aviaryan / Clipjump

:clipboard: Clipboard Manager for Windows, built in AutoHotkey
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Action Mode tip destroys itself when changing font #83

Closed aviaryan closed 8 years ago

aviaryan commented 9 years ago

http://clipjump.sourceforge.net/#comment-2152925014 http://aviaryan.in/blog/clipjump/getting-back-to-clipjump.html#comment-2108563615


  1. Use a specialised library like TT
  2. Use a GUI (like PleasentNotify)
hoppfrosch commented 8 years ago

Don't know whether this is a related bug - but it also has to do with Action mode problems: pressing [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [A], but nothing happens

aviaryan commented 8 years ago

Yes that is the same bug.

Quoting from http://aviaryan.in/blog/clipjump/getting-back-to-clipjump.html#comment-2108563615

" Since the new version, I've noticed that the Action Mode tooltip isn't working. On both my work PC (Win 8.1 Enterprise) and personal PC (Win 8.1 Home edition), when I press the Ctrl+Shift+A, the tooltip flashes but disappears. If I press "e" or any of the other hotkeys, the cooresponding action happens, but the tooltip is just not working. "

This looks to be a bug in AHK as I have not changed Action mode related code since v11.6.1 . But since Action mode works fine on my system, I have no idea why this bug is affecting some people.

hoppfrosch commented 8 years ago

It occurs on my machine as well ... AutoHotkey : v1.1.22.03 Unicode 32-bit SystemOS : WIN_7 64-bit Service Pack 1 v6.1.7601 (WIN32_NT)

aviaryan commented 8 years ago

I am also using (Win 8.1 x64) but I am not having any problems.

Have you tried running Clipjump v11.6.1 with AHK ? Download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/clipjump/files/Clipjump_11.6.1.zip/download or https://github.com/aviaryan/Clipjump/tree/v11.6.1

hoppfrosch commented 8 years ago

http://sourceforge.net/projects/clipjump/files/Clipjump_11.6.1.zip/download: does not work as well, same behaviour

Hint: clipjump.ahk (from this zip) does not run out of the box, due to following error (no need for fixing, just a hint to avoid in future versions)

Error in #include file "D:\Temp\Clipjump\lib\aboutgui.ahk":
 Can't load icon.

Specifically: icons/icon.ico

    083: {
    084: Menu,Tray,DeleteAll
    085: Menu,Options_Tray,Delete
    086: Menu,Tools_Tray,Delete
    087: Menu,Maintanence_Tray,Delete
    088: Menu,Help_Tray,Delete
    089: }
--->    092: Menu,Tray,Icon,mainIconPath
    093: Menu,Tray,NoStandard
    094: Menu,Tray,Add,TXT.ABT__name " " PROGNAME,main
    095: Menu,Tray,Tip,PROGNAME " {" CN.Name "}"
    096: Menu,Tray,Add
    097: Menu,Tray,Add,TXT.SET_actmd "  " Hparse_Rev(actionmode_k),actionmode
    098: Menu,Tray,Add
    099: Menu,Maintanence_Tray,Add,TXT.PLG_delFileFolder,plugin_deleteFileFolder

The current thread will exit.
aviaryan commented 8 years ago

Thanks. I will have to use a gui I guess as I can't explain the situation that leads to the bug.

aviaryan commented 8 years ago

I will leave this issue open for some time.