averbraeck / opentrafficsim

Open Source Multi-Level Traffic Simulator
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Prepare XML types for expressions #79

Closed WJSchakel closed 11 months ago

WJSchakel commented 1 year ago

To run different scenarios from XML, certain settings/parameters need to be changed between scenarios. As anything might need to be changed between scenarios, a flexible approach is required. Under the <Scenarios> tag there will be a list of input parameters, with default value. Each scenario can set a different value on input parameters. To generically use input parameters in other places in XML, values can be defined as expressions that refer to input parameters. Expressions are given between { }. A simple case is for example: {pTruck}, which will simply evaluate to the value of input parameter pTruck. More complicated expressions are possible, but that's not relevant here.

To be able to define anything in the normal manner, or using an expression, all XML types need to be enhanced. For all types that are an extension of xsd:string and are bounded by a pattern, this pattern needs to be extended. For an existing pattern abc:

<xsd:pattern value="\{[^{}]+\}|(abc)">

This means that any string between { } is also allowed, except that { and } are not allowed within the string, or the regular pattern for the type applies.

For any type that uses base xsd types, such as xsd:double, an xsd:union restriction is suitable. The union will be of xsd:double (or some other base type) and ots:Expressions. The type ots:Expression will be a new type that extents xsd:string with:

<xsd:pattern value="\{[^{}]+\}">

This means that the string must start with { and end with }, and may not have any of these braces between them.

WJSchakel commented 1 year ago

Types that are restricted by an enumeration, can be defined as:

  <xsd:simpleType name="LeftRightType">
    <xsd:union memberTypes="ots:Expression">
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="L" />
          <xsd:enumeration value="LEFT" />
          <xsd:enumeration value="R" />
          <xsd:enumeration value="RIGHT" />
          <xsd:enumeration value="CLOCKWISE" />
          <xsd:enumeration value="COUNTERCLOCKWISE" />
WJSchakel commented 1 year ago

Changing e.g. xsd:double to ots:double (which also allows an expression) causes values to become String in the generated code. To aid parsing we can enhance the use of adapters. Adapters will need to unmarshal towards java types that either contain an expression, or a value. For this we use ExpressionType:

public class ExpressionType<T>
    private final T value;

    private final String expression;

    public ExpressionType(final T value);

    public ExpressionType(final String expression);

    public T get(final InputParameters inputParameters);

    public boolean isExpression();

    public String getExpression();

    public String getBracedExpression();

    public T getValue();

Because bindings don't support generics, extensions of this class are required for used XML types, e.g.:

public class DoubleType extends ExpressionType<Double>
    public DoubleType(final Double value);

    public DoubleType(final String expression);

An example binding for ots:double would be:

    <xjc:javaType name="org.opentrafficsim.xml.bindings.types.DoubleType" xmlType="ots:double"
      adapter="org.opentrafficsim.xml.bindings.DoubleAdapter" />

It's adapter would become:

public class DoubleAdapter extends ExpressionAdapter<Double, DoubleType>

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public DoubleType unmarshal(final String field)
        if (isExpression(field))
            return new DoubleType(trimBrackets(field));
        return new DoubleType(Double.valueOf(field));


Here, ExpressionAdapter is a class that defaults to marshaling using the wrapped expression, or toString() on the wrapped value.

The XML parsing code can first create the input parameters for a specific scenario, give this along through the various parsing methods, and use ExpressionType.get(InputParameters) to obtain the right value, whether that is from an expression (using input parameters or not), or just a wrapped value.

WJSchakel commented 1 year ago

Some elements appear at one place and are not defined with a type. Yet it may be desirable to transform the XML element to a java type. For such elements a different binding is required (next to the jaxb:globalBindings tag). For example:

  <jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="ots-model.xsd">
    <jaxb:bindings node="//xsd:element[@name='Synchronization']">
          <xjc:javaType name="org.opentrafficsim.xml.bindings.types.SynchronizationType"
            adapter="org.opentrafficsim.xml.bindings.SynchronizationAdapter" />

This involves ots-model.xsd, for which multiple bindings can be defined in the bindings tag. Above, one such binding is defined for any xsd:element with attribute name being Synchronization. In case of name-clashes, this can be further specified following the xsd types. E.g. "//xsd:element[@name='MandatoryIncentives']/xsd:complexType/xsd:sequence/xsd:element[@name='Incentive']".

Additional bindings tags can be specified for other schema's, next to a tag is in the above example. More info can be found at: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17802_01/webservices/webservices/docs/1.5/tutorial/doc/JAXBUsing4.html.

WJSchakel commented 1 year ago

The following was done to prepare for the use of expressions:

What remains is:

WJSchakel commented 1 year ago

Added DoublePositiveAdapter, DoublePositiveInclusiveAdapter, DoubleUnitIntervalAdapter, PositiveDurationAdapter, PositiveIntegerAdapter, PositiveTimeAdapter and SpaceAdapter.

WJSchakel commented 1 year ago
averbraeck commented 12 months ago

Potential solutions to the particular problem of not complying with the XML validation are discussed in issue #81