avendesora / pythonbible

A python library for validating, parsing, normalizing scripture references and retrieving scripture texts (for open source and public domain versions)
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Add support for portuguese #152

Open paulocoutinhox opened 5 months ago

paulocoutinhox commented 5 months ago


Can you add support for portuguese books name and abreviation?



Português Espanhol Abreviado (Português) Abreviado (Espanhol)
Gênesis Génesis Gn Gen
Êxodo Éxodo Êx Ex
Levítico Levítico Lv Lev
Números Números Nm Núm
Deuteronômio Deuteronomio Dt Deut
Josué Josué Js Jos
Juízes Jueces Jz Jue
Rute Rut Rt Rut
1 Samuel 1 Samuel 1 Sm 1 Sam
2 Samuel 2 Samuel 2 Sm 2 Sam
1 Reis 1 Reyes 1 Rs 1 Rey
2 Reis 2 Reyes 2 Rs 2 Rey
1 Crônicas 1 Crónicas 1 Cr 1 Cro
2 Crônicas 2 Crónicas 2 Cr 2 Cro
Esdras Esdras Ed Esd
Neemias Nehemías Ne Neh
Ester Ester Et Est
Job Job
Salmos Salmos Sl Sal
Provérbios Proverbios Pr Prov
Eclesiastes Eclesiastés Ec Ecl
Cantares de Salomão Cantar de los Cantares Ct Cant
Isaías Isaías Is Is
Jeremias Jeremías Jr Jer
Lamentações de Jeremias Lamentaciones de Jeremías Lm Lam
Ezequiel Ezequiel Ez Ez
Daniel Daniel Dn Dan
Oseias Oseas Os Os
Joel Joel Jl Jl
Amós Amós Am Am
Obadias Abdías Ob Abd
Jonas Jonás Jn Jon
Miqueias Miqueas Mi Miq
Naum Nahúm Na Nah
Habacuque Habacuc Hab Hab
Sofonias Sofonías Sof Sof
Ageu Hageo Ag Hag
Zacarias Zacarías Zc Zac
Malaquias Malaquías Ml Mal
Mateus Mateo Mt Mat
Marcos Marcos Mc Mar
Lucas Lucas Lc Luc
João Juan Jo Jn
Atos dos Apóstolos Hechos de los Apóstoles At Hch
Romanos Romanos Ro Rom
1 Coríntios 1 Corintios 1 Co 1 Cor
2 Coríntios 2 Corintios 2 Co 2 Cor
Gálatas Gálatas Gl Gál
Efésios Efesios Ef Ef
Filipenses Filipenses Fp Fil
Colossenses Colosenses Cl Col
1 Tessalonicenses 1 Tesalonicenses 1 Ts 1 Tes
2 Tessalonicenses 2 Tesalonicenses 2 Ts 2 Tes
1 Timóteo 1 Timoteo 1 Tm 1 Tim
2 Timóteo 2 Timoteo 2 Tm 2 Tim
Tito Tito Tt Tit
Filemom Filemón Fm Flm
Hebreus Hebreos Hb Heb
Tiago Santiago Tg Stg
1 Pedro 1 Pedro 1 Pe 1 Ped
2 Pedro 2 Pedro 2 Pe 2 Ped
1 João 1 Juan 1 Jo 1 Jn
2 João 2 Juan 2 Jo 2 Jn
3 João 3 Juan 3 Jo 3 Jn
Judas Judas Jd Jud
Apocalipse Apocalipsis Ap Ap
avendesora commented 5 months ago

Hi Paulo!

Thanks for opening this issue. I would love to add support for additional languages and will use this issue as an opportunity to start that work. There are some potential issues that we'll have to work through as we design the solution such as conflicts between languages, especially with abbreviations. Ideally, we'll be able to come up with a solution that doesn't require explicitly specifying a language, but we'll see.

I'll keep you posted, and let me know if you have any ideas or other input.

Thanks, Nathan

paulocoutinhox commented 5 months ago


Thanks for answer.

I don't know what will be the best solution, but i will think in something that can be outside the fixed rules, like external files separated by languages by folder.

Example: /rules |-- pt/rules.py |-- en/rules.py |-- es/rules.py

And when initialize your library, we can pass the language in class constructor.

Each file "rules.py" will have the required rules for that language.


paulocoutinhox commented 1 month ago

Hi man, any news on this? Thanks.

avendesora commented 1 month ago

No news yet, unfortunately. I've been busy with other projects and just life in general, but this is definitely still something I want to support and can hopefully start working on soon.