aviaryan / Clipjump

:clipboard: Clipboard Manager for Windows, built in AutoHotkey
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Fully customizable hotkeys #122

Open fidel-perez opened 8 years ago

fidel-perez commented 8 years ago

Long story short: Please make Clipjump customizable so we can set (Control+Insert) and (Shift+insert) as copy/paste commands (Shift+insert should enter paste mode), plus (Insert, Home, End, etc) for the Pastemode shortcuts. This is not an arbitrary feature request, it is specially neccesary for left handed people, since we (at least I do) tend to use the right side of the keyboard for most hotkeys, because our left hand is in the mouse instead of the left part of the keyboard.

Long Story long: Following the recent update logs, I see more and more hotkeys are being added for copy paste (win + c, win+v) but there still isn't full support for customizable hotkeys. I edited (very badly) the code so I can use Control+insert and Shift+Insert as copy and paste (entering paste mode with Shift+Insert) but my coding was so ugly I canot even share it... It is so ugly that it made me come here and ask for this feature hehehe...

Thank you for this amazing piece of software, Armagedoom.