avajs / ava

Node.js test runner that lets you develop with confidence 🚀
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Interrupting test execution on first exception (through assertion extension API) #1485

Closed jugglinmike closed 1 year ago

jugglinmike commented 7 years ago

As of version 0.21.0, Ava's built-in assertions do not influence the execution of the test body. Specifically, when an assertion is violated, the test continues to execute.

This behavior was previously reported as a bug (via gh-220). It was considered "fixed" (via gh-259) with a patch that modified Ava's output.

This is a feature request for a behavior change: forcibly interrupt test execution when an assertion fails via a runtime exception.

My use case is taking screen shots to assist debugging of integration test failures. I have been able to react to failing tests programatically through a combination of the afterEach and afterEach.always methods. When a test fails, I would like to capture an image of the rendered application as this can be very useful in identifying the cause of the failure (especially when the tests run remotely on a continuous integration server).

Because the test body continues to execute following the failure, by the time the afterEach.always method is invoked, the rendered output may no longer reflect the state of the application at the moment of failure.

For unit tests, this might be addressed by making test bodies shorter and more direct. Reducing tests to contain only one meaningful interaction would avoid the effect described above. Because integration tests have high "set up" costs and because they are typically structured to model complete usage scenarios, this is not an appropriate solution for my use case.

Ava supports the usage of a general-purpose assertion library (e.g. as Node.js's built-in assert module), and I've found that because these libraries operate via JavaScript exceptions, they produce the intended results. In the short-term, I am considering switching to one of these libraries. However, Ava's built-in assertions have a number of advantages over generic alternatives. In addition, restricting the use of Ava's API in my test suite will be difficult moving forward--even with documentation in place, contributors may not recognize that certain aspects of the API are considered "off limits", especially considering that their usage does not directly effect test correctness.

I haven't been able to think of a use case that would be broken by the change I am requesting. But if there is such a use case, then this behavior could be made "opt-in' via a command-line flag.

Thanks for your time, and thanks for the great framework!

novemberborn commented 7 years ago

Hi @jugglinmike, thanks for your suggestion. I'll respond more in depth later, but for now, for context, could you share how the integration tests happen within an AVA test()?

jugglinmike commented 7 years ago

Sure. Here's an example test for a "Todo list" application:

test.afterEach(t => { t.context._passed = true; });
test.afterEach.always(function(t) {
    if (t.context._passed) {

    return t.context.driver.saveScreenshot(t.title);

test('filtering', async (t) => {
    var driver = t.context.driver;

    await driver.create('first');
    await driver.create('second');
    await driver.create('twenty-third'); // intentional test bug
    await driver.complete(1);

    t.deepEqual(await driver.readItems(), ['first', 'second', 'third']);

    await driver.filter('Active');
    t.deepEqual(await driver.readItems(), ['first', 'third']);

    await driver.filter('Completed');
    t.deepEqual(await driver.readItems(), ['second']);

(I've omitted details about creating the selenium-webdriver instance since they do not seem relevant to the demonstration.)

The first assertion is violated due to an intentional test bug. Under Ava's current behavior, the test continues to execute, driving the application through more state changes. It ultimately completes after activating the "Completed" filter. To be clear: the test is correctly reported as "failing." The issue here is that the web browser under test is no longer in a state that demonstrates the test failure, so the screenshot captured in the afterEach.always hook is not useful.

By changing the three invocations of t.deepEqual to Node.js's assert.deepEqual (for example), the first violation throws an exception, the flow of the test is interrupted, and the afterEach.always hook is executed while the browser is still in a state that is relevant to the failure.

novemberborn commented 7 years ago

Interesting. We actually have #261 which proposes that we report all subsequent assertion failures within a test, which is quite the opposite of what you're looking for.

Would it help if the --fail-fast flag made AVA blow up the specific test that failed with a thrown exception? The downside is that you'd only get one test failure in your CI run (#1158 notwithstanding).

novemberborn commented 7 years ago

Another approach might be to decorate test() and wrap the t object, assuming we expose the test state on it. That way you can build your desired behavior on top of AVA. For the time being I'd want to avoid adding an option to make these assertions throw.

jugglinmike commented 7 years ago

Would it help if the --fail-fast flag made AVA blow up the specific test that failed with a thrown exception? The downside is that you'd only get one test failure in your CI run (#1158 notwithstanding).

