avanzu / AdminThemeBundle

Admin Theme based on the AdminLTE Template for easy integration into symfony
MIT License
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fix Twig deprecation in menu.html.twig #158

Closed MrMitch closed 7 years ago

MrMitch commented 7 years ago

Twig > 1.28 emits a deprecation warning in Resources/views/Sidebar/menu.html.twig because of the way the menu_item macro is imported. Calling "menu_item" on template "AvanzuAdminThemeBundle:Sidebar:menu.html.twig" from template "AvanzuAdminThemeBundle:Sidebar:menu.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Twig >= 2.0 doesn't support it.

See https://github.com/twigphp/Twig/issues/2267 for a more in depth explanation.

quentin-st commented 7 years ago

Great job, thanks!

hounded commented 7 years ago

Are you serious, do I need a picture of a cat as my profile pic? Props for him getting it done on the master branch, but It is a direct copy of this https://github.com/avanzu/AdminThemeBundle/pull/152 Which you haven't merged