aviaryan / Clipjump

:clipboard: Clipboard Manager for Windows, built in AutoHotkey
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Save clipboard to a file and copy file path to clipboard #66

Closed danielo515 closed 9 years ago

danielo515 commented 9 years ago

I just realized that one of the most repetitive task in my day to day is to copy something to the clipboard, copy the clipboard to a file and then attach it to somewhere. Since clipjump already stores the clipboard on text files it would be nice to have a shortcut to copy current clipboard content to a file and then copy that file path to the clipboar.

Would not it be lovely?

aviaryan commented 9 years ago

If you want this feature for yourself, then you can easily do this with the plugin system.

Steps 1) Use getClipAt to the get the contents of currently active clipboard. 2) Then use AutoHotkey's command FileAppend to write that to file. 3) Copy the filepath to Clipjump by assigning the clipboard variable..

Here is a pseudo-code ..

clipContent = API.getClipAt(CN.NG, 1)
FileAppend, %clipContent%, %A_temp%/abcd.txt
Clipboard  = %A_temp%/abcd.txt