My goal is to give reviewers a clear picture of the entire problem. While this serves that goal in one way, as you say, it detracts from it in another. I'm not sure the trade-off would make that alternative preferable.

Another approach might be to decorate test() and wrap the t object, assuming we expose the test state on it. That way you can build your desired behavior on top of AVA.

I initially prototyped something like this, but I'm not comfortable maintaining such a tight coupling with Ava's API. If Ava provided a more formal hook (e.g. emitting an event for every assertion made), then I could implement this functionality on my own without worrying about problems between major releases... But that feature seems much more complex and specific to my use case than simply throwing, so I wouldn't recommend it.

For the time being I'd want to avoid adding an option to make these assertions throw.

I might be able to help more if I understood your reluctance. For the time being, I'll use a dedicated assertion library and try to avoid this problem informally by requesting that my teammates avoid the Ava-provided API.

novemberborn commented 7 years ago


For the time being I'd want to avoid adding an option to make these assertions throw.

I might be able to help more if I understood your reluctance.

Having the option will tempt people to enable it, even though they have no use for it. Indeed we want to run all assertions and provide an log that is even more complete than we have now.

I think I understand your use case and I'd like to support it, but I think this is better done in "user space". The question then is how AVA can provide the necessary hooks that you or another library author can build on top of.

ava-spec is a good example of such a library. We won't provide alternative test interfaces in AVA, but it's great that they're available regardless.

Another approach might be to decorate test() and wrap the t object, assuming we expose the test state on it. That way you can build your desired behavior on top of AVA.

I initially prototyped something like this, but I'm not comfortable maintaining such a tight coupling with Ava's API. If Ava provided a more formal hook (e.g. emitting an event for every assertion made), then I could implement this functionality on my own without worrying about problems between major releases... But that feature seems much more complex and specific to my use case than simply throwing, so I wouldn't recommend it.

No this might work actually. E.g. t.on('assertionFailure', evt => evt.throw()). That could then throw from where the assertion was called, preventing your test from doing anything else. AVA would be expecting an exception so it would not report it.

You could either screenshot in the event handler or we could have another mechanism for an afterEach hook so you can officially tell the test result.

You wouldn't even have to wrap each assertion method, you'd just need to wrap the test implementations to intercept the t object.

jugglinmike commented 7 years ago

Having the option will tempt people to enable it, even though they have no use for it. Indeed we want to run all assertions and provide an log that is even more complete than we have now.

Due to that specific deficiency in Ava's logging implementation, I expect many consumers are factoring their assertions to only share tests in cases where the assertions are inter-related. Otherwise, in the event of failure, they will only receive a partial view of the extent of the problem. So it may be that consumers are already using the assertions as if they threw, and that by extending the logs, Ava would only be giving them redundant information: details about subsequent assertions that are already understood to be interdependent. In that case, the logging fix would tend to motivate more requests for "throwing" behavior.

But that's clearly conjecture on my part. I'm pointing it out just in case it helps you weigh the relative merits of these solutions.

You wouldn't even have to wrap each assertion method, you'd just need to wrap the test implementations to intercept the t object.

This satisfies my use case. Compared to wrapping assertion methods, it also seems like a much more maintainable way to interface with this library. I would still prefer the ability to make violation throw errors (and as mentioned, other users might find that useful later on), but I certainly won't complain if this solution is implemented. Sorry to say that I don't have the bandwidth to help with that, though.

novemberborn commented 7 years ago

@jugglinmike yea, we'll have to see how things work out when we report multiple failures from the same test. Presumably we'd highlight the first and de-emphasize the others. The hope is that including them gives a fuller picture of why the test is failing.

I would still prefer the ability to make violation throw errors

Yea, we could add a sanctioned API so the event handler can perform the throw.

Sorry to say that I don't have the bandwidth to help with that, though.

