aviaryan / Clipjump

:clipboard: Clipboard Manager for Windows, built in AutoHotkey
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Issue in 'saving last clipboard time' #114

Closed aviaryan closed 8 years ago

aviaryan commented 8 years ago

From #103

Last clipboard write time should be saved by Clipjump to block successive clipboard captures which often lead to crashes.

The current method to get time is using A_TickCount. It fails when computer is not shutdown for days (in case of hibernate). https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=5&p=78007#p78007

So maybe, we can switch to using A_Now for time and EnvSub function for time difference.

aviaryan commented 8 years ago

Will close it after some testing

Gabr-F commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm sorry I haven't shown up for the last months, I had some problems and after a while I just forgot.

I still won't be able to help much, but I'll probably manage to check out Clipjump every once in a while.

Anyway, I just tried the current version and I noticed that it doesn't work anymore on Windows XP (the software appears to work, but the clips don't get saved). I found out the culprit is the fix to this issue (in the commit 15db1d8c80426edf3cf2f79d2e5b9f1eb1c25457): the TickCount64 function was introduced in Windows Vista.

You could have good arguments to drop the support for Windows XP, but since for now it just takes fixing this to reinstate it, I think it is a worthwhile effort.

I see 3 ways to work-around the problem:

aviaryan commented 8 years ago

Do you actually really need this 64 bit resolution??? For the problem at hand, wouldn't checking that (A_TickCount - lastClipboardTime) is >0 be reasonable enough?

The first time when I tried using A_TickCount, I got issues when trying to copy something to Clipjump after some days of hibernation. I am sure it was not 49+ days but after switching to GetTickCount64, I haven't faced any issues. So I went ahead with it. BTW, I still don't know what caused that no-copy issue stated before.

simply check the return of DllCall("GetTickCount64" , if it's blank the function is not supported and you can use A_TickCount in place of it


Gabr-F commented 8 years ago

In any case, whatever function you use, it's a mistake not to ensure that the current tick count is greater than or equal to lastClipboradTime.

You can simply replace

if (timeDiff < 200){


if (timeDiff >= 0) and (timeDiff < 200){

With this you cut the time when it can go wrong from the entire period the function supports (49 days or half a million years) minus 200 ms to just 200 ms.

Arguably with the half a million years that TickCount64 gives you you could disregard this problem, but being careful about these things is still a good habit to take on.