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Chapter numbering #32

Open reuven opened 9 years ago

reuven commented 9 years ago

I've started to use Quarto for a book I'm writing. org-mode is causing me trouble for now, so I'm using Markdown. My content is split across several files. I include those files in my Rakefile, as follows:

  config.source_files =

When I run "rake deliverables", everything seems to work fine, except that each chapter ls labeled "chapter 1". What do I need to do in order to convince Quarto that each file is a new chapter?

reuven commented 9 years ago

I'm still struggling with getting the chapters to be numbered correctly. I just tried the "minimal" example from the Quarto gem, albeit with a (minimal) Gemfile and a Rakefile, and all chapters are stilled numbered 1. The Gemfile is:

gem 'rake'
gem 'quarto', github: 'avdi/quarto'

and the Rakefile is:

require 'quarto'

Quarto.configure do |config|
  config.author              = "Reuven M. Lerner"
  config.title               = "Test"

  config.use :git
  #  config.use :orgmode       # if you want to use org-mode
  config.use :markdown      # if you want to use markdown
  #config.use :doc_raptor
  config.use :prince
  config.use :pandoc_epub
  config.use :epubcheck
  config.use :kindlegen
  config.use :bundle

  config.source_files =


In the PDF that is generated, all chapters are numbered 1. However, the codex.xhtml that's generated has data-chapter-number set to 1 and 2. And the chapters appear to work correctly when I read the .epb output in the iBooks reader, although that admittedly doesn't show chapter numbers.

So my guess is that the chapter-numbering code is broken somewhere between the XHTML and the PDF generation. Any suggestions or ideas?

saturnflyer commented 9 years ago

I'm seeing the same thing using quarto revision 10b844438c5e3ab488030ac7a796db71fb26c07f (currently the latest)