A tool to enable students in India to get an idea of which college they will get into based on their rank and the exam, and also give a searchable list of scholarships that they may be eligible for.
The legend displaying quota abbreviations (AI: All India, HS: Home State, OS: Out of State) appears misaligned and/or truncated in certain views, particularly on smaller screens or certain browser windows. This impacts readability and layout consistency.
Steps to Reproduce
Open the application on a mobile device or reduce the browser window size.
Navigate to the section with the legend (AI, HS, OS).
Observe that the text is misaligned or truncated (as seen in the screenshot).
The legend displaying quota abbreviations (AI: All India, HS: Home State, OS: Out of State) appears misaligned and/or truncated in certain views, particularly on smaller screens or certain browser windows. This impacts readability and layout consistency.
Steps to Reproduce