I would like to pass owner and repo as parameters to create deployments (and statuses) in other repositories.
I have already opened two pull requests with the change.
It should not break backwards compatibility as the default remains the current repository and owner.
As far as I can tell the build for my changes is missing. (./dist/index.js)
But I am not aware how you have built the code as it is not specified in the package.json
If you could guide me how to do the build that would be great or alternatively you should be able to commit directly to my branches.
Hi @avakar
I would like to pass owner and repo as parameters to create deployments (and statuses) in other repositories. I have already opened two pull requests with the change.
It should not break backwards compatibility as the default remains the current repository and owner.
As far as I can tell the build for my changes is missing. (./dist/index.js) But I am not aware how you have built the code as it is not specified in the package.json If you could guide me how to do the build that would be great or alternatively you should be able to commit directly to my branches.
Thanks, Daniel