avibrazil / iOSbackup

A Python 3 class that reads and extracts files from a password-encrypted iOS backup created by iTunes on Mac and Windows. Compatible with iOS 14. Class works on Linux too.
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FileNotFoundError #5

Open legaspacho opened 3 years ago

legaspacho commented 3 years ago


First of all, thank you for the code it is exactly what I have been looking for for a couple of days! I tried to run the code for a few different backups in order to extract my photos from them. It worked well for 2/3 of my backups.

I am basically running the following code with the correct key and udid:



For one of the backup I am getting the following error:

Exception ignored in: <function iOSbackup.__del__ at 0x000001D68131BB80>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:...\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\iOSbackup\__init__.py", line 103, in __del__
TypeError: remove: path should be string, bytes or os.PathLike, not NoneType
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "D:\....\Recover iphone backup\iphone_photo_backup.py", line 45, in <module>

 File "C:\...\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\iOSbackup\__init__.py", line 459, in getFolderDecryptedCopy

 File "C:\...\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\iOSbackup\__init__.py", line 543, in getFileDecryptedData
    with open(os.path.join(self.backupRoot, self.udid, fileNameHash[:2], fileNameHash), 'rb') as infile:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:\\Apple\\Path3\\MobileSync\\Backup\\MY-UDID\\78\\7831d13dae1b030538542eec78e456049beebf23'

This file does not exist in the marked folder but I am unsure 1) why it is looking to open it and 2) if there is a way it could be ignored.


avibrazil commented 3 years ago

iOSbackup is trying to export it because it appears in the catalog. It is very strange it appears in the catalog but doesn't exist in the backup.

Do the following to try see the iOS file name for this faulty backup file:

from iOSbackup import iOSbackup

b=iOSbackup(udid="000…2E", derivedkey="f6…ff")


for f in files:
    if f['backupFile']=='7831d13dae1b030538542eec78e456049beebf23':
        print(f"{f['backupFile']}: {f['name']}")

Then add it to excludeFiles like this:

    excludeFiles=['%.MOV', '%file-found-above.gif']

Let me know what you've found, maybe this is something I'll need to fix in the original code.

avibrazil commented 3 years ago

In a few weeks I'll be releasing a new package that extract photos and videos from your backup in a curated way. It will use photo caption, face names, places, stories and albums you have tagged in your media to give you well tagged and nicely renamed files like:

2020.10.22-17.34.52 ★ Clara playing with water 【Avi Alkalay·︎iPhone 11 Pro】.jpg
2020.10.25-22.30.47 ▶️ Sun rise 【Avi Alkalay·︎iPhone 11 Pro timelapse】.mov
2020.10.27-11.41.02 • Beach in Guarujá 【Avi Alkalay·︎iPhone 11 Pro】.heic
legaspacho commented 3 years ago

Hi avibrazil,

I edited the code to exclude the file found but it still does not work. I will wait for your next release to have it working.

Looking forward to the update !

avibrazil commented 3 years ago

This "next release" is actually a different project. But I'll let you know here.