avibrazil / iOSbackup

A Python 3 class that reads and extracts files from a password-encrypted iOS backup created by iTunes on Mac and Windows. Compatible with iOS 14. Class works on Linux too.
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Windows 64bit #22

Open LoteL opened 2 years ago

LoteL commented 2 years ago

Seems it works only on win32. An issue with os.walk observed. As the result root and backuproot=None. Platform: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit Python: 3.10.4 (32bit) iOS version of device backups: iOS 15

avibrazil commented 2 years ago

Please try to reinstall Python using a 64bit version to see what happens.

Apparently iTunes folder on Windows changed to %APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup. Please try to point iOSbackup to this folder to see if it works.

LoteL commented 2 years ago

The Python reinstalled to 3.10.4 (64 bit). "Python 3.10.4 (tags/v3.10.4:9d38120, Mar 23 2022, 23:13:41) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32". However, iOSbackup.getDeviceList() still shows nothing for correct iTunes backup path. The output of "import sys print(sys.platform)" is 'Win32'

Isn't it necessary to change the part of iOSbackup code? " platformFoldersHint = { 'darwin': '~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup', 'win32': r'%HOME%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup' }"