avh4 / elm-color

Standard representation of colors, encouraging sharing between packages. (This replaces elm-lang/core#Color from Elm 0.18.)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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API proposal #4

Closed avh4 closed 6 years ago

avh4 commented 6 years ago




type Color

There has been argument that this should be a type alias Color = { red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float, alpha : Float } -- I think making this a private, opaque type is best at the moment (and probably long-term) because:

  • It gives us freedom in the short term to change the internal representation (which I'm slightly worried might be necessary to get the accuracy guarantees we want as we add more conversions.
  • It gives us the flexibility to do the trick that the old elm-lang/core#Color and kuon/elm-hsluv use to switch on the fly to whatever representation is best suited to the manipulations being done, which can improve both performance and accuracy
  • the RGB representation is still "easily" available with myColor |> toStandardRgb
  • I think the opaque type makes it more likely for other package authors to use this Color type for input and output to their API because it doesn't feel tied to a particular color space
fromRgba : { red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float, alpha : Float } -> Color
fromHsla : { hue : Float, saturation : Float, lightness : Float, alpha : Float } -> Color
  • Note: the floats are all in the range [0..1], with the thought that if you have values that are in some other base (like 255, or 100, or 360 for hue), you can just divide, but always using [0..1] for inputs in the packages makes things consistent and flexible.
  • ~The name "standardRgb" is meant to indicate these are interpreted as sRGB values (details would be included in the function docs), see discussion at https://github.com/avh4/elm-color/issues/3#issuecomment-418612706~
  • ~Should the from* functions take a record instead of separate parameters?~
rgb255 : Int -> Int -> Int -> Color
withAlpha : Float -> Color -> Color
rgb : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color
rgba : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color
hsl : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color
hsla : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color
  • Note: the floats are all in the range [0..1], with the thought that if you have values that are in some other base (like 255, or 100, or 360 for hue), you can just divide, but always using [0..1] for inputs in the packages makes things consistent and flexible.
  • Should "Rgb255" be "Rgb8" instead? I think 255 is more familiar to web developers.
  • Do we want all combinations of xxx/xxxa, or just the ones that seem most common, or just the ones without alpha since withAlpha can be used?
toRgba : Color -> { red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float, alpha : Float }
toRgb255 : Color -> { red : Int, green : Int, blue : Int, alpha : Float }
toHsla : Color -> { hue : Float, saturation : Float, lightness : Float, alpha : Float }
  • Again, all floats are in the range [0..1] which is meant to be consistent and flexible; worst case is the user just multiplies by the range they need
  • Here it's easy to always include the alpha, since the user can just ignore it if they don't want it.
  • Should toRgb255 return alpha as an Int? That would make sense from reading it, but I believe in practice you tend to need the alpha as a float for most web dev cases.
toHex : Color -> { hex : String, alpha : Float }
  • this returns 6-digit hex
  • it returns a record to make it clear that the string doesn't include the alpha, and to make it readily available for callers that need it
  • should toHex8 be included? It's not supported on all browsers yet
fromHex : String -> Maybe Color
  • Would support 3, 4, 6, and 8 digit hex strings (with or without the leading '#')
  • Is this actually needed? Isn't it a pain to deal with the Maybe?
  • Would it be best to just have this be fromHex : String -> Color, and have it fallback to returning black if the string is invalid? I think this would be easier to use for most cases where people want to use hex color values. What are the downsides?
  • Should there instead or additionally be fromHexInt : Int -> Color that would be used with fromHexInt 0xaacc00 ? I guess there's no reliable way to know how many digits the input has, so I guess that's not feasible.
toCssRgba : Color -> String
toCssHsla : Color -> String

Are these appropriate to include here vs being left to another package?

Basic colors

red, orange, yellow, ...
  • All the colors from the old elm-lang/core#Color module.
  • I think the idea behind that was good: it gives people easy access to simple colors, and also gives nice versions of those colors (that is, it's not the ugly #ff0000 for red, etc).
grayscale : Float -> Color
greyscale : Float -> Color

Is this needed? Has it been particularly useful to anyone?