No worries. Let's leave this issue open, if you or anybody else has the time then we can flesh out implementation details and make it happen.

jugglinmike commented 7 years ago

Sounds good to me!

edbrannin commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure if this is the right issue, but #1560 points here, so I'd like to add another use-case for caught assertions:

I just wrote some business-logic assertions and unit-tests for them, but the only way I can find to say "This input should fail its assertion" is to mark the test as failing. That seems against the "temporary" spirit of test.failing, and clutters the test output slightly (counting & naming perfectly OK tests).

Trivial example:

const urlShouldBe = function(t, observed, expectedHost, expectedPath) {
    t.is(observed, `${expectedHost}/${expectedPath}`);

test('urlShouldBe should fail when domain is wrong', (t) => {
    try {
        urlShouldBe(t, 'google.com/test', 'example.com', 'test');
        t.fail('Should have failed this test!');
    } catch {
        // OK

(t.throws() also didn't work as a replacement for that try-catch)

(Having a way to add functions to the test instance t would be really helpful, too.)

novemberborn commented 6 years ago

@edbrannin so you're trying to test your custom assertions (which are wrappers around t) by observing how their invocations have affected the test state? AVA's not really designed for that 😄 #1094 would be the solution, with the idea being that you could test the underlying assertion behavior and trust that it's "installed" correctly.

For your use case I'd stub the t object and observe how it's called instead.

Alternatively your current approach isn't all bad, at least until we land #261. You don't even need the try/catch since AVA's assertions themselves never throw.

novemberborn commented 6 years ago

To recap, assertion failures cannot be observed by the test implementation. For tests that repeatedly have to wait on a slow operation this means that the test run takes longer that strictly necessary.

My proposal is to have a way to configure AVA so it throws an otherwise irrelevant exception when an assertion fails, thus preventing the remainder of the test implementation from executing. I don't want to default to this or make it seem like something you should enable to make tests "run faster". We're also interested in reporting multiple assertion failures.

1692 proposes a new feature whereby tests can observe the results of their assertions. @jugglinmike's WebDriver problem could be solved by writing an AVA-specific adapter that uses this feature. I'd like to see how that works before implementing the proposal I suggested in this thread.

(Potentially, rather than hooking into an event we'd let you configure t.try() with this behavior.)

karimsa commented 5 years ago

This also makes tests more difficult to debug using logs. In my case, I've got all events being logged (such as jobs being executed) which continue to run even after an assertion fails. So in order to figure out which logs actually led up to the failure, I have to insert a throw or return to forcefully stop the test right after the failure - which is quite annoying.

pierreh commented 5 years ago

Please consider my pull request #2078

arcesino commented 5 years ago

I've been using AVA for my latest test project and this is something that has taken me by surprise. Interrupting execution on first assertion is the common behavior of most test frameworks out there and AVA is the very first test framework that does not do that, at least in my experience.

In addition to the issues mentioned above, I would like to add: lack of proper documentation of such behavior. I could only find a related sentence in https://github.com/avajs/ava/blob/master/docs/03-assertions.md#assertions stating:

If multiple assertion failures are encountered within a single test, AVA will only display the first one.

which, imo, is not enough to clearly understand that execution won't be interrupted upon an assertion failure and, on the other hand, could confuse people coming from different test frameworks.

In my specific case, this behavior is making my test suite slower since I'm asserting after some explicit setup steps and the thing is that the rest of the test including slow UI interactions and the rest of the assertions do not make sense anymore since they are destined to fail, so what's the point to keep on executing them? Arguably, you can say that my test are designed incorrectly and you may be right, but I feel I would have designed my tests differently if I had known of this behavior since the beginning.

That said, I have some bandwith to try to fix this so I'm open to discuss any approach you may already have.

novemberborn commented 5 years ago

Hi @arcesino,

Per https://github.com/avajs/ava/issues/1485#issuecomment-366748843 we're working on a t.try() assertion which may work quite well for your use case. I'm hoping to land it soon. We can revisit this issue once we have some experience with that feature.

Besides that, clarifications to the documentation are always welcome.

smyth64 commented 5 years ago

That’s an epic fail in my opinion. I wasted so much time setting up my tests and then I realized this...

