aviaryan / Kissanime-Batch-Downloader

:jp: :tv: KissAnime, KissCartoon and KissAsian batch links generator script
Apache License 2.0
134 stars 45 forks source link

$kissenc not defined #15

Open juanlorenzo3167 opened 7 years ago

juanlorenzo3167 commented 7 years ago

Had an error appeared today. I actually managed to make the script work yesterday on firefox. Idk what happened after I tried today. Here's the log.

Loading scripts ... /Scripts/common.js /Scripts/aes.js /Scripts/sha256.min.js /Scripts/kissenc.min.js?v=2 Starting Kissasian Batch Downloader script... Starting to fetch links.. Fetching listing 1 [Running Man (Game-Show) Episode 1] ReferenceError: $kissenc is not defined [Learn More]

Tried it on chrome as well no luck. Also with chrome yesterday it was giving me blank text files. I am logged in with an account on kissasian. Please do help thank you :)

aviaryan commented 7 years ago

Maybe the kiss* sites codebase has changed a bit. I am out right now so can't have a full look at it. Will work on it in 4-5 days. Thank you for your patience. In the meanwhile, please follow #16

juanlorenzo3167 commented 7 years ago

thank you :) cheers

dodieboy commented 7 years ago

i have the same error too today, i got: Uncaught ReferenceError: $kissenc is not defined at eval (eval at success (:95:5), :1:20) at Object.success (:95:5) at o (http://kissasian.com/Scripts/jquery17.min.js?v=1:2:14733) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (http://kissasian.com/Scripts/jquery17.min.js?v=1:2:15502) at w (http://kissasian.com/Scripts/jquery17.min.js?v=1:4:12472) at d (http://kissasian.com/Scripts/jquery17.min.js?v=1:4:18318) at Object.send (http://kissasian.com/Scripts/jquery17.min.js?v=1:4:18357) at Function.ajax (http://kissasian.com/Scripts/jquery17.min.js?v=1:4:15044) at :82:9

hope this will help you in fixing the error

jptalusan commented 7 years ago

Same error as @dodieboy . jquery17.min.js?v=1:4 Uncaught ReferenceError: $kissenc is not defined at eval (eval at success (:95:5), :1:20) at Object.success (:95:5) at o (http://kissasian.com/Scripts/jquery17.min.js?v=1:2:14733) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (http://kissasian.com/Scripts/jquery17.min.js?v=1:2:15502) at w (http://kissasian.com/Scripts/jquery17.min.js?v=1:4:12472) at d (http://kissasian.com/Scripts/jquery17.min.js?v=1:4:18318) at Object.send (http://kissasian.com/Scripts/jquery17.min.js?v=1:4:18357) at Function.ajax (http://kissasian.com/Scripts/jquery17.min.js?v=1:4:15044) at :82:9