aviaryan / Clipjump

:clipboard: Clipboard Manager for Windows, built in AutoHotkey
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Missing CHM-Documentation File #3

Closed hoppfrosch closed 10 years ago

hoppfrosch commented 10 years ago

I just downloaded the latest ZIP-File you announced here: http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/91488-clipjump-the-ultimate-clipboard-manager-updated-71-beta/page-43#entry628312

Running the provided exe the very first time, it is asked whether the user want to view the help file. Answering YES an error pops up, as the needed file "Clipjump.chm" is missing.

=> Your provided Softwarepackage is INCOMPLETE!

aviaryan commented 10 years ago

I provide alpha and beta releases for old users of Clipjump and so don't feel the need to provide a doc. As those releases are meant for advanced users [of Clipjump], I don't even provide a link for them on the main site. Another reason for why doc is not provided is that it is not made. :-)

hoppfrosch commented 10 years ago

I think it's rather confusing for first time users to start clipjump initially and getting asked, whether they want to have a look at the documentation - and the documentation isn't available at all (causing an error in clipjump)

In this case it would be better, to remove the functionality (simply do not offer the possibility to open documentation ...)

aviaryan commented 10 years ago

If I remove the functionality, I may forget to re-enable it as I never see the message. I settle with checking for beta release in the msg-displaying code as their version has 4 numbers x.y.a.b .