aviaryan / Clipjump

:clipboard: Clipboard Manager for Windows, built in AutoHotkey
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FEATURE REQUEST: Editing Clips before pasting #4

Closed hoppfrosch closed 10 years ago

hoppfrosch commented 10 years ago

BASE-IDEA: Allow user defined "transformations" before pasting a clip.

This might be generally possible, calling an editor just before pasting. The edited text replaces the clip to be pasted ... Several editors might be needed (for example: Text-Editor for plain text, Image-Editor for bitmaps ...)


gadamiak commented 10 years ago


aviaryan commented 10 years ago

There's now a feature to edit clips, I know it's not what you want but I don't understand why these transformations are needed. What is the need of opening an editor ? Won't it disrupt the flow while pasting ? Yes, I can have features that change text to all lowercase or uppercase or titlecase directly from ahk code.

hoppfrosch commented 10 years ago

I assumed that it might be easier to implement some limited actions in AHK directly - but some actions might not be from general benefit (actions which I need many times: replacing \ with / in pathes, replacing spaces with underscores ...) or to complex for simple AHK implementation ...

Having the possibility of an editor in the pasting workflow would offer the possibility to use for example RegEx Search and Replace for texts - or for cutting bitmaps... - or... or ...or... ;-)

Those transformations within the pasting workflow are just a convinience thing. For sure I could open the editor manually, paste the clip, manipulate it and copy it again - but this are quite a few steps ...

hoppfrosch commented 10 years ago

Your V10.6-Edit mode looks pretty good (at least for my purposes) - unless I failed yet, to edit a text clip to be pasted via clipjump. ClipJump als states "Clip NOT edited!"

aviaryan commented 10 years ago

Did you see "Editing..." tip before the error . What were you editing ? It only supports Text format.

aviaryan commented 10 years ago

v10.7.2.6beta has support for custom formats in form of plugins that are executed before pasting the clip.