In my project I found it necessary to sometimes remove elements (though not objects) from json arrays. I was able to do this by adding a separate merge strategy which takes a negative image of an array, such that, e.g.
test = {
"AnArray":["An element", "A second element"]
removal = {
"AnArray":["An element"]
new = merger.merge(test, removal)
new = {
"AnArray":["A second element"]
The code for this is quite similar to that for append:
class RemoveStrategy(ArrayStrategy):
def _merge(
self, walk, base, head, schema, sortByRef=None, sortReverse=None, **kwargs
new_array = []
for array_element in base.val:
if array_element not in head.val:
base.val = new_array
self.sort_array(walk, base, sortByRef, sortReverse)
return base
def get_schema(self, walk, schema, **kwargs):
schema.val.pop("maxItems", None)
schema.val.pop("uniqueItems", None)
return schema
I am happy to just have this within my project, but I wished to offer that if there is interest in adding this feature to the main package then I can write up the requisite tests and doc entry.
In my project I found it necessary to sometimes remove elements (though not objects) from json arrays. I was able to do this by adding a separate merge strategy which takes a negative image of an array, such that, e.g.
The code for this is quite similar to that for append:
I am happy to just have this within my project, but I wished to offer that if there is interest in adding this feature to the main package then I can write up the requisite tests and doc entry.