aviaryan / Clipjump

:clipboard: Clipboard Manager for Windows, built in AutoHotkey
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Brainstroming on "Clip History" feature #110

Open hoppfrosch opened 8 years ago

hoppfrosch commented 8 years ago

Resulting from #105, just some thoughts/mind games:

aviaryan commented 8 years ago

Isn't current Clip History just a special channel, which duplicates all clips which are added to all other channels? If so, why is it implemented with its own implementation and not as a special channel? Unifying this would reduce code redundancy: remove special History-GUI and integrate it within the channel organizer ....

The thing is that History came first and channels came later. So when History feature was implemented, it was super important because it provided a gui to browse what you have copied to Clipjump. Then Channels came as a methodology to group related clips together. History is stored differently than clips. So it can be said as a special channel though it isn't one.

Having "Clip History" available as channel within channel organizer makes it clearer (at least for me), that manipulating this channel does not affect the other channels (this is the situation now already: manipulating "Clip History" does not affect Channels - manipulating one channel does not affect other channels)

Offer an option as well, which allows enabling/disabling the usage of the special History/Archive channel ...

You are right. I would ideally like to make it a per channel setting, whether to store history for it or not. Also I would like to show date of creation in Organizer (#44) but that would require #88 to be possible to implement. Then only it would be possible to integrate Clipboard History to Organizer.

Is "History" a good wording for the current functionality? (see #105). Isn't "Archive" more appropriate?

History is the word I came with the first time around but yes I agree that Archive is a more accurate word. I will change it in the next version. You may create an issue for it.

CURRENT PLANS : I am rather busy these days. When I get time, I will start with #101, #102 and then the other issues. #88 will play a huge role if I want to improve the History feature and Clipjump in general. Sadly, the last time I tried to think of it, there were some issues I wasn't able to cover.

hoppfrosch commented 8 years ago

The thing is that History came first and channels came later. So when History feature was implemented, it was super important because it provided a gui to browse what you have copied to Clipjump. Then Channels came as a methodology to group related clips together. History is stored differently than clips. So it can be said as a special channel though it isn't one.

I see ... but as I said: this issue is about mind games and may show some ideas where clipjump is heading to - or rethinking some thinks. You shouldn't look at it as "requests".

Concerning #88: maybe we might discuss it together to get some ideas to solve the outstanding issues. Maybe I find some free time to help implementing it (as I'm a software developer as well - but with little time as well ;-))

Also I might have a look into moving the History functionality to channels ...

aviaryan commented 8 years ago

Concerning #88: maybe we might discuss it together to get some ideas to solve the outstanding issues. Maybe I find some free time to help implementing it (as I'm a software developer as well - but with little time as well ;-))

I did a comment in https://github.com/aviaryan/Clipjump/issues/88#issuecomment-193681380 about the various ideas I had regarding the job. Right now, I can't remember the challenges I faced the first time I thought about it (maybe because of order_number attribute addition :smile: ). I would like your views on it.