avalentino / s1isp

Sentinel-1 Instrument Source Packets decoder
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link


Open sirbastiano opened 3 days ago

sirbastiano commented 3 days ago

Dear Antonio, as previously discussed, on the left the s1isp decoder and on the right RichHall decoder.

Seems there are some fields that are different like the ones for the Nominal Tx Replica.

They should refer to the same record but I will double check..

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">

Parameter | Value |   | Parameter | Value -- | -- | -- | -- | -- packet_version_number | 0 |   | Packet Version Number | 0 packet_type | 0 |   | Packet Type | 0 secondary_header_flag | True |   | Secondary Header Flag | 1 pid | 65 |   | PID | 65 pcat | 12 |   | PCAT | 12 sequence_flags | 3 |   | Sequence Flags | 3 packet_sequence_count | 408 |   | Packet Sequence Count | 48 packet_data_length | 14045 |   | Packet Data Length | 14,066 coarse_time | 1400621784 |   | Coarse Time | 1,400,622,000 fine_time | 36090 |   | Fine Time | 0.7626419 sync_marker | 892270675 |   | Sync | 892,270,700 data_take_id | 220361376 |   | Data Take ID | 220,361,400 ecc_num | 13 |   | ECC Number | 13 test_mode | 0 |   | Test Mode | 0 rx_channel_id | 1 |   | Rx Channel ID | 1 instrument_configuration_id | 7 |   | Instrument Configuration ID | 7 data_word_index | 25 |   | Sub-commutated Ancilliary Data Word Index | 49 space_packet_count | 408 |   | Space Packet Count | 816 pri_count | 4427 |   | PRI Count | 4,835 error_flag | False |   | Error Flag | 0 baq_mode | 12 |   | BAQ Mode | 12 baq_block_length | 31 |   | BAQ Block Length | 31 range_decimation | 4 |   | Range Decimation | 4 rx_gain | 12 |   | Rx Gain | -6 tx_ramp_rate | 34770 |   | Tx Ramp Rate | 1,344,933,000,000 tx_pulse_start_freq | 12970 |   | Tx Pulse Start Frequency | -29,704,500 tx_pulse_length | 1658 |   | Tx Pulse Length | 0.0000442 rank | 10 |   | Rank | 10 pri | 19499 |   | PRI | 0.0005195 swst | 3601 |   | SWST | 0.0000959 swl | 12336 |   | SWL | 0.0003287 ssb_flag | False |   | SAS SSB Flag | 0 polarization | 3 |   | Polarisation | 3 temperature_compensation | 3 |   | Temperature Compensation | 3 elevation_beam_address | 2 |   |   |   azimuth_beam_address | 0 |   |   |   sas_test | 0 |   |   |   cal_type | 2 |   |   |   calibration_beam_address | 0 |   |   |   cal_mode | 0 |   | Calibration Mode | 0 tx_pulse_number | 2 |   | Tx Pulse Number | 2 signal_type | 0 |   | Signal Type | 0 swap | False |   | Swap Flag | 0 swath_number | 2 |   | Swath Number | 2 number_of_quads | 10919 |   | Number of Quads | 10,919

avalentino commented 3 days ago

Thanks a lot @sirbastiano

Two points:

sirbastiano commented 3 days ago

@avalentino, thanks, gotcha now! Brilliant as always! 🚀 .. double checked and I was comparing different ISPs.

These indeed are the important differences on the same ISPs:

('Packet Sequence Count', 1.0, 129.0) ('Packet Data Length', 7654.0, 7653.0) ('Fine Time', 0.35900115966796875, 23527.0) ('Rx Gain', -6.0, 12.0) ('Tx Ramp Rate', 1344932774550.9956, 34770.0) ('Tx Pulse Start Frequency', -29704503.224123616, 12970.0) ('Tx Pulse Length', 4.41724329115483e-05, 1658.0) ('PRI', 0.0005194923216780943, 19499.0) ('SWST', 9.593783529221075e-05, 3601.0) ('SWL', 4.683663272527256e-05, 1758.0)

Aside for the conversion of codes to physical properties, I found just these two differences:

I put the headers extracted by richall and by s1isp on the product (S1A_S3_RAW__0SDH_20240524T213606_20240524T213631_054018_069139_241A.SAFE) in HH pol here:


For reference, the very stupid code used for comparison:

import pandas as pd


richa_to_s1isp = {
    "Packet Version Number": "packet_version_number",
    "Packet Type": "packet_type",
    "Secondary Header Flag": "secondary_header_flag",
    "PID": "pid",
    "PCAT": "pcat",
    "Sequence Flags": "sequence_flags",
    "Packet Sequence Count": "packet_sequence_count",
    "Packet Data Length": "packet_data_length",
    "Coarse Time": "coarse_time",
    "Fine Time": "fine_time",
    "Sync": "sync_marker",
    "Data Take ID": "data_take_id",
    "ECC Number": "ecc_num",
    "Test Mode": "test_mode",
    "Rx Channel ID": "rx_channel_id",
    "Instrument Configuration ID": "instrument_configuration_id",
    "Sub-commutated Ancilliary Data Word Index": "data_word_index",
    "Space Packet Count": "space_packet_count",
    "PRI Count": "pri_count",
    "Error Flag": "error_flag",
    "BAQ Mode": "baq_mode",
    "BAQ Block Length": "baq_block_length",
    "Range Decimation": "range_decimation",
    "Rx Gain": "rx_gain",
    "Tx Ramp Rate": "tx_ramp_rate",
    "Tx Pulse Start Frequency": "tx_pulse_start_freq",
    "Tx Pulse Length": "tx_pulse_length",
    "Rank": "rank",
    "PRI": "pri",
    "SWST": "swst",
    "SWL": "swl",
    "SAS SSB Flag": "ssb_flag",
    "Polarisation": "polarization",
    "Temperature Compensation": "temperature_compensation",
    "Calibration Mode": "cal_mode",
    "Tx Pulse Number": "tx_pulse_number",
    "Signal Type": "signal_type",
    "Swap Flag": "swap",
    "Swath Number": "swath_number",
    "Number of Quads": "number_of_quads"


idx = 65

row_rich = meta_rich.iloc[idx]
row_s1isp = meta_s1isp.iloc[idx]

keys = list(row_rich.keys())

non_equal_elements = []

for key in keys:
        elem_rich = row_rich[key]
        elem_s1isp = row_s1isp[richa_to_s1isp[key]]

        if VERBOSE:
            print(key, elem_rich, float(elem_s1isp), elem_rich == float(elem_s1isp))

        if not elem_rich == float(elem_s1isp):
            non_equal_elements.append((key, float(elem_rich), float(elem_s1isp)))

        print('Missing key:', key)

for elem in non_equal_elements:
sirbastiano commented 3 days ago

I think that a flag like enum_value for parsing the stream and turning the codes into physical params would benefit the community.

avalentino commented 3 days ago

Aside for the conversion of codes to physical properties, I found just these two differences:

  • Packet sequence count for richall wraps around 64, so when yours turns 65 the richall turns 1 after that. Same happens at 129 and so on....
  • Packet Data Length for richa is always +1 the one of s1isp

For the first one I would need to check the specification document. For the second it is still a case of codes vs computed parameters values. The specification doc clearly says that the actual "Packet Data Length" is the decoded value plus one.