aviklai / react-leaflet-google-layer

Google layer for React-Leaflet using leaflet.gridlayer.googlemutant, implemented with typescript
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Dynamic Layer Switch #27

Open mugambi40 opened 2 years ago

mugambi40 commented 2 years ago

Trying to switch traffic layer dynamically but it is not working.

<LayersControl.BaseLayer name="Google Street" checked={defaultMap ? true : false} key={i}> <ReactLeafletGoogleLayer apiKey={GoogleApiKey} type={"roadmap"} googleMapsAddLayers={TrafficLayer} /> </LayersControl.BaseLayer>

Am using a button to toggle TrafficLayer as in the following code.

if (!ShowTraffic) { setTrafficLayer([{ name: "TrafficLayer" }]); } else { setTrafficLayer([]); }

Any help will be appreciated. Are ReactLeafletGoogleLayer props immutable?

aviklai commented 2 years ago

@mugambi40 Hi,

Currently, this functionality is not implemented. I created a new branch with a basic implementation - you can check it out and let me know if this works for you: https://github.com/aviklai/react-leaflet-google-layer/tree/adding-removing-layers-dynamically

siddharthkul commented 1 year ago

Any plans to merge this ?

aviklai commented 1 year ago

@siddharthkul Hi, I will try to do it today or tomorrow.

siddharthkul commented 1 year ago

Hi @aviklai , I see you have released version 2.1.0.

I misunderstood the issue, I will open a new issue here which is for dynamic map type support.

Thanks for the quick response on this issue though !

aviklai commented 1 year ago

I checked the dynamic layers and the map is not updated properly - only when zooming in or out. There is a somewhat related issue posted here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25687831/refreshing-google-maps-api-v3-layers

So for now, I think that the best solution would be refreshing the react leaflet google layer component by setting a unique key, for example: https://codesandbox.io/s/basic-usage-with-react-leaflet-v3-forked-jb2ltg

mugambi40 commented 1 year ago

I have tried using unique key. It works if you got one google map layer. However, if you got more than two google map layers (say, streets and terrain) switching traffic layer on the second layer (say, terrain) default to the first selected layer (streets). Check on https://codesandbox.io/s/basic-usage-with-react-leaflet-v3-forked-gkgif3

Switch to Google Terrain and then toggle traffic layer. See what happens. Thanks

aviklai commented 1 year ago

@mugambi40 Hi,

Just to make sure - you are referring to the issue that if you press on the toggle, your base layer selection is reset to the first option (which in your case is Google street), right? If so - the same happens for the tilelayer with openstreetmaps: https://codesandbox.io/s/basic-usage-with-react-leaflet-v3-forked-z1o3k7?file=/src/index.tsx

If you have a suggestion for an implementation - a PR is welcomed.