For later discussion (for a future version)

The following are things that probably make sense to include, but I think are less urgent than everything above and can be postponed for now:

kuon commented 6 years ago


type Color = ... -- opaque
type alias StandardRgb = { red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float, alpha : Float } -- public
type alias StandardRgb255 = { red : Int, green : Int, blue : Int, alpha : Float } -- public

fromRgb: StandardRgb -> Color
fromRgb255: StandardRgb255 -> Color

toRgb : Color -> StandardRgb
toRgb255 : Color -> StandardRgb255

For the last two points, I will keep my hsluv package up to date and add support for the Color type as a first step. Then we can discuss if it should be included in the core color package.

2mol commented 6 years ago

To comment on some specific points (hopefully not too nitpicky):

  1. goals: agreed

  2. api:

    • I would advocate to drop the 'standard' part, since the sRGB aspect is something you only need to clarify in the doc once. But I don't hold that opinion extremely strongly.
    • maybe call it setAlpha? This makes it clear that you can also change the opacity for a color that already has an alpha, as opposed to 'adding' an alpha channel. Again, weakly held opinion.
    • I like the withAlpha function, but I think it's low-cost (create and maintain) to include an alpha variant of each 'from' function. So in my opinion ( fromRgba, fromRgb, fromHsla, fromHsl, fromRgba255, fromRgb255, setAlpha ) could be a very decent api in terms of clearness and ease of use.
    • I don't think we should take a record as input, as everybody knows the ordering of the colors of RGB, since it's in the name. Same for HSL.
    • the 'to'-functions: I would align them with the alpha convention in the 'from'-functions. So (only) providing ( toRgba, toRgba255, toHsla ) sounds like a good idea to me.
    • toHex: I'm luke warm on having to deconstruct for result, especially for one simple reason: I'm not ever going to use that alpha it returns. So yes, it makes the lossiness clear, but it's kind of not a nice user experience. I think we can trust the programmers to check the doc and understand that they convert to hex with full opacity?
    • fromHex: I don't personally foresee ever needing it. But I'm happy to defer to other people's needs.
  3. greyscale: no need to include this, except as an example in the docs showing how easy it is to create this function with HSL in one line: greyscale x = fromHSL 0 0 x.

  4. basic colors: that's actually a great idea, I forgot about that feature. We could re-use existing work: https://clrs.cc/ (MIT-licensed).

@kuon since we have different opinions on the input type, I just wanted to elaborate a tiny bit: since I foresee people to create tons of ad-hoc colors, I felt that we don't gain much from writing out

fromRgba {red=0.4, green=0.1, blue=0.9, alpha=0.3}

every time. But if we have a short version that let's you write

rgba 0.4 0.1 0.9 0.3

then I guess we have the best of both worlds? I don't know how other people feel about exposing loads of near-synonymous functions, but I personally wouldn't mind.

kuon commented 6 years ago

I don't think we should take a record as input, as everybody knows the ordering of the colors of RGB, since it's in the name. Same for HSL.

It's not about order, it's to allow easier "moving around" of colors (for example, decoded from json). I think we could have both. The fromXXX form taking records (aliased for expliciteness of the "standard") and the xxx form taking multiple arguments.

danielnarey commented 6 years ago

Whatever decisions are made about the actual semantics and implementation, I think the key is to make the base Color package as simple and maintainable as possible. Allow other community packages to support other color spaces/formats and expose additional functionality.

avh4 commented 6 years ago

Great, I agree with the comments about using records / having both fromXxxx [record] and xxxx [multiple params], as well as with just calling functions "rgb" and noting in the docs the subtlety about sRGB. (After doing research, I had originally thought color profiles would be more prominent, but I haven't yet seen any real uses of them in web dev.)

I've updated the proposal based on those comments.

avh4 commented 6 years ago

Allow other community packages to support other color spaces/formats and expose additional functionality.

@danielnarey What I'd like this package to help avoid is having many packages pop up that have certain functions that are basically the same -- for example, converting to/from hex strings is something that several 0.18 packages implemented (and all in slightly different ways). (Another example is color manipulation--certainly a standard package doesn't need to include all possibly manipulations, but there's probably a subset that many end-users will need that probably should become standard.) I agree we want to make something that will support other packages to implement more nuanced or advanced functionality, but also I think we should try to discover the natural break between commonly-needed and needed-in-specific-scenarios, and try to reduce the number of packages that most users need to depend on, if possible.