And even more epic fail is that this issue is 2 years old and still not resolved. I’d never recommend Ava to anyone! Sorry guys but that’s a no-go for a testing framework

earthlyreason commented 4 years ago

@novemberborn I'm curious how you think that t.try would help in @arcesino's case. Calling commit() on the result of a try also does not stop execution. Are you suggesting that a test where failures should stop execution, such as the following

test("test runner carries on despite assertions", async t => {
  const numerator = 4;
  const denominator = 0;
  t.not(denominator, 0);
  t.log("Should not get here (but does)");
  const result = numerator / denominator;

could be rewritten somehow like this?

test("turgid simulation of expected assertion behavior", async t => {
  const numerator = 4;
  const denominator = 0;
  const res1 = await t.try((tt, d) => {
    tt.not(d, 0);
  }, denominator);
  if (res1.passed) {
    t.log("Otherwise we would carry on");
    const result = numerator / denominator;

I have to agree with the earlier comments that this makes debugging difficult, and I have failed to find a rationale for this highly unexpected design.

At the very least, it is misleading to use the term "assertions" for AVA's built-in functions, if they have no impact on control flow. The existence of a "fail fast" option only further complicates matters, as it becomes impossible to determine the behavior of a test by looking at it (or, in the case of TypeScript, write a useful signature leveraging CFA).

If anything, I would expect the situation to be reversed, where assertions normally throw but could be used in a special try context that allowed commit or discard. In other words, continuing past an assertion is the exception (where I live anyway), and not the rule.

novemberborn commented 4 years ago

@gavinpc-mindgrub yes, for "expensive" test step that you wish wouldn't execute, you could wrap the previous step in a t.try() and stop the test execution.

Of course this only makes sense if you have "expensive" steps within a single test.

Node Tap does something similar, although it allows top-level assertions and nested tests.

Could you elaborate on how this makes debugging difficult for you?

earthlyreason commented 4 years ago

Hi @novemberborn, thanks for the reply.

First I want to apologize for the harsh tone that I used in my earlier post. It has been a long, sleepless week for me, and although I did not intend to be critical without being constructive, I see in retrospect that I was. Thank you, and the rest of the team, for your work on this useful project.

To answer your question, I would say that not knowing about this behavior cost me some considerable time, as @karimsa put it,

in order to figure out which logs actually led up to the failure

I was questioning much more basic aspects of reality, and how I could possibly be seeing what I could be seeing, before realizing that the most recent log from a certain point was not the one associated with "the" failed assertion.

Now that I know it, of course, I can adjust by interpreting the output according to this understanding and, more often, by temporarily throwing as necessary to make this correlation more certain.

Moreover, I have reconsidered some aspects of my test writing practice. In particular, I was using assertions in many places to, e.g. check the validity of a response before looking at further aspects of it (as those further checks would be pointless against a missing object). Although our team has historically used assertions for such checks, I can see how a throw is more appropriate in such cases. When the condition is trivial (usually just a truthiness test), there's no downside to losing the more refined comparison ops available on t.

In short, although I haven't found a way to use the current behavior to advantage, it's something we can live with, probably even without resorting to the "fail fast" option.

That said, we also use TypeScript heavily and would benefit from a corresponding set of assertions that did throw, if only to take advantage of type narrowing. I would welcome changes such as are being discussed in #2450 and others. We have some wrappers of our own for the most common cases, and now I understand that they didn't in fact mean what they were saying.

Thanks again!

novemberborn commented 4 years ago

Hey @gavinpc-mindgrub, no worries, and thanks.

Undoubtedly we could improve our reporter and make it clearer when assertions failed, and when logs were emitted, relative to each other. That should help with debugging.

What's interesting about running tests is that they tend to pass! So while you need to make sure your test doesn't pass when it should have failed, you don't necessarily have to be defensive either. A null-pointer crash will still fail your test.

While I don't think we should add a top-level configuration to change this behavior, I am experimenting with a way of creating more specialized test functions, which could be set up to fail immediately when an assertion fails. Keep an eye on #2435 for the low-level infrastructure work.

novemberborn commented 4 years ago

I've filed https://github.com/avajs/ava/issues/2455 to have our assertions return booleans, which would go some way towards helping folks prevent "expensive" operations if a test has already failed.

novemberborn commented 1 year ago

Closing in favor of #3201.