avahe-kellenberger / nimdow

A window manager written in Nim (In Development)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Transmit shortcuts key presses to Xpra #221

Closed BrianNormant closed 2 months ago

BrianNormant commented 1 year ago

Feature request. A way to transmit the mod key presses to applications Use case: Using Xpra to access to another computer with graphical application.

Basically I would like to be able to remotely control my computer from my laptop. I used Xpra to connect and All worked great. But sadly, It seems that nimdow intercept all the "windows" key press, so I can't use any shortcut on the remote computer, they would run on my laptop. I because I used the same config on my laptop and computer, this make it not usable.

I was wondering if they would be a way to implement some option to either remap a key, say left/right control to mod key or to double press mod key to send this key bind to a listening application (like you would do with a nested tmux session)?

BrianNormant commented 1 year ago

I did some further testing. I use my home computer as a server and my laptop as a desktop To start a remote session, I run on the server: xpra start-desktop :100 --resize-display=1920x1080 --start=nimdow

After this, I run this on the client to connect xpra attach ssh://xxx@xxx/100 --resize-display=1920x1080

This works and I can remotely control this X environment. but

When the remote connection is started, I can use nimdow keybinds, and they are properly captured, I can, let say, open a terminal, a web browser, etc. But all other key press are ignored. So I won't be able to type anything.

However, When I change the keyboard layout of the client remote. The keyboard start working, And I can type, but all nimdow keybinds are ignored. I used xev to check if the keys were registered and yes they are. Changing the keyboard layout again won't change anything.