I'd be interested in starting to collect a list of the types of functionality that we'd expect to be the responsibility of other community packages. Do you have more to add to this list?

kuon commented 6 years ago

On September 5, 2018 5:30:07 PM GMT+02:00, Aaron VonderHaar notifications@github.com wrote:

Great, I agree with the comments about using records / having both fromXxxx [record] and xxxx [multiple params], as well as with just calling functions "rgb" and noting in the docs the subtlety about sRGB. (After doing research, I had originally thought color profiles would be more prominent, but I haven't yet seen any real uses of them in web dev.)

I've updated the proposal based on those comments.

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I think we are getting there. I would still declare alias type for records.

I also agree about avoiding multiple implementations of the same thing, we should provide a nice reference tool for color manipulations, with tests and all. We don't want package A to provide a darken function using float in the 0-1 range and B, using a percentage in the 0-100 range...

Elm now strip unused code, we won't bloat apps if we provide a full featured package. -- Nicolas Goy

avh4 commented 6 years ago

@kuon can you say a bit more about the record type aliases?

type alias StandardRgb = { red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float, alpha : Float } -- public
fromRgb: StandardRgb -> Color

For me personally, I find the extra indirection confusing what APIs excessively use type aliases (it adds another name that I have to learn and remember)... Do you tend to prefer more aliases in general, or is there something specific to colors that makes these particularly useful? I'm guessing it's for cases where you want to store these records in another data structure? I was thinking if there's a way we could encourage most users to story Color values most of the time and only convert to records at the boundaries of their application, then maybe the record aliases wouldn't be needed?

kuon commented 6 years ago

@avh4 As a general rule, when designing an API, I avoid type alias as I use records mostly for options, a bit like https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/mdgriffith/elm-ui/latest/Element-Input

Now for the color package, I thought of alias for a few reasons:

That extra level of indirection is something I want, because I want the API use to wonder "what is StandardRgb" and read the type documentation where we mention it's 0->1 range in sRGB space. I think it is clearer to expose the API user to the alias once, read about normalized values and sRGB and then have a consistent experience across the API using that type.

I think it is good to expose a public type other library or user code can use. Using that type in another library implies the sRGB and normalization of value and makes everything consistent. The user will be familiar with how the components are represented.

Knowing that those alias will be "public elm knowledge", I think it will help make code clearer when components needs to be stored. We may imagine an image manipulation program where the developer wants direct pixel data, with Array StandardRgb, the person reading the code will be in familiar and documented water.

As a note, we can drop the Standard and use RgbComponents and document it to be in sRGB.

2mol commented 6 years ago

Adding the points that @avh4 made, I guess what I don't like about the type alias so much is that

I get the point about Array StandardRgb, but you will have people using intermediate formats anyway, so that for example people will inevitably use stuff like Array (Float, Float, Float), Matrix Float, and whatever other permutations, with and without alpha, List, Dict instead of Array, Int instead of Float etc.

I would advocate that our goal should be to have the same pleasant clarity and simplicity that you can find in the rest of the elm ecosystem. Ideally people have this impression that using color in a typesafe way is no big deal and feels very natural.

Maybe I can write up an example of what I think the docs snippet for the Color type should look like?

kuon commented 6 years ago

@2mol well, maybe I am being optimistic about the reuse of the component type. I guess you might be right about the "everybody is going to use a custom type anyway, because of requirements" part.

My main point was about documentation, because they are not just record containing floats, they are records containing floats clamped in the 0->1 range, and the float type does not enforce that. The type alias is a way to document that, but well, it will not add any type safety.

I like them in this case because I have the feeling it will tidy the API and the documentation, but I don't have a strong opinion about it. Especially if we do all functions in fromRgb and fromRgba variant, as this will double the number of type alias and might get out of hands.

