aviatesk / JET.jl

An experimental code analyzer for Julia. No need for additional type annotations.
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JET misses failed inference (a reproducer) #608

Open charleskawczynski opened 5 months ago

charleskawczynski commented 5 months ago

From https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaCore.jl/issues/1602, here is a reproducer where JET misses inference failure. Profile does capture the failure, and the resulting slowdown is observed in a benchmark using BenchmarkTools.

Below is a reproducer that:

prep environment:

git clone https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaAtmos.jl
cd ClimaAtmos.jl/
git checkout 0eef0e3d8d44a7cfd553d56e55609c1ed0d77e0f
julia --project=perf
using Pkg
Pkg.add(Pkg.PackageSpec(;name="Thermodynamics", rev="1701c9aa474f43814e5d16373606f5ffd0eb6763"))


import ClimaCore;
import Thermodynamics as TD
import Thermodynamics.Parameters as TDP
import CloudMicrophysics as CM
import ClimaCore.Fields as Fields
import ClimaCore.Operators as Operators
import ClimaCore.Spaces as Spaces
import ClimaCore.Geometry as Geometry
import ClimaComms
@isdefined(TU) || include(joinpath(pkgdir(ClimaCore), "test", "TestUtilities", "TestUtilities.jl"));
import .TestUtilities as TU;
FT = Float64;
cspace = TU.CenterExtrudedFiniteDifferenceSpace(FT;zelem, helem=10);
fspace = Spaces.FaceExtrudedFiniteDifferenceSpace(cspace);
space = cspace;
@show ClimaComms.device(cspace)

# From ClimaAtmos
import CLIMAParameters as CP
aliases = string.(fieldnames(TD.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters));
toml_dict = CP.create_toml_dict(FT);
# pairs = CP.get_parameter_values(toml_dict, aliases, "Thermodynamics");
# const thermo_params = TD.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters{FT}(; pairs...)
const thermo_params = TD.Parameters.ThermodynamicsParameters(toml_dict)
const cm_params = CM.Parameters.Parameters0M(FT, toml_dict)

x = (;
    ᶜts       = Fields.Field(TD.PhaseEquil{FT}, space),
    ᶜS_ρq_tot = Fields.Field(FT, space),
    ρ         = Fields.Field(FT, space),

total_specific_humidity(tp, ts) = TD.PhasePartition(tp, ts).tot
function compute_precipitation_cache!(x)
    (; ᶜts, ρ, ᶜS_ρq_tot) = x
    @. ᶜS_ρq_tot =
        ρ * CM.Microphysics0M.remove_precipitation(
            TD.PhasePartition(thermo_params, ᶜts),
    # @. ᶜS_ρq_tot = ρ * TD.PhasePartition(thermo_params, ᶜts).tot # allocates!
    # @. ᶜS_ρq_tot = ρ * total_specific_humidity(thermo_params, ᶜts) # allocation-free
    return nothing


import JET
JET.@test_opt compute_precipitation_cache!(x)

function do_work!(x)
    for i in 1:200

import Profile, ProfileCanvas
@info "Compiling first..."
do_work!(x) # compile first
@info "Collecting profile..."
prof = Profile.@profile do_work!(x)
results = Profile.fetch()
@info "Generating html..."
ProfileCanvas.html_file("flame.html", results)

@info "Benchmarking..."
import BenchmarkTools
trial = BenchmarkTools.@benchmark compute_precipitation_cache!($x)
show(stdout, MIME("text/plain"), trial)

I'll note that the "fix" to this problem turned out to be a matter of not inlining the call to PhaseEquil in Thermodynamics.jl. Regardless, I was surprised to see JET miss this inference failure.