aviaryan / Clipjump

:clipboard: Clipboard Manager for Windows, built in AutoHotkey
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Cannot use a Win+key shortcut in settings, exemple : cannot use win+h for clipboard history #143

Open CCCBBBAAAHIGHSCORE opened 4 years ago

CCCBBBAAAHIGHSCORE commented 4 years ago


as the title say, i can't use a winkey based shortcut in the settings to add or modify a shortcut,

reproducing : go to settings, try to set a shortcut for clipboard history, try win+h. nothing happen

Can this be added for a future version ?

Thanks a lot !

Edit, but i can do it if i write it in the advanced settings (which open a notepad) : if i write #h and save&reload, win+h work

But if you reopen the settings, it wont work anymore, you would have to re modify the notepad file