kuon commented 6 years ago

To try to summarize:

fromRgb : { red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float } -> Color
fromRgba : { red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float, alpha : Float } -> Color

fromRgb255 : { red : Int, green : Int, blue : Int} -> Color
fromRgba255 : { red : Int, green : Int, blue : Int, alpha : Float } -> Color

fromHsl : { hue : Float, saturation : Float, lightness : Float } -> Color
fromHsla : { hue : Float, saturation : Float, lightness : Float, alpha : Float } -> Color

rgb255 : Int -> Int -> Int -> Color
rgba255 : Int -> Int -> Int -> Float -> Color
rgb : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color
rgba : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color
hsl : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color
hsla : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color

toRgb : Color -> { red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float }
toRgba : Color -> { red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float, alpha : Float }

toRgb255 : Color -> { red : Int, green : Int, blue : Int }
toRgba255 : Color -> { red : Int, green : Int, blue : Int, alpha : Float }

toHsl : Color -> { hue : Float, saturation : Float, lightness : Float }
toHsla : Color -> { hue : Float, saturation : Float, lightness : Float, alpha : Float }

setAlpha : Float -> Color -> Color
setRed : Float -> Color -> Color
setGreen : Float -> Color -> Color
setBlue : Float -> Color -> Color
setHue : Float -> Color -> Color
setSaturation : Float -> Color -> Color
setLightness : Float -> Color -> Color

alpha : Color -> Float
red : Color -> Float
green : Color -> Float
blue : Color -> Float
hue : Color -> Float
saturation : Color -> Float
lightness : Color -> Float

-- hex, rgba() and hsla() support, maybe color names?
parse : String -> Maybe Color 
-- generate a string, that can be passed back to parse
toString : Color -> String
 -- we can drop the alpha for that one
toHex : Color -> String
-- same as parse but default to black and support only hex
fromHex : String -> Color

I would add a few tools to help other packages development:

mapRgba: ({ red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float, alpha : Float } -> { red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float, alpha : Float }) -> Color -> Color
mapHsla: ({ hue : Float, saturation : Float, lightness : Float, alpha : Float } -> { hue : Float, saturation : Float, lightness : Float, alpha : Float }) -> Color -> Color

maybe mapRed, mapBlue....

And the few more things in the original posts (color names...)

2mol commented 6 years ago

I think the summary that @avh4 keeps updating in the top post is already pretty good.

kuon commented 6 years ago

I think the summary that @avh4 keeps updating in the top post is already pretty good.

Yes it is, mine was not a replacement, it was more a way to have an overview. It helps view the size of the API, at least for me.

Chadtech commented 6 years ago

Im really glad to see this package come back. The api looks good too. I suspect theres nothing I can do to help, but if there is I would love to be a part of this package.

avh4 commented 6 years ago

Okay, it sounds like the core conversion functions seem stable enough to start working on. I've set up the project and CI, and will push a work in progress branch for the basic conversion shortly.

Given there's some debate about the record aliases for the {red, green, blue}, etc records, I think we can put off adding those immediately (they can easily be added later if it becomes clear they're valuable).

kuon commented 6 years ago

I agree, let's start, a lot of people need a color type.

Do you want me to prepare my color parser for review and inclusion in the project?

On September 7, 2018 6:51:41 AM GMT+02:00, Aaron VonderHaar notifications@github.com wrote:

Okay, it sounds like the core conversion functions seem stable enough to start working on. I've set up the project and CI, and will push a work in progress branch for the basic conversion shortly.

Given there's some debate about the record aliases for the {red, green, blue}, etc records, I think we can put off adding those immediately (they can easily be added later if it becomes clear they're valuable).

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-- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

avh4 commented 6 years ago

Do you want me to prepare my color parser for review and inclusion in the project?

@kuon after chatting with the elm-css author, I'm not sure I understand in what situations parsing CSS-like color strings will be useful. I'm thinking of leaving that out of 1.0.0, and trying to collect some info about who would use it and in what scenarios. (Can you open an issue if you have some off the top of your head?)

avh4 commented 6 years ago

Okay, most of this has been implemented in #9, so please review the code there.

I split remaining questions in separate issues: #11, #12, #13.

norpan commented 6 years ago

Here is my best argument for not having a complex type as input to a function needing a color. Let's say your function works with Rgb255 values. Instead of making this explicit by having the input type { red : Int, blue : Int, green : Int } you make it accept Color thereby not giving any indication about the preferred color space. The user will then have to guess (or read the source code, or maybe you document it) which Color to create to avoid multiple conversions.

I don't see any downside to accepting an explicit record. If the user wants to convert, they call the appropriate conversion function before calling the function.

An analogy would be to not accept List a but instead some custom type that has both List a and Array a.

This is not to say this package is not needed. We do need color conversion. I'm just argumenting for not using it as a standard type in other packages.