Toward the bottom of the page, we read: "in the Social Indicators Survey, 90% of African Americans but only 81% of whites report their earnings". As far as I can tell, the number should be 88% for African Americans. Here's my work:
# load the package and the data
wave3 <- read_csv("ROS-Examples-master/Imputation/data/siswave3v4impute3.csv")
#' Set up some simplified variables to work with
na_fix <- function(a) {
ifelse(a < 0 | a == 999999, NA, a)
# wrangle
wave3 %>%
filter(race %in% c(1, 2)) %>%
mutate(earnings = na_fix(rearn) + na_fix(tearn),
race = ifelse(race == 1, "white", "black")) %>%
# compute
group_by(race) %>%
count( %>%
mutate(percent = round(100 * n / sum(n), digits = 0))
# A tibble: 4 x 4
# Groups: race [2]
race `` n percent
<chr> <lgl> <int> <dbl>
1 black FALSE 355 88
2 black TRUE 47 12
3 white FALSE 386 81
4 white TRUE 92 19
Toward the bottom of the page, we read: "in the Social Indicators Survey, 90% of African Americans but only 81% of whites report their earnings". As far as I can tell, the number should be 88% for African Americans. Here's my work: