aviaryan / Clipjump

:clipboard: Clipboard Manager for Windows, built in AutoHotkey
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[Feature request] Select without paste #135

Open Kristinita opened 7 years ago

Kristinita commented 7 years ago

1. Request

It would be nice, if users can select text in clipboard, but not paste it at once.

2. Justification

Often I paste text into clipboard use macros, snippets and so on. Simple example, how I make image for Markdown.

Paste Markdown image

I need press Ctrl+V → use C and V keys I select text, which I need paste → I let go of the keys, and text paste for me → Ctrl+Z → just now I can run command for my macro.

3. Desirable behavior

I press, for example, Super+C → use C andV keys I select text, which I need paste → I let go of the keys, and text don't paste for me → I can run command for my macro.
