avernois / devfriendlyplaces

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Use maki map icons #8

Open brunobord opened 10 years ago

brunobord commented 10 years ago

It could be nice to display maki map icons depending on the type of place.

when no icon is suitable, use the default marker, et voilà.

avernois commented 10 years ago

Those icons are really nice.

But i'm not sure that the type of places (bar, restaurant, ...) is the most important info we need to have visually. I think it should stay in the details.

But, I'm sure we have something to do with the markers to give a quick info about places.

demental commented 10 years ago

How a bout these icons ? !(no wifi no power)[https://github.com/Taucw/devfriendlyplaces/blob/bytype_markers/images/marker-icon-0.png] !(wifi no power)[https://github.com/Taucw/devfriendlyplaces/blob/bytype_markers/images/marker-icon-1.png] !(no wifi power)[https://github.com/Taucw/devfriendlyplaces/blob/bytype_markers/images/marker-icon-2.png] !(wifi power)[https://github.com/Taucw/devfriendlyplaces/blob/bytype_markers/images/marker-icon-3.png]