avanzu / AdminThemeBundle

Admin Theme based on the AdminLTE Template for easy integration into symfony
MIT License
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No command available for SF4 #213

Closed jewome62 closed 4 years ago

jewome62 commented 6 years ago

Debug info

Component Version
Symfony version 4.0.3
AdminThemeBundle dev-master
shakaran commented 6 years ago

@jewome62 this bundle still doesn't have support for Symfony 4.x and probably will take some time until get it (since the focus now is stabilize the bugs related to 2.x version of this bundle and release as stable). Pull request are welcome if you desire speed up the progress.

lxxps commented 6 years ago

Quick workaround, in config/services.yaml file

    # in case any automatic discovery fails, register all commands in one declaration :)
        resource: "../vendor/avanzu/admin-theme-bundle/Command/*"
        tags: [ "console.command" ]
kevinpapst commented 6 years ago

This would be fixed with #216

shakaran commented 4 years ago

@jewome62 @lxxps master branch should be now more compatible with SF4. Test if you want. The commands should be now available.