Hello! So when finding a step definition, if it has a trailing whitespace it will not find the step. I noticed here you're only stripping the leading whitespace. Therefore, if I select a step line in Visual Line mode, and I forgot to delete a space at the end, it will not find the definition. I was confused for awhile why this plugin was having trouble finding one of my steps. Is this specificity of only stripping the leading whitespace intentional? Let me know if I'm off here, just thought I would check.
Hello! So when finding a step definition, if it has a trailing whitespace it will not find the step. I noticed here you're only stripping the leading whitespace. Therefore, if I select a step line in Visual Line mode, and I forgot to delete a space at the end, it will not find the definition. I was confused for awhile why this plugin was having trouble finding one of my steps. Is this specificity of only stripping the leading whitespace intentional? Let me know if I'm off here, just thought I would check.