2. Are you copy pasting the code? if so some browsers like chrome remove the javascript: part when you paste it in the url bar.
  3. What device and browser are you using, if possible provide the screenshot of your subreddits page.
  4. No rdx_subs.json is file is downloading right? Is it showing any error, maybe check the console of your browser if it is desktop.

I just copy pasted the code and it worked on my end (i'am logged in to reddit) so I will need a little more info.

dtantono commented 5 months ago

Hi Thanks for your reply and here are my answers:

  1. I use Chromium deb on Ubuntu
  2. Here are the screenshots and videos and Sorry if there is one video that quite messed up because there is my account on that old reddit and I want to protect my privacy


2024-02-01_21-36_1 2024-02-01_21-36





dtantono commented 5 months ago

Sorry to add something. I tested it on Google chrome on Windows 10 and I got same problem like that

avadhesh18 commented 5 months ago

Weird, Can I know how many subreddits you are subscribed to? Also try running this and check your console, I have added some error checking. javascript:(function(){try{const e=document.querySelector('.subscription-box a');if(!e){console.error('Subscription box element not found');return;}const t=e.href.split('/r/')[1].split('+'),n=JSON.stringify(t,null,2),o=new Blob([n],{type:'application/json'}),c=Object.assign(document.createElement('a'),{href:URL.createObjectURL(o),download:'rdx_subs.json'});document.body.appendChild(c).click(),document.body.removeChild(c);}catch(e){console.error('Error occurred:',e);}})();

Basically what the script does is, it extracts subs names from that "Multireddit of your subs" link and adds them to a JSON file and downloads that.

dtantono commented 5 months ago

there are 258 subreddits and here is the error message log


BTW, I got another alt account with 134 subreddits and it just download json files without any problems.

avadhesh18 commented 5 months ago

I think the issue is due to the size of the URL, here are other reddit projects having the same issue.

Cannot import large amount of Subscriptions #352


dtantono commented 5 months ago

For that instance, https://github.com/redlib-org/redlib, I have my subscription linked with this https://github.com/libreddit/libreddit/wiki/Import-Reddit-Subscriptions .it said the max capacity is around 300. But, I only subscribe less than that. What do you think?


dr-carrot commented 5 months ago

I had an issue with that in firefox. Also, there is a cap on the amount of subs you can get from the multireddit. I wrote up this little script to run in the dev tools console that exports it. It uses the 'My Subreddits' dropdown on the upper left:

EDIT: It only works when you have RES installed. Otherwise one from my next post should work

document.getElementById('srDropdownContainer').click(); setTimeout(() => {const subnames=Array.prototype.filter.call(document.getElementById('srList').getElementsByTagName('tr'), el => el.children[0].tagName != 'TH').map(c => c.firstChild.firstChild.href.split('/r/')[1]).filter(c => c).map(c => c.substring(0, c.length - 1));const jsonData=JSON.stringify(subnames,null,2);const blob=new Blob([jsonData],{type:'application/json'});const downloadLink=Object.assign(document.createElement('a'),{href:URL.createObjectURL(blob),download:'rdx_subs.json'});document.body.appendChild(downloadLink).click()&&document.body.removeChild(downloadLink);}, 2000)
dtantono commented 5 months ago

@dr-carrot I tried that script and it does not worked

Snipaste_2024-02-07_09-28-41 Snipaste_2024-02-07_09-28-21
dr-carrot commented 4 months ago

@dtantono Ah, I see. That script I posted works for RES. This one should work for normal old reddit:

document.getElementsByClassName('srdrop')[0].click(); setTimeout(() => {const subnames=Array.prototype.map.call(document.getElementsByClassName('srdrop')[1].children, c => c.href.split('/r/')[1]?.slice(0 ,-1)).filter(c => c);const jsonData=JSON.stringify(subnames,null,2);const blob=new Blob([jsonData],{type:'application/json'});const downloadLink=Object.assign(document.createElement('a'),{href:URL.createObjectURL(blob),download:'rdx_subs.json'});document.body.appendChild(downloadLink).click()&&document.body.removeChild(downloadLink);}, 1000)
dtantono commented 4 months ago

I use Chromium on Windows 10 without any extensions and it does not work

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dr-carrot commented 4 months ago

I'm not really familiar with the chrome command palette (this is actually the first time I've ever seen it). Try just pasting it into the console (and you would probably need to allow pasting if you trust the js)

dtantono commented 4 months ago

Thanks I have Firefox and it works. But, I don't think this is a permanent solution because majority people use chromium based browsers

dr-carrot commented 4 months ago

That's strange. It worked when I tried it in google chrome and I even downloaded chromium and it worked there, too. I'm not sure what the optimal way to do this is or what the maintainers might have in mind. I just happened to try this today, found it didn't work, and modified the script until it did

A little extension might be the most flexible and reliable way to do this. Or maybe there is one that exists that could be leveraged