avanzu / AdminThemeBundle

Admin Theme based on the AdminLTE Template for easy integration into symfony
MIT License
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Need an update of AdminLTE version #234

Open craph opened 6 years ago

craph commented 6 years ago

@shakaran Please could you update the adminLTE version to the latest one ?

In the official repository of AdminLTE you can find that the latest release is : 2.4.3


Component Version
Symfony version 3.4
AdminThemeBundle dev-master
Operating System Windows
numerogeek commented 5 years ago

It seems that the repo is dead :/ Check this repo for an updated version of this bundle : https://github.com/kevinpapst/AdminLTEBundle

shakaran commented 5 years ago

It seems that the repo is dead :/ Check this repo for an updated version of this bundle : https://github.com/kevinpapst/AdminLTEBundle

Repo is not dead. It will be updated bringing new changes and merging from other contributors. I do this in my spare time (more than 2 years now), without any payment. If you want this with more urgency, I would be happy do disscuss a paid support plan. Thanks

numerogeek commented 5 years ago

Hello @shakaran What I don't understand is that there's some PR from the community to upgrade it, or making it compatible with new LTS version of symfony, and they're still pending for a while now. If you have no time to handle it (which I fully understand BTW), why not letting others merging their own PR ? I need an upgrade too, and that's too bad that each of us needs to make a fork to do the very same job.

kevinpapst commented 5 years ago

@shakaran I do understand the frustration on both ends. My PRs are waiting since one year now... and I would have contributed much more, if I had seen that something is happening here. But it isn't and thus I created my own fork. It would be nice to tell the community about your plans: are you going to upgrade? Do you have plans to integrate PRs? Do you still support this bundle?

Don't get me wrong: that shouldn't be a blame at all - it is no problem if you don't have the time!

@numerogeek is totally right here, we rely (or relied in the past) on this bundle ... and now we have at least two repositories doing the same job. My repo is far beyond this one, but yours is much wider accepted. Maybe we should think about merging these two together, so we have only one and can share the workload?

numerogeek commented 5 years ago

+1 @kevinpapst @shakaran I don't blame you at all, I do understand too. Maybe you can make @kevinpapst a contributor ? he did a serious job on this project

shakaran commented 5 years ago

@numerogeek not every PR follows the rules or things as I want keep this repo, or it is totally right in the feature that adds. Even if the PR has a year. Also when filled has a lot unstable things since SF 4 was in dev stage. The bundle is still plenty used by SF2 and SF3 people and it will be per years, so it needs to be compatible in branches and separate versions. It is easy see the mountain from below. I already spent more than 400 hours in this project. So please don't make spend more time writing comments which don't make advance the project. I already know that you want this ASAP and people needs SF4, don't need write "no progress", "it is dead", "there are PR to merge". I know it and it is not helpful, I get every notifications and I read all, patience or leverage the open source like now keeping your own repos for the moment.

@kevinpapst in your own fork, you already have some PR from Dec 18... a month waiting, imagine when you will have plenty more and with a large user base that will fill more problems ;) The reason of not advance so quick on this, it is because people want a product well tested and stable. Your contributions will be merged, but I need deep dig on every change to ensure a stable version, because I don't want a crazy SF4-compatible launch and 300 issues the day after with broken things.

shakaran commented 5 years ago

Experimental support with SF4 and AdminLTE 2.4.x is under https://github.com/avanzu/AdminThemeBundle/tree/experimental-symfony-4.x